The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1780: Branch

Chapter 1780 Branch Festival

who is it? !

Cold sweat spilled from Divano's forehead and back.

The night wind of the Hokuriku in the winter blew, and the sabre priest was a moment of excitement.

It is cold.

I am afraid.

As a sabre priest, Divano is quite confident about his strength.

Even with his bare hands, he was confident that he would easily kill ten fully armed soldiers without wearing 'residues'.

If you wear ‘residue’?

This number can rise tenfold.

Even more is more.

Because, at his level, it is no longer a rough instinct to use 'residues'.

After considerable study and adaptation.

‘Residue’ has begun to strengthen his body.

Unlike the immediate ability, this kind of reinforcement is much slower, but there are basically no side effects, and there is no need to complete the addition of 'residues'.

Of course, depending on the 'residue', the aspect of reinforcement will also have a focus.

For example, his "eye of ruling" is the ability to obtain a certain degree of 'enemy' presence after a chicken can be killed.

Therefore, with the beginning of reinforcement, he has an unusual place in perception.

Just as he stood here and there was still a long distance from the warehouse, all the dark whistle around him had already appeared in his perception, without any omissions.

But now, on the premise that he wears 'residues', someone has unknowingly 'taken' the 'residue' from his wrist.

If that person is not taking the 'residue', but what else?

More cold sweat appeared on Divano.

He will immediately recall the five subordinates.

Just opened his mouth, a figure came slowly from the opposite side.

Robe, old face.


In an instant, Divano identified the identity of the other party.

As one of the priests of the Sabre, he is very familiar with the members of the ‘Staying Night Secrets’, except for those who have concealed themselves all the year round, especially those who often appear like Corippo.

Therefore, he determined that the other party does not have such ability.

But this does not mean that the other party can't do it.

"Is this your trap?"

"It's you... isn't it, should it be a few shots hidden in the dark?"

Divano is sullen and open.

The ‘Staying Night Secrets’ has seventeen members.

In addition to Corribo, the few guys who hide themselves are the ones that make people feel jealous.

Because, with the power of the Temple of War, no information was found about these guys.

Not only strength, but even names, men, women, and age.

Listening to Divano's words, the evil spirits pretending to be Colombo secretly frowned.

There is no doubt that there has been an accident.

This is the most annoying situation.

It is not that it has no confidence in its ability to adapt.

In fact, when it comes to randomness, the upper evil spirit is quite proud. It is the ability to survive as an evil spirit. However, it is very troublesome.

If one thing can be done smoothly, there is no surprise, and that is the most exciting thing.

As for the trouble?

That also has to bite the teeth to complete.

After all, these things are not itss.

It is its Boss.

"You have learned a lot about us."

The upper evil spirit said in the voice of Corrip.


"A group of guys who used to be with mice."

"Even if it is now, it is not a bad habit!"

After Divano snorted, he took out the sword directly.

At this time, there is only one battle left.

Divano does not think that Corribo will let him go.

And those five subordinates?

Since the other party has appeared here, then naturally everything is fierce.


The wide-blade sword has a layer of glory belonging to the **** of war. With the sound of breaking the air, the throat of the evil spirit is so fast that the sound of the blade is more like the broken sound of the arrow.

The upper evil spirits did not move, the neck was slightly biased, and the blade almost wiped the neck.

Then, the long-bladed sword with a straight thorn became a sweep.

At the same time, Divano's right knee was lifted up, as if it were an antelope that was about to fight, showing his sharp horns.

Under the swipe of the sword, whether it is the upper evil spirits leaning forward, or sideways, or leaning back, they can not escape this blow.

Leaning forward, it will hit his knee directly.

Sideways or back leaning?

The tight knees will stretch in the next moment, and the calves that are ready to go, with the soles of the feet, are enough to kick a piece of rock, not to mention the male's vitality.

Once kicked, it is really broken.

However, Divano does not think that this will cause any harm to the enemy in front of him.

Perhaps for ordinary enemies, this is enough.

However, Corribo is definitely not good!

You know, the other party is a member of the ‘quiet night retreat’!

Therefore, he prepared his back hand when he was stabbed with a wide blade.

The glory of the **** of war is not only attached to his long sword, but also beating in his heart, as the blood flows through the body.

He wants to prevent being frozen by the other party!

And, be prepared to fight back.

For Corribo, Divano knows too much.

To the extent that it can be reversed.

Personality may not be completely tangible.

But the ability is clear.

The kind of freezing that has been caught off guard has been repeatedly mentioned.

Therefore, Divano is very careful.

Although he does not want to admit it, he is not confident in fighting this mysterious freezing.

Only, the next moment, watching the evil spirits on the sideways sideways, Divano stunned.

Random, the Sabre priest was overjoyed.


Golden opportunity!

Faced with this opportunity, it seems that Divano, who escaped from the dead, did not think about whether this was a trap. When the wide-blade sword swept the other's ear, the calf ready to kick immediately kicked. Out.


This foot swayed the air.

The muffled sound is like playing drums.

There was a sneer on Divano's face.

Even a member of the 'Quiet Night Secret Society' will definitely be seriously injured under his foot.

And a seriously injured 9.2 Secret Night Council member will definitely not be his opponent.

However, when his toes touched the evil spirits, Divano changed his face.

No physical feeling!

It seems to be kicking in the air!

With the awkward feeling of the wrong force, Divano's center of gravity was immediately shifted.

Just as the sabre priest tried to stand firm, the upper evil spirit appeared on the outside of the opponent's right arm, holding the other's elbow joint in one hand, holding the other's wrist in one hand, pushing inward A pull.


The sharp sword front directly splits Divano's throat.

Blood spurted out.

By the time he died, Divano didn't believe that Corribo, with its inexplicable ability to freeze, could move like a ghost.

The other party with this speed?

Why didn't you kill me in the first place?

I certainly won't have room to fight back?

Is it playing me?

Such an irritating answer made Divano round his eyes.

Unfortunately, useless.

The upper evil spirit did not even look at Divano again.

In fact, if it wasn't because the other side's **** of war was full of glory, it would have been killed as if it had killed the other five men.

It doesn't have to be so hard at all.

And now?

It is more worthy of the things that the evil spirits care about.

It stared at the shadow of the initial Divano standing.

In the special vision of evil spirits, a bone-shaped bracelet, placed end-to-end on the ground, is like half lost by a careless master.

PSSorry, the fat toothache is so bad, so much...

(End of this chapter)

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