The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1777: Dinner prelude

Chapter 1777 Dinner Prelude

The house of the Marquis of Wharton is not as big as imagined, nor is it golden in its decoration, but it has a full sense of time.

Qin Ran does not know how to appreciate antiques, not to mention the antiques in the replica world, but his strong spirit and perception can be keenly aware of the atmosphere of the years.

It is like this stone statue in front of you.

One side of the shield.

"This is my favorite statue."

"It is a symbol of our family and one of the treasures - in the rumor, it was ordered to be carved at the time of Aitante I, and then Aitante II gave us the family."

When introducing this statue in the courtyard at the gate, Culw Wharton looked proud and proud.

"It's very good."

Qin Ran nodded.

This is not an approximation.

In most of the time, Qin Ran is not a person who likes to be attached, unless it is necessary.

And now?

No need.

Qin Ran is simply a representation of the art of sculpture and the meaning of the meaning.

Needless to say, the technique of carving can be seen in the eyes of a foreigner like Qin Ran, who is naturally a master.

As for the meaning?

Look at the actions of the Marquis of Wharton.

In the opposition of most nobles, the Marquis stood up and stood in front of Aitantin VI. Isn’t it just like the shielded guard in front of him, is the king’s most loyal guard?

Moreover, Qin Ran can be sure that Cul Wharton will inherit the will of his father.

Although the contact time is not long, Qin Ran is quite confident in his own eyes.

Culw Wharton is a very simple and loyal knight.

Just like this time.

After hearing the praise of Qin Ran, Cul Walton, who regarded Qin Ran as a friend, immediately laughed.

"I know, you will love it."

"Wait a minute, the dinner is over, I will show you my other collections."

"Although I really want to bring you into my family treasure house, I can't be the master now."

The young aristocrat, while talking, gestured to Qin Ran to the hall behind the courtyard.


treasure house?

Qin Ran smashed.

Then, looking over the side, I took a serious look at the young aristocrats who were still stunned, and couldn’t help but our ‘treasure hunter’ began to feel a little excited.

However, right away, he restrained.

Some things can be done.

Some things can't be done.

Qin Ran is very clear about this.

He does not want to be a prisoner of desire.

What he prefers is to control his desires.


It should be okay to indulge a little.

After all, he is restraining others, is it a little reward?

Life is so bitter, only you are strawberry.

Inexplicable, Qin Ran once again began to miss the shy grass.

So that from the courtyard to the lobby, what Kurt Wharton said, Qin Ran did not listen to it, just mechanically nodded.

"Colin, you wait for me a little."

"I need to change my clothes."

"I'll be right back."

After entering the hall, Culw Wharton said, then waved his hand at the waiter who had been behind him.

Immediately, the attendant stood by Qin Ran and listened to Qin Ran’s instructions at any time.


Qin Ran said that he knew.

Cul Walton turned and left.

Qin Ran subconsciously walked toward the corner of the hall.

People who came early in the hall, their eyes moved with the movement of Qin Ran.

Although the banquet has not yet begun, but the ceremonies, the aristocrats who received the invitation, came to the house of the Marquis of Wharton and waited patiently.

For the reason of this dinner, these nobles have already been clear.

So, when I saw Qin alongside Kur Wharton, then one by one, the eyes were released.

In particular, the aristocratic ladies who were not very old, when they found out that Qin Ran and Chur Wharton were talking and laughing, the light in their eyes was almost in essence.

A young man who has a life-saving grace for the Wharton family heirs, even if his identity is not a nobleman, is worth investing.

Moreover, with the launch of the 'new order', who knows what will happen?

These aristocrats who can be invited are naturally on the side of the Marquis of Wharton.

At least, on the surface.

There is something tricky in the dark, and it won't be on the table.

Therefore, Qin Ran clearly felt the eager eyes.

The brow was slightly wrinkled.

After Qin Ran’s eyes swept away, he turned his head and looked out the window.

Out of sight out of mind.

However, Qin Ran obviously stunned the girls from these aristocratic families.

They naturally understand subtlety and restraint.


They know better what opportunities are.

Just four or five seconds later, the three self-confident young ladies stood up from their seats. They noticed each other, and immediately, a polite smile appeared on their faces.


At the same time, unswervingly toward the corner of Qin Ran.

One of them, in order to walk faster, even picked up the skirt and ran away.

The other two were slower in response, and it was already late when they wanted to run.

That person has already stood in front of Qin Ran.

"good evening."

"Are you Lord Colin?"

The young lady who came to Qin Ran by the first clever smile showed a smile. The pear vortex on the cheek was shallow and very beautiful. Adding soft whispers, it was a favorite, and it was hard to be disgusted. .


"Sure enough, I heard about it before..."

The young aristocratic lady said almost after Qin Ran answered.

When the words are exported, they will react.

She picked up her eyes and looked at Qin Ran incredibly.

Then, the cheeks were red, and the eyes were covered with a hazy mist, a look of sorrow.

Qin Ran looked at each other indifferently.

The coldness in the eyes is like a knife.

Suddenly, the aristocratic lady in front of her eyes was scared to retreat.

The other side’s little face was white, and the disguised tears were forgotten to continue to flow.

At this time, the two noble ladies behind the other side took the opportunity to come over, but unfortunately, they did not wait for the two to open, and Qin Ran directly swept away.

Immediately, the two noble ladies were not as good as the first one, and they were scared to fall and sit there.

Kurd Wharton’s attendant standing behind Qin Ran looked at Qin Ran in a silly manner.

The attendant thought about all the situations and was ready to respond.

But he never thought it would be like this.

Simply refused.

Even with deterrence.

It seems that... does it suit the aristocratic etiquette?

The waiter thought silently.

Then, he remembered that Qin Ran was not a nobleman at all, but a demon hunter.


Also very identifiable?

The attendant couldn't tell more, but it didn't prevent him from giving a glimpse of the servant on the side, and immediately stepped forward to ease the awkward atmosphere.

The servant who received the gaze and witnessed everything, immediately ran to the hall.

He needs to report his young master.

Your friend is really unexpected, we can't cope with it!


After the hall, it belongs to the private residence of Cul Walton.

Even if the Marquis of Warton is not big, but it is compared with the nobility, compared with ordinary people, it is still beyond imagination.

At least, as the heir to the Wharton family, Culw Wharton has its own home.

It is in the Marquis House, but it is independent.

Similarly, the servants and servants are also directly affiliated.

"Young Master."

A female attendant greeted Cul Walton.

"I need a white dress."

"And give me the desk from the study..."

"Forget it, I will take it myself. You are ready to dress."

What Kurd Wharton thought of changed the order directly.

Then, stepping into the study and going straight to his desk.

He walked around the desk and went straight to the right hand side, the second last drawer.

Under the cover of a book, he took out the tin box containing the secret snack of the 'Olu Dessert Room' - this is his custom-made snack, which is not available on the market.

The taste is naturally unique.

But the price is high.

Even if he is the heir to the Marquis, he will not eat it often.

Touching the iron box, Culw Wharton’s face was a bit sad.

However, it was immediately replaced by a smile.

There are good things that are naturally shared with friends.

"Colleen will be pleasantly surprised by this snack."

Culw Wharton said, turned and walked to the locker room.

There, his personal maid was already holding a white dress and waiting.

Without waiting for the maid, Culw Wharton began **** himself.

Very arrogant, put on the white dress, Cul. Wharton can't wait to get a snack to entertain his friends, but before entering the study, he saw the father sitting there.


Culw Wharton smirked with a smile and a respectful greeting.


The old Marquis nodded, his face was very serious, and the sharpness in his eyes was even more pressing.

Under such gaze, Culw Wharton stood up unconsciously.

This is a small habit.

Even after adulthood, Culw Wharton has not changed.

"I know you have some special hobbies."

"Everyone is like this."

"But you should not expose it to a stranger."

The old Marquis said slowly.

"Colin is a friend."

Culw Wharton said directly.

However, this is straightforward, confirming that the old Marquis' brows are wrinkled.

"I told you!"

"As the heir to the Wharton family, you can't have friends!"

"You have only allies!"

The old Marquis sounded a high point.

Culw Wharton said nothing, but the reluctant appearance told the old Marquis what his children thought.


As a father, he is very aware of Chur Wharton's current thinking.

It is too young.

You never know how much damage your so-called friends will do to you.

Just as you don't know, once you are discovered by your secret, what will you endure?

"Chur, you are different."

"When you decide to become the heir to the Wharton family, you become different."

"and so……"

"Be patient."

The old Marquis took a deep breath and continued to say this.

When I said the last sentence, the face of the old Marquis emerged with helplessness, sadness and pain.

It was a shadow after the pain was intertwined.

Looking at his father's appearance, Culw Wharton shuddered.

He bit his lip and struggled in his gaze.

"Do I really have a friend who can't have it?"

Cul Walton is doing the final struggle.

The old Marquis looked at his child. He wanted to nod very much, but just as he was ready to nod, he looked at his son's gaze, and he immediately felt soft.

He has owed his son too much.

But he knows what is best for the family.


The old Marquis who thought of something, asked softly.

"Do you believe in this friend of yours?"


When thinking of Qin Ran as something, seriously not disguised, Cul Wharton nodded.

"it is good."

"Then tell you about your secret."

"Then I will send someone to test him."

"If he can keep it secret for you, then I will recognize him as your only friend. If not... I hope Chur will take your last innocence."

"how about it?"

The old Marquis asked.


Culw Wharton nodded without hesitation, although he was very clear that his father’s wrists and tricks were very powerful, but he believed Qin Ran.

This is the trust of friends!

Can't hesitate!

"That is a word!"

Looking at his son's arrogant appearance, the old Marquis smiled.


It is also good to let your son see the dark side of the world.

As for ‘convincing’ that Colin?

He has full confidence.

Just as the father and the son completed the agreement, the hurried footsteps sounded outside, and the near-servant belonging to Culw Wharton ran in. When he saw the old Marquis in the study, the close-up waited immediately, then Looked at Kur Wharton and hesitated.

In this regard, the old Marquis did not have any dissatisfaction.

On the contrary, he looked at his son with appreciation.

Being able to do this shows that my son is very good.

In the aristocratic family, strength is part of it, the subordinates are part of it, and communication is the rest.

Discipline is strict, and Enwei is the key.

As for faith?

Then it is the result.

A result that requires constant vigilance.

"I am waiting for you outside."

The old Marquis said, and walked outside the study.

When the old Marquis left, the close agent immediately said the matter that had just happened in the hall very quickly and clearly.

"Ha ha ha."

"It is my friend."

"He must have seen the essence of those guys."

Cul Walton gave a pleasant laugh and swept away the repression between his father and his father.

Then, striding out.

"You are very happy?"

Asked the old Marquis and his son side by side.



When Culw Wharton informed his old Marquis about what had just happened in the hall, the old Marquis first glimpsed, then his head tilted and shook his head.

"It's too reckless."

"He will only be a plain enemy for no reason."


Subconscious, the old Marquis wants to analyze and listen to his son.

However, Culw Wharton does not want to hear this.

So, speed up the pace.

However, when he returned to the hall, he saw a scene that made him stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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