The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1634: trouble

Chapter 1634 trouble

September 27th.

Just out of the cinema, Andy looks forward to seeing her boyfriend - in her boyfriend's backpack, there is a gift for her.

It is her birthday present.

The boyfriend thought it was quietly bought, but when her boyfriend asked her sister for a reference, she was already bought by her boyfriend and sister, and she turned to her face and told her what her boyfriend might be.

In addition, the boyfriend in the dormitory of the boyfriend told her boyfriend's every move.

So, what a gift is, it is not difficult to guess.

As for those roommates why help her?

Because she also has roommates.

Her boyfriend's roommates are single.

Everything is as she expected.

Immediately the latest bag, with the kind of rivets.

Very good!

Andy likes this black and metallic feel.

After a hot kiss, after careful and euphemistic rejection of her boyfriend's further request, Andy walked into the dormitory with a smile and carrying a bag.

She couldn't wait to let the three guys look at her spoils.

They will be embarrassed!

What surprised Andy was that she opened the door and found that no one was there.

Not only no one, but her dormitory is still out of power.

"Awful night."

Andy whispered, she was going to use the phone to act as a light, and just as she pulled out her cell phone, behind her, she suddenly came.

"Awful night."

The exact same words.

The same tone.

It is completely self-talking.

But Andy confirmed that he did not speak.

She held the bag, took the phone, leaned behind her, and screamed.


"come out!"


"I saw you, you guys, I love to play these tricks."

"come out faster!"

The door behind it was the door, and no one answered the sound.

But repeated words have followed.


"come out!"


"I saw you, you guys, I love to play these tricks."

"come out faster!"

The first time I thought it was a funny friend, Andy, although I was shocked, but not afraid, because they often play this game.

But this time it is different.

Andy has some hair in her heart.

She turned around again, hoping to use her mobile phone to illuminate the dormitory behind her and see how a few roommates looked sly and laughed.


Nothing at all.

The dormitory is placed just like she did before she left.

Even the half of the tiramisu that Anne had eaten on the table had not changed.

"Hey, guys, come out."

"I admit that you are a little scared to me."

Andy said as he stepped back.

Her hand has touched the door handle and twisted slightly.

The door opened.

Andy continues to retreat.

She is ready to leave the dormitory and return to the corridor where the lights are bright.

Light came in from behind, Andy slightly relieved and increased the pace of retreat.


One foot is empty.

The lights disappeared.

Deeper than the darkness of the dormitory, completely devoured Andy.


Andy’s screams are still echoing.


The open door was slowly closed.

Everything becomes silent.


"Why didn't Andy come back?"

Li Wei was wearing a pink pajamas, holding a rabbit pillow and sitting on his bed yawning.

"She must be lingering with her boyfriend!"

"I want to grab her little sister-in-law, and then let her know that the rules of our sisterhood do not allow random trampling!"

The skin is slightly dark, and the body-building of Milan is a serious saying, but the rotating eyeballs represent what the girl’s heart is paying attention to.

"So, punishment is necessary!"

Anna, wearing glasses, looked at the appearance of her roommate and couldn’t help but say.

"Punish! Punish!"

Li Wei, who was still asleep at the last moment, immediately jumped out of bed.

The three began to set up quickly.

One person got into the cupboard.

One person stood behind the door.

I have to hide in the bottom of the bed.

They want to scare their roommates.

Milan is the one behind the door.

As a sports specialty student, she is tall and fit, and she is more sturdy than the average male student. She simply can't hide in the bed or in the cupboard.

"Do you say that Andy really will receive the bag?"

"I want it too!"

"But if I carry that bag, those guys will laugh at me."

"And, that bag is expensive, it is better to buy a pair of new sports shoes... Hey, hey, Anna, no need to be so serious?"

"Andy has not returned yet."

"We can talk."

When Milan said it, he lifted the hand and opened the cabinet.

In the cabinet, the clothes were cluttered and piled up, but there was no such thing as Li.


Milan glimpsed, then turned and picked up the bed cover.

The bed is also empty.

"Sisters, enough."

"We are going to scare Andy, but it is not mine."

Milan frowned.

She has become the object of teasing for her.

Then she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her neck.

It has a tingling, cold feeling.

Twisted his head.


A bunch of hair hanging from a height appears in front of your eyes.

Looking at the hair behind him, Milan squinted down the hair and looked up.

A gray face, black eyes, and a face with a blue face appeared on it.


Milan screamed and fell to the ground.

She gasped with a big mouth.

The hands and feet are used backwards.

When I came to the door of the dormitory, the fear made Milan not think about it, and pushed the dormitory door to run out.




September 28th.

Lin Miaomiao is carrying out the final finishing before leaving work.

It is necessary to hang clothes back into the hanger and clean the fitting room.

Hey, hey.

"Hello, anyone?"

Lin Miaomiao knocked at the door.

No one answered, Lin Miaomiao pushed the door and went inside.

There is no clothing in the fitting room.

But the slippers are messy.

Must be placed neatly, or it will deduct her salary.

Kneeling down and putting the slippers in the designated position -

Hey, hey.

"Hello, anyone?"

The knocking on the door and the inquiry sounded.

Lin Miaomiao stood up in a strange way.

Today, she is a shopping guide for the evening class. Although it is not the only one, she is a newcomer. She has to deal with these trivial matters.

"Is it you, manager?"

In Lin Miaomiao's view, only the kind manager will help her at this time.

While asking, Lin Miaomiao opened the fitting room and did not lock the door.

Outside the door, there is no one left.

The broadcast of the mall was ringing again.

"Welcome to the Aku Mall, our business hours are from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm, and now we are 15 minutes away from our closing time. Please bring your belongings, orderly to leave... 吱啦, 吱啦! ”


A thousand times of random announcements suddenly sounded a stream of current noise.

The sound beyond the decibel made Lin Miaomiao unable to hold her ear.



After the crisp sound, all the lights disappeared.

Soon, the lights lit up again.

The enthusiastic store manager found that the new Lin Miaomiao was gone, the fitting rooms were still open, and the slippers were placed, but the people were gone.

The phone is busy and cannot be connected.

In the case where the situation did not change the next day, the store manager chose the alarm.



The police officers watched Sergeant Teddy slamming the door out of the interrogation room.

There is no doubt that the guys who just got back are not the ones they are looking for.

When the sheriff Teddy walked to the whiteboard and thought about it, the people around him really did not dare to come out. Who would dare to speak at this time would definitely become the target of public criticism.

You know, their sheriff is small, but his temper is quite violent!

And recently?

The John Dickson case and the girl’s consecutive disappearances made the sheriff’s nerves tense.

No one will be in the wrong place at this time.

Even if the young assistant partner is pouring coffee, he is careful not to let himself make a small sound.

Teddy picked up the iced coffee.

No sugar, no milk, complete pure coffee.

The cold, bitter liquid makes the long-awaited Teddy spirit alive.

After drinking a cup of coffee, he stared at the whiteboard.

There are five photos on it -

Andy, 19, a student at the University of Ai, a sophomore, lost contact on September 27.

Li Wei, 19, a student at the University of Ai, a sophomore, lost contact on September 27.

Milan, 19, Ai Cheng University, sophomore, lost contact on September 27.

Anna, 19, Ai Cheng University, sophomore, lost contact on September 27.

Lin Miaomiao, 22, a shopping guide, lost contact on September 28.

(Note 1: All missing persons have a clear social relationship and exclude vendettas and love kills.)

(Note 2: All missing persons are inexplicably missing, no witnesses, no surveillance shots.)

(Note 3: When Lin Miaomiao disappeared, after a short pause.)


The people in each photo are young and beautiful women with a bright smile, but in the following text description, these photos become dim.

Especially as the investigation went deeper, everyone’s heart sank.

It’s been half a month since the first collective disappearance, and the best rescue time has already passed.

What does it mean to miss the best rescue time? No one knows better than Teddy, who is the sheriff.

Therefore, he became more and more anxious.

He hopes to find common ground among them.

But unlike other serial missing cases, the commonalities of this disappearance have too many things in common: young, beautiful, energetic girls, similar family members, and so on.

When a road does not work, you can try other roads.

Therefore, when I received the missing of Lin Miaomiao, Teddy temporarily added it to the serial missing case.

He hopes to find a difference!

If you can't find it together, find a different point!

Special, always meaningful!

When this was Teddy or a police officer, the old sheriff told him.

Now, he has become a sheriff and still chooses to believe this sentence.

Sitting there, Teddy turned the page by page.

These files, Teddy have been seen more than ten times.

It can almost be said that it is backwards.

But this time when I read it again, Teddy inadvertently thought of the woman who just got it. Then, Teddy, who thought of something, immediately checked the information.

After a while, Teddy stood up.

"What about that woman?"

"Where did she go?"

"The confession has been recorded."

The subordinate answered.

"Now send me someone to get people back!"

Teddy shouted loudly.

Then he rushed to the technical department.

Sending people is the first step.

But he won't wait here, he needs a faster and more detailed route about that woman.

Soon, Teddy found the woman.

Stepping into the footsteps, the figure staggered into the ... Ye Zhi Restaurant.

"Is it here again?"

Sergeant Teddy frowned.

Then, turned and ran downstairs.

One or two coincidences are enough to make anyone suspicious, let alone a policeman like Teddy. Teddy is full of speculation about the two brothers in restaurants and restaurants that frequently appear in their own eyes.

No polite, Teddy pushed the door of the restaurant.

At a glance, Teddy saw Qin Ran behind the bar and Amy in the corner.

I can confirm that Amy is just drunk. After nothing else, Teddy sighed and turned to the bar.

“Is she a frequent visitor?”

Although there are many speculations and doubts in my heart, Teddy did not question Qin Ran, but seemed to be like an ordinary guest, curiously pointing to Amy.

"she was?"


"I have been here for three days."

"She has been three times, and every time she is drunk."

Qin Ran said truthfully.

“So, did you write a notice for the reception of alcoholic guests, not selling alcohol?”

Teddy asked with a smile.

"Not for her."

“It’s for all alcoholics.”

Qin Ran replied.

"Do you know the recent bizarre disappearance?"

Teddy suddenly asked.


“The above description is very detailed.”

Qin Ran picked up a newspaper and handed it to Teddy.

Teddy did not read the reports in the newspaper. For the above report, he was too clear, and it was completely catching the wind and guessing.

What curse, what a ghost, how is it possible?

"What do you think?"

Teddy stared at Qin Ran.

"What do you mean?"

"Is it written in the newspaper?"

“It’s very interesting. It’s good to spend time at night.”

Qin Ran said, put away the newspaper.

"You know, I am not talking about this."

"What I want to ask is your opinion."

Teddy said quietly.

"No opinion."

"The disappearance is something you should manage, not me."

"I am a restaurant owner, or the kind that is too fast to make ends meet, so, if you can, can John Dickson's bounty be given to me first?"

Qin Ran shook his head and said very seriously.

The rest of the corner of the eye is looking at the drunken Amy.

It is a big trouble!

Qin Ran said this in his heart.

Teddy appeared here, asking about the moment of the disappearance, plus the tension before Amy, Qin is not a fool, naturally guessed what.

However, he will not be stupid to say it.

Unless he wants to tangled with Teddy in front of him.

"is it?"

Teddy looked at Qin Ran.

He expected to see something from Qin Ran's face and eyes.

It is a pity that the cover up is already instinct for Qin Ran. Teddy naturally did not see anything.

Just when Teddy thought about whether he really wanted to bring Qin Ran back to the police station, a loud noise rang from the outside -

"Boss, it is here!"

"The woman who just broke your head went into this restaurant."

PS fat dragon wrist pain, this chapter is late, sorry to say

(End of this chapter)

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