The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1753: reaction

Chapter 1753 Reaction

"Well, this is a snake pie!"

"Incarnate as a snake and send it to the dark."

Qin Ran said faintly.

Darkness, incarnation as a snake...

Holuf's standing there, whispering involuntarily in his mouth.

No one knows more about this sentence than Horroff, the retired hunter.


There is no good image in the eyes of all normal people.

It is often given cold-blooded, ruthless appearance.

It is often referred to as an insidious, cunning image.

No normal person wants to hook up with the snake.

But some demon hunters are willing to be snakes.

Willing to perch in the eternal darkness, can no longer see the light.

Horw’s body shivered slightly.

His ears echoed again when he became a hunter, standing in front of his teacher and making the vows -

We are not part of the light.

We are not dark.

We walk on the verge of death.

There is no glory of praise.

There is no biography of the hymn.

We only have inner pride.

At this moment, he has a deeper understanding of the oath.

"It doesn't belong to the light, it doesn't belong to the darkness. It just wanders on the edge of death because of the belief in the heart. You can call it the demon hunter more than my retired old guy."

There is admiration in the style of Horuff.

Because, he can fully imagine what these snake-snake partners who are in the secret night essay will face.

The danger is naturally self-evident.

Once found it is naturally dead.

But more is suffering.

Violation of the belief of the demon hunter, had to cooperate with the torment of the quiet night secret society.


I am afraid that life is better than death.

Qin Ran calmly faced the attention of Holuf, and he slowly shook his head.

"When we choose to be a demon hunter, everything is no longer important."

"We have already made a choice."

"For our loved ones, friends, never die!"

Qin Ran said one word at a time.

This is not a lie, but a reality.

The true words are most likely to resonate.

At least Holuf was infected.

He took a deep breath.

Look down at the battle axe in your hand.

He clenched the handle of the axe heavily.

There are also a group of unknown partners who are silently moving forward, posing as umbrellas for them in the danger of risking their lives.

Some people naturally need this.

They are just ordinary people.

But he... really needs it?

Horuf asked himself.

At this time, he felt that he was so retired, too sloppy.

There is another group of guys like him.

If you think you can, you will sit in the sun and care for yourself.

And in fact?

A group of young people are doing what they should do for them.

Shame, rising from the heart of Horuf.

The demon hunter is not without retirement.


He didn't go to the age when the demon hunter really retired. He and the guys were just escaping from reality because of the ‘black disaster’.

just now?

Do they still have to escape?

Look at the guy in front of you.

Although it looks mature, it is only temperament, how big is the true age?

At this age, he was still trained by the teacher.

The other party has been alone.

Is there no other snake group?

Definitely there is!

But why is it that a young person is alone?

Apart from the fact that the young people in front of us are indeed superior in strength, I am afraid that the snakes also suffered heavy losses in the 'black disasters'. Those experienced old guys should have died and the young people in front of them had to stand up.

The snakes still chose to fight after the crisis.

Why can't the wolf faction?

Suddenly, Horuf made up his mind.

He wants to tell the old guys that the demon hunter has not died!

Do not!

The demon hunter will never die!

The wolf, running alone in the sky.

Snake, hidden in the dark... eternal life!

The snakes are not perishing, and the hunters are forever.

And as a wolf?

He didn't mind bringing more shelter to the snakes and letting the wolves run again.

However, this takes some time and discrimination.

For some hidden things in the 'black disaster', Koruff has always had some bad guesses.

"The snakes are handed over to you."

"Wolf pie..."

"We will start again."

After talking about Horuff, he turned to the room where he had collapsed. On the retired hunter, there was an unspeakable life.

There is no deep suffocation.

Qin Ran looked at each other.

He didn't say anything more.

I don't need to say anything more.

The snakes have really emerged.

All this is enough.

"The hacker" not only has an unexpected piece in your layout, but with the appearance of this piece, a piece that has disappeared also returns to the board, and the stress response in your layout is What could it be?"

Qin Rang's mouth is slightly upturned.

He never worried that his opponent would react.

As long as you pass, there will be traces.

And these traces will be the clues he needs most.

As long as these clues are caught, he can be passive and take the initiative, and then find the root of the hacker in this copy world.

He is very curious, why the ‘hacker’ is laid out in this copy world.

Of course, there is Bohr.

When I thought of Boer, Qin Ran was slightly indulged and walked toward the room on the side of the small courtyard.

There is a room in Bol.

In the room, Boer drank tea.

He expected to use tea to suppress the anxiety in his heart.

However, after drinking two, he couldn't help but stand up and set off a step in the room. Since the whole Sika city was martial, he walked into the room and became his habit.

Another new habit is to go to the lobby of Yanan Hotel to inquire about the news.

However, the news of the investigation made Boer more and more impetuous.

Visa Sika confirmed death!

Viscount's sister will become the new lord!

I don't know the new lord, I will open the entire territory!

In case the drag is a little longer...

Thinking of this, Bohr has a tight heart.

You know, this is linked to his little life.

Otherwise, how can a player care about the identity of a nobleman in a copy world?

And, more importantly, this time is his key point.

If it can be completed smoothly, he will have a chance to make a comeback.

Even, can catch up with the footsteps of that...

As soon as he thought of the 'devil of inflammation', Bohr thought of the recent happening in Sika City.

Although he has no definitive evidence, he instinctively believes that these recent events in Sika City should be related to the ‘inflamed devil’.

Undoubtedly, the ‘flame demon’ will inevitably yield considerable benefits in these matters.

In this regard, Bohr has nothing to worry about.

All that is envied.

An envy of ‘freedom’ after a strong power.

At the same time, such envy makes him courageously multiply!

"Target the 'Devil of Fire'!"

"Maybe I am still far away, but one day I will reach that level!"

"And at that time..."

With the thoughts in my mind, Bohr’s mind began to appear in the mind of the woman. Immediately, the irresistible hatred appeared in the heart of Bohr.

"Maybe you are already far away."

"But there is still your legacy in the huge city!"

"They inherited everything from you and enjoyed the benefits of far more than other players."

"The same, they will inherit your hatred!"

Bohr involuntarily pinched his fist.

However, he did not have the urge, but instead he thought more and more calmly about his plans.

And at this time -

Hey, hey.

"Please come in."

Bohr said very politely.

Although he did not see the knocker, he knew that only the one would knock.

His bodyguard never knew what it was to knock on the door, even if he told it countless times.

As for other people?

He chose to go to the independent hospital, for the sake of quiet, no one will come here, the boss Horuf will choose a more appropriate place to talk, definitely not here.

And those who are not good, can not knock.

Qin Ran pushed the door.

Bohr has already stood up.


Bohr called Qin Ran with a fake name.

"What else is your plan later?"

"After truly inheriting the title."

Qin Ran asked.

Since ‘hacker’ is concerned about Bol, then Bohr must be of use.

He does not know for the time being, but does not mean that it does not exist.

"After I successfully inherited the title, I hope to gain a higher reputation and position - although my initial thoughts were just to achieve the immediate foundation."

Bohr did not conceal.

For the ‘flame demon’ in front of him, Bohr thinks that there is no need to hide it.

Not only the strength, but also because Bohr knows why Qin Ran asked.

The other party must have its own plan.

And such an inquiry is that you do not want conflicts between the plans of both parties.

"not bad."

Qin Ran nodded.

This is not a perfunctory, but a real compliment.

Lone traveler, if there is no mentality to complete the task, will be eliminated sooner or later.

Even better than choosing a gang to live better.

Obviously, Bohr understands the meaning of Qin Ran.

He nodded in agreement and then smiled.

“I chose the foundation at the beginning, and I thought it’s ‘measured by force’, but now I’m choosing ‘excessive’, but it’s just because I’m not willing.”

“Before, I have been avoiding the question of “What to do afterwards”!”

"I was just thinking, 'I will spend the first time, and then I will say it later,' but I ignore it. Even if I am lucky enough to pass the difficult situation, I will fall into the "difficulty" again!"

"If I don't have a huge profit, I will always fall into this vicious circle."

"Not as good as..."

"Beat one!"

Speaking of this, Bohr seems to be relieved. The anxiety and irritability in his heart seem to disappear completely at this moment. He leans back in the chair with a comfortable posture. The whole body is relaxed and soft, and the corner of his mouth has a real touch. Smile.

"It's easy."

“It’s much easier to say it.”

"Colin, do you know?"

“Since I woke up and knew my situation, I was very anxious—the kind of feeling that was left in front of everyone, but now it’s behind everyone’s, and it’s about to’s die. The sense of crisis made me completely another person. In order to survive, I was humble and I thought about ghosts."

"I think I am doing it right."

"What is wrong with doing this to survive?"

"But unfortunately, every time I meet you, every time it is a failure, I almost despair, then..."

"You and I have a fair deal!"

"Let me have the opportunity I always wanted to get!"

"And it is impossible to help me with sincerity. The sincerity is true, not hypocritical. I can feel it. I suddenly found out that I have friends again."

"That feeling, awesome!"

Bohr smashed up, and it looked like it was almost impossible, even if it was going to be ruined.

Lawlessness is a habitual embarrassment and appetite.

And Bohr is a reflexion after a long time of suppression.

But fortunately, as a lawless friend, Qin Ran got used to such a jealousy, without any impatientness, he listened quietly, and then, when Bohr stopped, Qin Ran picked up the tea in front of him.

"King is lawless!"

Qin Ran said.

"King is lawless!"

Boer did not hesitate to pick up the cup, and after a gentle touch with Qin Ran, he drank it, and then said with a smile: "I promised the guy, go back and ask him to drink."

"I hope his recent appetite is not too good, otherwise I have to stay in the pub to work."

"The charges there are too expensive."

Said, Bohr shrugged his shoulders.

Harvest pubs are expensive and almost universally known.

Although there are free drinks and drinks from time to time, if you dare to do nothing, the boss's knife is very sharp.

Although most of the time, you can't stop in front of you, but there is always a time when you can't help yourself. So, the lone traveler who goes to the harvest pub knows that it is not wrong to prepare a 3-5 point.

3 points of tea.

5 points of beer.

Can just smooth out the anger of the proprietress.

"Trust me, the lawless appetite has been good."

"And working there, it's not as hard as you are now."

After being unable to use the lawless as a topic buffer, Qin Ran also began to tease.


"I wish we all went well!"

Bohr once again picked up the teacup.

After Qin Ran and the other party had a cup, they drank the tea. He put down the cup and the voice unconsciously lowered: "Is a Belief believer who helps you?"

The identity of the God of War believers?

After Boer’s glimpse, he immediately responded.


"Although the glory of that person is bleak, in Fort Aden, the God of War is still the mainstream."

"Many nobles, including the royal family, believe in that."

"It's not easy to get the identity of that believer. It's not something that Kimpton can do."

Bohr said with certainty.

In fact, the employment of Ashkano as a bodyguard, in addition to the strength of Ashkano, Boer is most valued by the other's adoptive father, the Father of the Mina.

But it is a pity that the priest of Moena is not only able to move with Kimpton.

Although most of the time, the other party is willing to look at the face of Kimpton to help.

"If you know some secret news, it is enough to help you."

"I have encountered some hidden existence in Sika."

"It should be the quiet night secret meeting that Horuf said."

"They are related to a series of recent events in Sika City - the priest should be very concerned about this news. Similarly, after learning the news as quickly as possible, he would not mind giving you more. help."

Qin Ran slowly said.

Bohr's eyes are bright.

Then, no hesitation.

"I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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