The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1748: Clear division of labor

Chapter 1748 clearly defined division of labor

The Baroness's Afternoon Tea Party was held in the ballroom of the Viscount House of Sika.

In fact, this banquet hall is the remains of the Sika family of the Sika family. Many of the issues related to the Sika collar from Aitantine I came from here.

Among them, many have also affected the entire Northland.

However, it is the first time to use this ballroom in the name of afternoon tea.

Afternoon tea in the Sika collar, in the summer, the nobles generally choose to be in the garden, blowing the wind and drinking tea to eat small snacks, and in the winter, they will choose a study room or a game room as a place.

Choose a study representative to be a peer or a reception elder.

The game room is a junior.

Among them, the choice of tea and snacks is also very particular.

The whole process was extremely complicated, so most of the Baroness liked to read in her bedroom.

This time, when she had to stand up, she was also biting her head and biting her teeth, and her heart was extremely uneasy.

She is worried that she will be questioned.

Also worried will be suspected.

She is not good at these.

But the situation is much better than she imagined.

At least, when she walked into the banquet hall, all the people looked at her, but there was no sharpness in their eyes, and they were very polite.


The baroness sighed a little, maintaining an aristocratic smile and swept the people present.

Then, step forward toward the main position.

Afternoon tea party, it seems like a chat.

In fact, there is a very clear hierarchy.

Especially at this time, the position of each person sitting and the clothes they wear are extremely clear.

The closer to the main position, the higher the status.

The higher the status, the more gorgeous the dress.

However, the Baroness is an exception.

The baroness did not choose a fluffy dress like other ladies. Instead, she chose a men’s dress and white trousers. The upper body was a neat black suit. The head was worn by an equestrianian’s hat. The black under the feet. The boots are just wrapped around the calf. Apart from a ruby ​​brooch on the small suit on the chest, the whole person has no more accessories. It is more neat as a man to walk.

These are all arranged by the upper evil spirits.

What it needs is the real master of Sika.

Therefore, it does not mind using some small means to subtly influence the people around.

Therefore, when the people around me looked at the Baroness, they felt that the first time they really realized each other, the feeling was like seeing a long-running general.

Sure enough, is it the sister of the Viscount?

The usual hiding is just because the Viscount is too dazzling!

The thoughts that appear in the bottom of my heart make these guests more cautious.

They know what the Viscount should do at this time.

As for not knowing?

Then you don't need to know it. It has long been cleaned up by the upper evil spirits. Those who can come here are people who understand things, at the very least, on the surface.

What do you think about your heart?

Not required.

The upper evil spirits only need to be respectful on the surface.

Time will let these people know how right the choices are.

In this regard, the upper evil spirit is very confident.

Not only for yourself, but also for your own Boss.

Hidden in the corner, the corner of his mouth can not help but a smile, revealing a smile.

The baroness who had been secretly searching for the evil spirits had just found the evil spirit at this time and looked at the smile of the evil spirits. She thought it was an encouragement to her.

Immediately, the bottom of my heart disappeared with a trace of uneasiness.

"Lord, good afternoon."

The baroness, sitting in the main position, half bathed in the warm sunshine, and the delicate and mature face seems to be shining, and suddenly attracts everyone's attention.

"Before the tea party begins, I hope that everyone will mourn for my brother and the people who have passed away."

The baroness said with sadness.

For his brother, the Baroness is very respectful.

Even if there are no more feelings, but the Baroness knows that if she is not the brother, she will not be able to live for so long.

She is still young and has fertility. In addition, she inherits the property left by Baron Nord. If her brother is a little bit guilty, she can throw her out as a chip. Some people are willing to take over, even if it is Ai. The same is true of the great aristocrats in Fort Constantin, who do not mind seeing a widow in the rich 'dowry'.

In fact, there have been such things.

However, the viscount refused.

Therefore, the Baroness is very grateful to the Viscount brother.

With the words of the Baroness, the people present were beginning to show their pain.

Really good.

It’s worth it.

A few minutes later, when the waiter at the side announced that the tea party would begin, they smiled again.

"I need to announce the first thing."

"The martial law in Sika City needs to be lifted."

"Starting tomorrow, everything in Sika City will return to normal."

This order has just announced that the aristocrats present have raised their hands.

They are from the heart who are in favor of this order.

What is the biggest source of income for Sika City?

It is the tax brought by the traders. It is the bustling market, and it is the price difference of all kinds of goods.

When Sika City was in a martial law, all of this did not exist.

Only the circulation again is the foundation of Sika City.

Looking at the aristocrats with excitement and joy, the baroness raised his hand and pressed it.

The applause stopped immediately.

"The second thing."

"After the previous performance of the City Guard, I will promote Sergei as the new City Guard commander, who will be responsible for security in the city and patrol affairs outside the city."

"And Hoff, he will be my bodyguard and be responsible for the safety of the house."

The baroness continued.

For this appointment, there was no objection to the aristocrats present.

If the original City Guard commander or the bodyguard is alive, he will definitely jump out.

It is a pity that in the past three days, the two most happy people who have jumped have disappeared.

For the two missing people, risking the same disappearance, to oppose the order of the Baroness, the aristocrats present can not do it.

Not too worth it!

Therefore, the aristocrats present only reacted after a slight glimpse, and they expressed their congratulations to Sergei and Hoff, who stood at the door.

After the two young people salute the Baroness, they were very indifferent to the dagger.

They only accepted the orders of the ambassadors to accept such positions.

Perhaps in the past they were, this is a bad identity.

but now?

That's it.

How noble is it, can you have the honor of being the ambassador of the Lord who walks in the world?

Not to mention, there is the existence of my Lord.

The two young people looked indifferently and the aristocrats present were extremely surprised.

For the information of two people, they have already collected them.

Not a big family was born.

Even, there is no identity of a nobleman.

Although slightly better than the civilians, but it is slightly better, this step to the sky is still so light?

Subconsciously, these nobles placed two young people on the list that needed care.

Then the baroness continued:

"The third thing, I will allow the 'Mist' sect to preach in the Sika collar."


"Adult, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Adult, do you want to provoke a war?"


Different from the previous two things, when the third thing was announced, the diameter of the banquet hall was fried, and several aristocrats with impetuous personality said directly.

Missionary, that is not a simple matter.

There was only one sect before the ‘black disaster’ in the entire Hokuriku: God of War!

After the occurrence of the 'black disaster', there was only one more ‘Ms.

To put it simply, the entire Northland can openly teach, only these two.

The rest are heretics and evil spirits.

As long as it is discovered, it is the kind that can be burned to death.

Moreover, unlike the newly-emerged 'Ms. Evangelion', the God of War has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, especially in the Sika collar. The Viscount of Sika is the most devout believer of God of War. Naturally, the Viscount of Sika Under the men, many people are also believers of the God of War, whether to please the Viscount of Sika, or self-comfort, anyway, do not want money, how much letter.

Of course, many people are really devout Believers.

However, it is not here.

Those people have already been cleaned up by the evil spirits.

And these people react so much, naturally because they want to take the opportunity to make a living.


Ask for benefits.

The nobles are far more realistic than imagined.

It is a pity that the upper evil spirits are more realistic than them.

He gestured to Sergey and Hoff.

The two young people did not hesitate to go to the most powerful people who shouted, and picked up the long swords that were not sheathed, aimed at the cheeks of these people, and slammed them.

Hey, hey!

In the crisp sound, these people who were screaming were swollen cheeks, their mouths were sloppy, and they spit out a few teeth.

For those who are ignorant of their own gods, Sergei and Hoff do not mind teaching them to be human.

In fact, this is what their ambassadors have smashed. Otherwise, they cut off the tongues of these guys who want to take the opportunity to make a living.

Although the two young people have not experienced the embarrassment between the nobles, they are not fools.

When there is a seemingly emotional excitement, do you still have eye contact and secret gestures?

The two young men looked at the nobility who had just been beaten by them, and then looked like a wolf and began to patrol the entire banquet hall.

No one dares to look at them.

Those who have some courage and strength have long been cleaned up by the evil spirits. The rest are just the weak chickens that are used to show fairness.

If it is not for the entire 'fog' church to grow faster and become a Boss qualified helper, the upper evil spirits do not want to get this.

It prefers a simple direct style.

This is also derived from the style of its Boss.

It does not mind developing it.

With a smile, the upper evil spirit looked at the slightly overwhelmed Baroness, giving an encouraging look under the gaze of the other party, and immediately the baroness sat up straight.

"I am announcing, not a negotiation."

"I just told you."

"And, the Sika collar is the Sika family. As the sole controller of the family, I have the right to do so, even if the King is not able to oppose it."

The baroness said categorically.

When the voice fell, he stood in the corner of the banquet hall, and Karl, who tried to avoid the sight of everyone, came out.

He thinks he needs to do something for his mother.

Therefore, he walked to the front of the aristocrats, and reached out to the palm of his hand as if he were a sheep. He took these people out of the banquet hall.


"Adult, spare me!"

The rhetoric of the one after another sounded, and Carl did not care.

Karlby Sergey and Hoff, who were born in aristocratic families, became more aware of what the **** in his hands were paying attention to.

Manufacturing disputes.

Weaken my mother.

Devouring the interests of the Sika family and growing yourself.

Almost in an instant, he thought of a series of things in his mind.

Therefore, he will not spare himself from these bastards.

Looking at a black armor, the murderous Karl dragged people out, the banquet hall was quiet again, and the nobles looked like a baroness.

Taboo, fear.

This kind of gaze is obvious.

I heard that it is always heard.

Far from seeing it is really scary.

When I saw the acquaintances who were still sitting here, after they were dragged out, they were once again alert and remembered their identity again.

The Sika collar is the Sika family.

Not theirs.

Of course, some people are also thinking about it.

After a banquet, should I go directly to the Temple of War?

Obviously, there are not many people who have this idea.

Therefore, in the next banquet, these people are all absent-minded, even if the snacks are very delicious, some people even take a sip and throw them in the dish.

This made the upper evil spirits frown.

Unconsciously, its ‘food concept’ has long been impressed by Qin Ran.

No waste when it comes to food.

Similarly, Sergei and Hoff are the same.

The two days of getting along, let them know how simple the messenger is.

Immediately, the two young people who did not have much affection for these people were more and more disgusted.

Fortunately, the baroness was not wasted.

The tea party will be over.

The nobles hurriedly got into the carriage.

Looking at the direction in which the carriage left, Sergei and Hoff couldn't help but hold the hilt. As soon as the evil spirits were ordered, the two would definitely rush to kill those people.

However, the upper evil spirit did not speak.

It looked at the sorrowful Baroness.

The land is sacred!

The king can't get caught!

Yes, the gods are also sacred!

Theocracy, above the kingship, is not to say.

A few decades ago, the messenger of God of War was called the Holy One, and the King had to be half-hearted when he saw it.

Although the situation has improved after the ‘black disaster’, the power of ‘the gods’ is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Simon, what are we going to do?"

The baroness did not hide her inner worries and asked with anxiety.

The upper evil spirit smiled slightly.

"We do things in the mortal world."

"What is between God?"

"Nature is handled by my master!"

(End of this chapter)

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