The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1803: Monthly rise

Chapter 1803

Snoring, snoring.

Open your arms and go all the way to the palace.

This is his first time in the palace to lose his manners.

If he can, he definitely doesn't want to do this, but...

His Royal Highness Sfinson is dead!

Dead in the hands of the snake-hunter!

Until now, Monte was unbelievable. His mind was blank, leaving only the command of Aidin VI: Bring the snake-hunter to him!

With such an order, Monte, who is a close minister, is naturally trying to do his best.

When he ran into the hall, he looked at the snake-hunter who was confronted with the royal detective, and Monte was relieved.


Fortunately, not the worst situation!

Monte's heart couldn't help but rise a little fortunate.

However, when Monte saw the body of Sfinson on one side, the silk flies to the clouds, and the rest is the swelling of the temple and the almost suffocating chest tightness.

It was like being hit by a heavy punch on the face, and Venus was in front of the star, and his body swayed and fell to the ground.

It is already the worst situation!

Is there anything worse than the situation at hand?

I am afraid……

Is it the death of your majesty?

When such an idea emerged, Monte quickly shook his head and he threw such disrespectful thoughts into his mind.

Then, he took a quick breath and looked at the snake-hunter.

Standing calmly on the side.

Behind the other side, the attendant and the guards are inseparable, especially the guard, but also the fierce look at the surrounding agents and the palace guards.

Obviously, only the snake-like demon slayer will be ordered, and the guard will rush to kill.

Of course, it also includes the attendant.

In fact, compared to the fierce guards, Monte is more concerned about the attendant.

Because the other hand holds two fires in his hand.

It’s not the fire of the ordinary template, but the size of the fist and the size of the fist, just like the fire of a handgun!

Damn it!

Where did he hide his weapon?

The heart of Monte is cursing.

There is no doubt that this is his dereliction of duty.

Before entering the palace, he personally took away the weapons of the three people and kept them.

Now, at first glance, the weapon of the big killer appears in the other's hands... Thinking of the punishment that I might face, Monte couldn't help but smile.

Sfinson is dead.

A group of people is destined to die.

He does not want to be one of them.

So, he walked toward the crowd.

"Kirling Colin, please calm down."

"Everyone, please calm down."

Monte shouted loudly.

How can I not die?

Naturally, I did my best to complete the command of His Majesty the King and get the forgiveness of His Majesty!

As a close minister of the king, no matter how famous the outside is, at least the words of Montenegro are quite deterrent. His appearance also makes the swordsmen of the royal palace and the secret agents of the king sigh.

Although they are unquestionably elite, they have never experienced such a thing.

The heir to a kingdom was actually killed in the palace!

If such a thing goes out, who will believe it?

Others don't believe it.

They also don't believe it.

Even, it can be said that the six gods have no owner.

Can only be reported at different levels.

Fortunately, Monte is here!

Everyone’s eyes are on Monte.

After Monte's slight decapitation, the royal court guards and secret agents immediately let a road open and let Monte go to Qin Ran.


Monte, with a smile, greeted Qin Ran.

Things are irreparable.

But the basic etiquette must be, not rigid, but Monte does not want to die.

Unable to play as a king's command, he will definitely die.

The snake-hunter in front of him is not inferior, he will certainly die, and Monte is well aware of the strength of the other side.

Both are left and right, and only when they are cautious can they survive.

For a time, Monte felt that he was so poor and helpless.

If this is not dead, I must retire early.

Even if I go to Morse in the northern border, I don't want to stay here.

Inexplicable, after having such a decision in his heart, Monte seems to have calmed down.

"Your Majesty, I hope to see you, listen to your own words."

Montebello recounted in a respectful manner.

At the same time, I began to ponder what kind of reason I should use to let the other party go to see Aitandin VI.

The threat must not work.

The Demon Hunter never fears threats.

Then there is only sympathy left.

At the moment, Monte is pleading for an opening.

"Gregory please pity..."


"What, what do you say?"

Without waiting for Montes to finish, Qin Ran nodded, and Monte, he asked subconsciously.

"lead the way."

Qin Ran said faintly.

"Good, good."

"Please come with me."

Monte did not know why Qin Ran would agree so so, but he knew that the task that was so difficult in his view was so simple.

Boer did not know why Qin Ran agreed.

But he knows that Qin Ran must have done this.

‘Devil of Fire’ is definitely not a reckless generation.

Therefore, after seeing Qin Ran, Bohr immediately followed.

Ash is naturally following his own boss and companion.

However, this brave man from the border was a fang when he passed by those secret agents.

Ash is very simple.

But because of this simplicity, he can tell who is not good, who is the bad.

It’s just that these guys have just been hiding around with a good intention.

Then, after seeing things become irreparable, they suddenly appeared.

Just Sfinson’s self-reported house made Ash know that this is a prince or the heir to Aitantine VI.

I am now killed by my big boss.

Aitantin VI wants to see his big boss.

He doesn't think it's going to be cold.

Next, it must be a big fight.

The boss's gun can pretend to be the first person. Then, I have to **** the weapon and quickly kill the people around me. The route just can't go. There are too many people. Can I choose to go down from the cliff on one side?

Rarely, Ash began to think about it.

Then, the smell of the brawny began to change.

Killing means driving murder.

The surrounding king secret agents, keenly felt such a change, his eyes became extremely dangerous.

But the next moment -

A thorough ice cold froze their nerves.

It is ten times more powerful than the previous murderous, and a hundred times more.

It is like a **** sea.

The **** smell of the nose made the king's secret agents taut, the kingdom guards were retreating, and the attendants were already soft.

Everyone instinctively looked at the place where murderousness came.

A back view.

Dark and deep.

Did not look back.

Only step by step, step on the line.

That snake-hunter demon!

Everyone is stiff and insulted.

Especially the guards and secret agents who just thought they could rely on the number of people to win this snake-hunter demon, it was a cold heart.

Breath is not everything.

But the strong breath is enough to illustrate the strength.


The bloodyness of the kind of slaughtering everything!

Is this the demon hunter?

Everyone looked straight at the figure.

Boer and Ash did not fall.

However, Bohr thinks that since he is a follower of Qin Ran, then this time naturally has to be expressed.

Therefore, when he was about to leave the hall completely, he turned and crossed his chest with his two guns.

This is a ceremonial.

Aristocratic is very popular.

Ash saw the boss salute, and he naturally had to respond.

Naturally, it is not a ritual between nobles, but a ceremonial ritual popular at the border of Moor.

The brawny turned around, licking his white teeth, lifting his left hand and making a fist inward, and the erected thumb crossed the throat.

After doing all this, the strong man habitually revealed a sneer, this side shoulders with the boss, keeping up with the big boss's footsteps.

One before two.

After the three figures disappeared, there was a bang in the hall.

That was to mention the heart to the eyes of the blind, and then suddenly sighed out.

A person, such a voice will naturally not be too loud.

Can a group of people?

At least, Monte, who just walked out of the hall, heard it.

However, Monte was not heard.

Just as he had not noticed the murderousness of the snake-hunting demon, he did not notice the ceremonies of the followers and the guards.

All he has to do is bring the snake-hunter to the small meeting room.


Regardless of his business.

Nor is he able to manage it.

As for the post?

He won't think about it either.

He is a little man who is obeying his actions.

He does not want to be involved in any ‘revenge’ action.

That's right!


At this time, the calm Monte has been restored. After thinking about it, you can be sure.

The snake-hunting demon in front of him should have known that the 'black disaster' was the disgraceful role played by the Aitante royal family, so this chose revenge.

Otherwise, why did the other party kill His Royal Highness Sfinson?

Could it be disturbed to eat and feel unhappy?

The king's close-minded minister couldn't help but shudder at the thought of the actions of the Aidin royal family and the consequences of the demon hunter.

Not dead end!

There is no other possibility than this.

Moreover, I am afraid that this young snake-like demon hunter, the other friend and teacher should also quietly sneak into the Royal Palace of Aitantin.

Next, it is a big fight!

I hope that you are ready!

The thoughts in my mind made Monte's footsteps faster.

He always felt that someone in the shadows was watching him.

He decided to bring the snake-hunter demon behind him into the small hall and immediately chose to die.

As for leaving?

He did not believe that the demon hunter was not prepared.

To escape will only die faster.

It is the best choice to find an innocent place to pretend to die.

Thinking about what was going to happen next time, Monte almost cried out, and he took the wealth with these years to go to the border. Now it seems that he can run the best.

I am suffering!

In the inner mourning, Monte came to the front of the small chamber with the three Qin Qin.

A team of fully armed royal escorts are guarding here, and the three people who saw Qin Ren are extremely poor.

Obviously, they also got news of the death of Sfinson.

"Your Majesty, I only see you alone."

"The two remaining are here."

The leader of the royal **** said this.

Bohr clenched the handgun in his hand, and Ash was ready to do a big job.

However, Qin Ran waved his hand.

"Leave here."

He said this.

"Follow your instructions, Sir Alex."

Boering salute.

Ash followed.

The door to the small chamber was pushed open.

Monte, who is a close minister, stayed outside, and only Qin Ran walked in.


The door was heavily closed behind him.

All the royal guards are kept outside.

They never worry about the safety of their knees.

Or to be precise, the entire palace, Aitinburg, there is no safer place than the room behind them.

Even the ‘God of War’ and the “Mr. Disaster” cannot threaten a king in it!

Inside the small chamber.

Aitantine VI sat in the high back chair.

The bloodshot eyes stared at Qin Ran who came in.

And Qin Ran never showed timidity or jealousy like those who were watched by him. It was just a lightness.


Also with a hint of arrogance.

This look made Aitante VI extremely angry and angry.

"You are showing off to me?"

"I told me that your hunter has already learned the truth?"

"Still, do you really think that dying a Sfinson will make me feel sad?"

Aitandin VI snarled.

Just like he said.

There is no sorrow on the king's face.

All that is there is anger.

This is not like a father who lost his son.

"Think with your smart brain, why am I doing this?"

"Of course, you think of it."

"Sfenson is not my own."

"His appearance is just the shield I used to resist some rumors."

"Broken one, I will re-cultivate one."

The tone of Aitantin VI became flat, the anger was disappearing, and the rest was not calm, but the indifference and jest of the hunter in the face of the prey. He spoke again.

"But your life is only once."

"For a counterfeit that doesn't exist, put yourself in. Do you still think it's worth it?"

"Or, do you think you can leave safely according to your strength?"

Aitandin VI said that he had put a finger up.

Immediately, an illusory light and shadow, like a glass cover, was buckled around him, and he was firmly protected.

Then, one after another evil came out of the light and shadow.

Most of these evils maintain the appearance of humanoids, but they are embarrassed and distorted. As soon as they appear, they make a low-pitched voice, full of pain, anger, resentment and killing.


"Your Majesty."

With the words of Aitantine VI, these evils fell to his feet.

"Strength, you or you never know what strength is."

"I am a king, but I am not just an ordinary person."

"There are these evils!"

"This is the reason for Aitante's existence!"

"This is another reason why you guys must die!"

Under the shadow of light and shadow, the sound of Aitending VI was once again high.

"On wisdom, you are being played by me in applause."

"On strength, you are not worth mentioning."

"and so……"

"Why do you dare to tear my face with me?"

"Why do you dare to confront me positively?"

"Why do you dare to undermine my plan?"

In a nearly maddening discourse, Aitantine VI stood up, and he raised his arms and waved hard.

The king did not notice that his high back chair was slowly deforming.

From the appearance of the chair, it changed into a person's appearance.

The figure sneaked out of the right hand, and it was so easy to pierce the chest of the king.

The question of Aitantin VI came to an abrupt end.

He bowed his head and looked at the hand holding his heart in front of him.

In his ear, a whisper was heard.

"Of course it depends on me."

(End of this chapter)

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