The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1805: Bells!

Chapter 1805 Bell!

The carriage bearing the badge of the Sika Lord's sword, departs from the lower seventh ring in the evening.

The fire of the general sun made the long sword badge stained with a ray of sunshine.

After removing the blood-stained sword badge representing ‘God of War’, a single long sword seems to be scabbard-like, but introverted but not weak, and will not retreat in the face of difficulties, and rely on oneself.

Irene Sika leaned in the carriage and recalled the family story that her father had told.

Many stories are unclear.

What she remembers is just the ‘self-improvement’ and ‘modesty and courteous’ that the father has always emphasized.

However, after his elder brother, the devout ‘God of War’ believer became the patriarch of the Sika family, everything seems to have changed a little.

And now, everything is back on track.

The Sika family has once again become the lord of the Sika collar.

Although she is not a qualified lord, she will strive to do her best.

Recalling the whole day, the two little girls were surrounded by their own appearance. The baroness thought that she should do better, at least to let them go to the point where Sika would not be disappointed.

A small adult-like sister, a simple and lovely sister.

At the thought of the disappointment that the two sisters might have, the baroness felt that it was impossible to let such a thing happen.

Two cute little girls, just like Carl when they were young, but unfortunately, when Carl arrived at the age of seven or eight, he would no longer let him wear a small dress for him. It is such a cute little skirt. Why can't I wear it.

Now with Irene and Ellie, they will love those little skirts.

It seems that I will go back to the Sika collar and give them a small skirt.

Do not!

The best tailor must be in Fort Aitenburg!

I can find someone to inquire about tomorrow.

The baroness seemed to think of something wonderful, and the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but rise up.

As for the embarrassment when coming?


Simon’s repeated assurances, she believes.

Since Simon said it was handed over to him, she chose to believe him.


Naturally, I have to think about the color and pattern of the small skirt, hoping to meet a reliable tailor.

In the thinking of the baroness, the carriage smoothly entered the front of the palace of Aitantin.

Rogette driving a horse-drawn carriage, because of his body is too tall, sitting in the driver's position, directly revealing a half back, the natural seat is also very strong.

He would rather walk if he could.

However, he will not listen to the words of the ambassador.

The Baroness must be protected.

Therefore, he sat in the most conspicuous position.

His companions had six horse-riding guards on the sides and back of the carriage. Of course, this is the bright side, and six people in the dark have quietly followed.

Aitantin is not Sika, they must be careful.

Especially when I saw the Temple of War, which blocked the Palace of Aitending, the young people flashed a touch of dislike and disgust.

Hypocritical, cruel guy!

Young people are so appreciative.

Rogette, who protected the baroness on the bright side, did not hide it, looked at the Temple of War, and then -

Oh, tui.

A thick sip is spit on the ground.

Then, it was submerged under the team wheel.

There is no trace of the ‘God of War’ in the distance.

Originally at this time, there should be a sabre priest with two knife deacons and no less than 20 deacons here, but unfortunately, last night's 'transformation' made the entire war temple chaos. set.

Rogette could smell a **** smell even when he passed through the Temple of War.

"I wish you not to die!"

As a faithful believer in ‘Mid’, the young man has no scruples about the guy who cursed several damages in Sika, but hidden in the dark.

Just like this group of guys once ignored the young girls.

The hanged and daggers are cheaper for young people.

Should be on the fire, the flame is the home of this group of bastards.

However, young people quickly adjusted their emotions.

Because, he knows that it is not the time.

He, and everyone, still needs to wait patiently.

But it won't be too long.

The thoughts in my heart made Rogette more and more firmly strengthen the belief in the heart.

His attention began to look at the royal palace of Aitantin.

The next moment, this young man who is as strong as a bear is a frown.

The large, robust appearance does not affect the perception and intuition of young people.

At this moment, looking at the palace in front of him, he was keenly aware of something wrong.

The expressions of the guards are a bit strange.

There is no such thing as an elite.

Instead, bring... oh!

It seems that it has been a huge impact.

what happened?

With the doubts in my heart, the young man stopped the carriage.

The sly guards finally returned to God, and they received the Baroness in accordance with the courtesy they deserved.

"The keeper of the Kingdom of the North, the ruler of Sika City, was taken by Baron Eileen Sika, who was naturally in love."

When the Baroness stepped on the carpet, such shouts sounded from the two guards, and then passed into the depths of the palace.

The first two sentences are honorary names, representing the glory of the Sika family, and the latter sentence is the attitude of the Baroness living in isolation.

Of course, it is definitely not because of the increase of the baroness’s husband and the fight of the bear.

The baroness was in front, and Rogette, who was a guard, followed.

Even the dull Baroness found a wrong place at this time.

What happened in the palace?

The baroness guessed.

When the Baroness walked into the palace, she saw Qin Ran at first sight.

Qin Ran sitting in the hall is too conspicuous.

Not only because he didn't wear a dress like his invitee, it was just black.

Also because all the people around are watching Qin Ran.

There are shocks, doubts, awe in the eyes, and... the favor of the silk!

Yes, it is to please!

The baroness thought she would not be wrong.

She has seen so many eyes like this.

Ordinary people look at her father, brother, and her.

But here is the royal palace of Aitenburg!

The people around are not ordinary people!

At first glance, there are more than a dozen barons, many viscounts, and several counts, the Earl, and the Marquis, but without exception, these people look at the snakes and hunters with such gaze.

However, this is not the most surprising for the Baroness.

What really surprised was the Edindin VI.

First, with a smile, nodded to her, she looked at the snake-hunter with a loving look, which made the Baroness unsuitable.

After all, she has already thought of the difficulties she has to face on her way.

Among them, Aitante VI is the most important.

Can it be now?

The other party seems to be no longer at all.

This kind of preparation for a long time, the feeling of punching in the air, the baroness is very wrong, but the ensuing is the deep curiosity.

As a close-knit Monte, respectfully with the baroness sitting on one side, the baroness erected his ears and listened to the whispers of the people around him.

Listening and listening, the baroness’s mouth is wide open.

The etiquette cultivated from an early age allowed the baroness to raise her hand and grabbed her mouth immediately, but the shock in that eye could not be hidden.

The snake-hunter demon is actually the heir to Aitandin? !

The previous Sfinson was just a counterfeit that was introduced? !

One message after another, the Baroness’s head was blank.

She did not expect that this would happen.

Then she immediately thought of a deeper level.

Since Aitante VI gave his child to the demon hunter, and now the saga of the squad has returned to his own child, does that mean that... there is no need to worry about certain things.

For example: God of War.

For example: Ms.

Is everything ready?

Such speculations are not only in the heart of the Baroness, but also around the nobles.

Most of the nobles are full of joy, even those who oppose the New Deal are no exception. They are only against the king's new policy, but they are not rebellious and will not oppose the existence of the royal family.

At this moment, the royal family has a better heir, which is naturally a good thing.

The rest of the small part is different.

Although the face is not moving, but the eyes are sorrowful and fierce.

Not all nobles will support the king.

Those pieces that were originally inserted, or exactly the same, are the products of the compromise of the Aidin royal family, knowing where the wealth of the Viscount is from.

To this end, they naturally do not hesitate to do something.

not now.

However, it will not be necessary later.

The upper evil spirits have seen everything in their eyes.

It silently records the looks of these people and checks the list of banquets that have just been seen.

Nothing special.

It’s just to prevent it from happening.

After all, it is now a king.

It is responsible for its own kingdom.

Of course there are...

The subconscious upper evil spirit looked at his own Boss.

The indifferent and fierce eyes flashed in the eyes of his own Boss, and immediately the evil spirits responded with relief.

And this look of Aitantin VI was seen by everyone.

People are increasingly thinking that this is the enthusiasm of Aitante VI.

Then, people even identified this.

Because, Aitantine VI stood up from the throne and went to the snake-hunter, and in the face of the latter's indifference, he pulled it to the position next to the throne.

This position represents what everyone knows.

What they know better is that Aitantin VI will inevitably directly indicate the identity of the snake-hunter.

Sure enough, in the next moment, Aitantin VI said directly.

"You, today is a happy day..."

With the words of Aitending VI, the dinner officially began.

Compared with the initial estimate of the lively, this time is more eager.

When the opening ceremony was over, the people present seemed to be surrounded by snake-like demon hunters, and the aunts who introduced themselves and did not lose their grace were flattering.

The scene is lively and extraordinary.

But it has nothing to do with the ‘undead’ Hollera.

At least, there is no relationship on the surface.

No one will connect the members of the 'Queen Nights Secret Society' with the heirs of the Aidin royal family.

At this moment, Holleka is slowly moving towards the center of the town under the watchful eyes of everyone in the quiet night town.

Midnight is coming soon.

When I ring the clock... it’s here!

PS fat dragon was bitten by a dog, vaccinated, the whole arm hurts... so much today!

(End of this chapter)

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