The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1740: Variety

Chapter 1740 Changes

Hidden in the 'fog giant', Qin Ran's killing swept the entire city of Sika.

All those who perceive this killing, and who are speculative are all shuddering.

All the evils who perceive this killing and have many ideas are unbelievable.

In particular, ‘wild branch’ ‘sleeping deer’!

As two evils that have been used in contact with 'Mist', this time, the 'eyes' are widened, and the 'fog giants' that cover the sky are covered, and they feel their 'weishi', they are for themselves. The plan to start full of confidence began to shake.

And the ‘corrupted water’ on the side was shocked and became extremely angry.

However, this anger is not directed at ‘fog’.

It is aimed at two collaborators.

"Is this what you said is not worth mentioning?"

"Is this what you said don't care?"


"You started thinking about me?"

‘Degraded Water’ communicates with ‘wild branches’ and ‘sleeping deer’ in a special way, and unconsciously opens the distance in communication.

It is wary of both.

Moreover, there is no cover.

Because, no need.

The ‘the ruin of the cold’ that has always believed in both has fallen into a dilemma.

And it?

I don't want to be like the other person.

‘The withered branch’ ‘The Sleeping Deer’ wants to explain something.

However, the two do not know what to say.

They really don't know that 'fog' is so powerful.

Just like ‘the cold of rot.’

The most important altar in Sika was destroyed, and the ‘the rot of the rot was directly angered. No matter what it was, it did not think more.

I only hope to kill the guy who destroyed his altar.

It never thought of provoking ‘fog’.

A 'fog' that has never been imagined and is so powerful.

It wants to say a misunderstanding.

Can ‘fog’ be recognized?

Or, if it is changed, will it be recognized?

The answer is naturally not recognized.

Not only will it not be recognized, but it will also intensify the revenge of the other party.

Thinking of this, ‘the rot of the rot,’ I don’t want to turn around and run.

In doing so, it will naturally make it easy for believers to gather, but this is nothing. In the face of these fools, it is a way to gather again.

It is only a temporary departure.

When you find a way to reconcile with the ‘fog’, everything will naturally return to its original state.

The ‘the rot of the rot is like this, and naturally it is doing the same.

As soon as I turned around, ‘the rot of cold rot’ ran to the streets occupied by my followers.

At this time, only the old nest in Sika City can make it feel safe.

Not only psychologically, but also practical - thousands of souls!

In the underground of that block, it ‘buried’ thousands of souls.

Some are its followers.

Some are its prey.

Best of all, these have become their cards.

A card that is enough to save lives.

辛克伏, who was ‘seeing’ the ‘salt of cold,’, smiled coldly.

“There is nothing to watch!”

The gaze swept through the ‘the ruin of the rot,’ and the bishop of the **** of war was outspoken.

The Viscount of Sika on the side is nodding and nodding.

"The fog is invisible."

"With the exception of ‘drug’, ‘fog’ can’t cause any real harm, it’s just scaring...”

When the words of the Viscount of Sika were not finished, they came to an abrupt end.

A group of flaming flames descended from the sky, and the cockroaches lingered on the body of ‘the rot of cold.’

This group of distorted flames of the void is so sudden that the ‘the ruin of the rot is completely unimagined, and ‘fog’ will make such an attack.

When the hot air gap swept it, it reacted.

Faced with this fireball falling from the sky, it has no room for dodge, it can only be hard resistance.


A layer of one-meter-thickness of frozen air enveloped its body, emitting a stench of corruption.

The densely layered layers of dead souls are drilled from the ground and incorporated into these corrupt atmospheres.

Invisible corruption, showing a dark color.

As long as you see this darkness, everyone will be very upset.

Some people with weak constitutions simply fell to the ground.

The darkness is surging, and the 'cold rot of cold rot' has no human face, and cruelty is emerging.

It is ready to release the scream of the dead soul.

Thousands of people gathered in the scent of corruption have risen high and a special force condenses in them.

"The rancid is the shield."

"Ice cold is a sword."

"‘Mist,’ you really thought that only you were hidden...”


Qin Ran did not have the mind of the other nonsense, the devil's inflammation accelerated and hit the dark corruption.

It is like a stagnation of snow.

The blazing flames burned the dark and ruinous scent, and then slammed into the frozen air.


Another roar, the ground shook a little.

Instant freezing gas collapses.

Everyone heard an inexplicable painful voice.

The ‘the rot of the rot was hit by the devil's inflammation.

Even if it breaks through the 'red-smelling' 'frozen' two-layer protection, but the power of the devil's inflammation does not drop any more. On the contrary, under the extraordinary option of 'malicious spread', the devil's inflammation is the will of Qin Ran. At the core, it began to gather on the body of the 'cold rot,' and burned fiercely.

The next moment, the painful painful shouts became a fierce pleading.

"Rao, forgive!"

The roaring sound swept the entire block with the tumbling flames.

The neighborhood occupied by the believers of the 'Rotten Cold' is ruined by the flames and turned into ruins.

The sound of ‘the rot of cold is getting weaker.

Soon, it was silent.

Then, it started to wind again.

The 'fog giant' scattered with the wind, leaving no trace of whereabouts.

Only the mortal mortals in the city, the ignorant evils, and the shocked Sika Viscount and Bishop Sinker.

Viscount Sika took a deep breath and suppressed the surprise in his heart. He turned his head and looked at Sinclair.

The sturdy middle-aged man, like a city wall, didn't seem to have any expression on his face, but the slightly rushing breath was telling Viscount Sika that the shock in the other's heart was exactly the same.

"We should change the plan."

"The wilted branch, the sleeping deer, the rotted water, the chill of the rot, has attracted us too much attention, let us forget the ‘fog’.”

"Now, I think it is the focus of our attention."

Viscount Sika said.


"Terminate the current plan."

"We need to renegotiate."

Bishop Sinker nodded.


“Is there any other way?”

Viscount Sika frowned.

You know, in order to gather these evils, he began to spend countless things, not only Kimpton, but also a life of his life, including his favorite junior Cal.

The direct termination now is really unacceptable to him.

Reasonably told him that this is the best way.

But emotionally, but with a hint of fantasy.


"But we can't deal with the evil we don't understand."

The bishop shook his head with certainty.


"What about you?"

After the Viscount hesitated a little, he lowered his voice and asked.

"It’s impossible to distract yourself from the disaster caused by the disaster of the other side!"

"You have to know that compared to that person, these evil ailments are not counted!"

"We can't share more with our Majesty at this time, so don't let your Majesty take more."

The bishop shook his head again.


"I will arrange it properly."

The Viscount answered like this.

“I will go to the wilderness and look for more information about the birth of ‘fog’. I will inform you when there is news.”

When the bishop finished, he left the tower.

Looking at the back of Xin Kefu disappeared completely, the face of Viscount Sika suddenly appeared a strange smile, so that the face of the whole person became distorted.

He squatted on one knee and faced the Temple of War.

"Your Majesty, I will do my best."

"I will be able to share it for you."

The whisper of the ear seems to have become a tribute to the **** of war at this time. The excitement of the nickname of the nickname of Sika is more distorted to the extreme, and the five senses have to be moved.

After leaving the Viscount House, Sinclair did not take the main entrance, but chose the secret road.

When he walked to the ground again, the sun once again shined through the whole city of Sika. It seems that the fog before it was a dream, but the whole block in his mind fell into the picture of the sea of ​​fire, but let the bishop understand that everything is true. of.


"Really damn."

A low-pitched curse, accompanied by a few proverbs, appeared in the mouth of the bishop.

Waiting for a sabre deacon in the outside of the Temple of War, stunned to see his bishop.

He never thought that such a noble, silent, and reliable bishop would have such a side.

Especially those proverbs do not seem to belong to the Sika collar.

The bishop is a native Sika leader. How can you say other proverbs?

The doubts appeared in the heart of the deacon, but he had no chance to ask.

His neck has been broken by his own bishop.


After taking away the emblem belonging to the Temple of War, the body was thrown away in the alley.

Xin Kefu did not care.

He knew very well that the body would soon be discovered, but no one would tell the Temple of War.

Because no one wants to get into trouble.

No one does not want to send a copy.

Especially when the identity of the corpse is still secret, a sufficiently solid purse can solve any problem, and there is no such person in Sika.

Killer, who killed his heart and calmed down again, began to move to the other side of Sika City.

Of course, he has no experience and he will not go to the wild to find clues.

Searching in the wild is useful for some of the evils that emerged from the wild in the early days of the 'black disaster', but the 'fog' is different, and that kind of power is obviously not the common evil in the past.

The other party is already another degree, completely different from the previous opponents.

Such an opponent, he does not want to face it.

Moreover, the layout of Sika City is over.

Even if there are some accidents, the rough results are not affected.

Now, he only needs to quietly appreciate it.

Sinclair thought like this, the strong figure quickly became thin and ordinary, and his face became plain. After a few steps, he naturally integrated into the crowd.


Still a good luck, Boer sent a letter in the Temple of War.

In the letter, he told the other party about the accident in Sika City and asked the other party to wait for two more days. In order to show his sincerity, Bohr was still in the envelope and caught a 50 Kimpton draft. .

The bill of exchange is guaranteed by the royal family of Aitinburg, and it can be smoothly passed through the entire Aitantin, and even the Northland.

"thanks for your help."

Bohr handed 1 Kimpton to the gods beside him.

This is the necessary cost of transmitting information and is also a sacrifice to God of War.

However, the gods did not reach out, but the expression was slightly sluggish.

Boer followed the eyes of the gods and looked to the outside of the temple.

The Temple of War in Sika City is not big.

If compared, it is almost the same as Morse's Temple of War. In addition to the slightly more luxurious decoration, the structure is composed of a main building and a square.

The main building includes the residence, daily places of prayer, confessional and clergy.

Most of the believers can only move around the square and it is difficult to enter the main building.

At this moment, Bohr is like this.

His location is the square of the Temple of War.

The Temple of War may not be big, but it is high enough. Therefore, standing in the square of the Temple of War, you can clearly see everything in Sika City, naturally including outside the city.

Bohr looked at the ‘fog giant’ who appeared outside the city and looked at the fireball that fell from the sky.

Inexplicable, he thought of the ‘Devil of Fire’ at this time.

Do not!

Will not!

The fog is not the style of 2567!

Moreover, 2567 did not have a reason to shoot!

The other party is not a casual player!

Boer thought this way, while Kimpton was stuffed into the hands of the gods, and turned and ran to the Yanan Hotel.

Even if the heart denies, there is still a trace of doubt and curiosity.

Quickly returned to the hotel, Bohr went straight to the room where Qin Ran was.

Then, just as he was about to knock on the door, Bohr stopped.

What attitude does he use to ask?

Or, what position does he have to ask?

If you anger the other person, one is not good...

Boer thought of what was a spirit, quickly calmed down, he slowly recovered the hand ready to knock on the door, slowly turned around, if nothing happened to the hotel lobby.

I have confirmed that it is not the style of 2567.

Then you don't need to confirm anything more.

No need to spend time and energy.

Especially curiosity is completely redundant.

Boer, who was chosen from the heart, was instantly relieved, and his face was calmly integrated into the crowds who were talking about it.

The innkeeper looked suspiciously and looked at Boer, subconsciously wanting to ask something, but the pain of a burst of pain spread from his mind.

Horuf's face changed, and immediately picked up the spirits on the side, filling a few mouthfuls.

Feeling the loss of pain, Horuff sighed.

As for the question I just wanted to ask for Bohr, this time it was thrown into the clouds.

He is only skeptical now.

My own ‘health’ will not be aggravated?

For a moment, Horuf became slightly awkward.

Qin Ran, who returned to the room, looked at the [Mist of the Mist] with a smile.

[The Lord of the Mist] has seen new changes again.

Very unexpected change!

(End of this chapter)

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