The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1809: Enrollment

Chapter 1809 Entry

Colin knows? !

Culw Wharton stunned.

She thought a lot of answers, but she never thought of this.

After all, her disguise is not to change a man's clothes, let the people around me take the initiative to see the extent of being a man, but really use a variety of secret techniques.

If the mystery is not removed, it is impossible for the naked eye to distinguish that she is a woman.

Even physically, it is the same.

Is it some kind of secret technique for the demon hunter?

In the rumor, the Demon Hunter is very good at tracking and distinguishing the target, and can quickly determine who the ‘fragrance’ is among a group of people.

The young nobles looked at Qin Ran and guessed in their hearts.


She is more and more shy and embarrassed.

At first thought, I thought that it was a male figure in front of a friend, but in the eyes of a friend, it was a woman. The rich blush began to appear on the face of Cul Walton, even if it was a secret surgery.

"That, that..."

Culw Wharton wants to say something to cover up this embarrassing atmosphere, but the panicked brain makes her completely unaware of what to say.

Similarly, Qin Ran did not take the initiative to speak.

The reason why he knows the true gender of Culw Wharton is not what he found, but the memory of Aitantine VI was peeped by the evil spirits.

At the same time, it was the sneak peek of the former Prince Sfinson who deliberately asked him to trouble.

Because, the other party likes Chur Wharton in front of him.

I have also asked Aitantin VI to give marriage more than once.

It is a pity that Aitantine VI has already prepared his wife for his ‘son’, not Cul Walton, but the granddaughter of another royal family.

The fact that Aitandin VI did this would undoubtedly help to balance the power of the royal family.

But Sfinson doesn't think so.

The young prince thought that he should have the right to choose, and even more so after obtaining the identity of the prince.

What a person gets, what is destined to lose.

Want the best of both worlds?


But the possibilities are minimal.

Moreover, Sfinson obviously does not have such ability.

Not to mention the identity of the other party itself is false.

The mere plan to block Aidin VI is enough to make this so-called prince suffer a cold shoulder.

In this regard, Qin Ran will not sympathize with each other.

Do not say the hostility of the other party.

Just Qin Ren’s character will not do this.

Since you have killed the other side, it is dead, and you will not sigh with falsehood.

Of course, he will not tell Culw Walton everything.

Both sides are friends of the ‘food world’, but they are not related to others.

Therefore, Qin Ran remained silent.

The silent Qin Ran made the young aristocrats more and more confused.

"I, let's go see the flowers?"

After a long while, the young nobles stuttered.

"it is good."

Qin Ran nodded and took the lead to the flower garden not far away.

Under the support of the mystery, in the royal palace flower garden in the winter, it is still purple and red.

Qin Ran has limited understanding of plants. It is unclear what kind of flowers these flowers are. He can only confirm that these flowers are non-toxic and have no danger. Besides?

That is to say, the mouth is not so good.

And Chur Wharton had learned a little about it before. In order to ease the embarrassing atmosphere, she began to rack her brains to recall the story of the family teacher. Unfortunately, when she wanted to come, she only remembered that the seeds of several flowers could be used as food. Seasoning is delicious.

The young aristocrats are more and more embarrassed.

"What are you doing in Chur?"

"You have to pick what you are good at, Colin will like... eh?"

"What does Colin like?"

Finally, the young aristocrats seized the key points.

How did she get to know each other?

Because of food!

It doesn't matter what the assassination is!

Food is the most important thing!

"Colin, do you want to go to the kitchen of the palace?"

"I remember there are a lot of treasured food materials!"

The young aristocratic language asked with expectation.

The palace kitchen has long wanted to go, but unfortunately, her identity is destined to be impossible for her to enter smoothly, but now it is different, and entering there as Prince Colin, naturally there is no problem!

Qin Ran noticed the look of Cul Wharton.

He also knows what the other party is playing.

However, Qin Ran does not hate this harmless use.

After all, he is also looking forward to the kitchen of the palace.

"lead the way."

Qin Ran said very simply.

"it is good!"

Cul. Wharton's eyes were beaming, and he turned and walked to the side with Qin Ran.

The whereabouts of the two men naturally cannot hide the guards and agents in the palace.

Soon, the old Marquis got the movement of his daughter and the real heir of the king.

As a close minister, Monte is also known.


The old Marquis is a glimpse.

Then, laughed.

He is praising his daughter's wit.

Although it was just a rush, the information collected was enough to let him know what the king’s heirs liked.

And Monte is a frown.

He thinks that he is the first to come, but why would the old guy in front of him catch the thigh?

Is it so great to have a daughter?

I am obviously worried about death, and I have always let my daughter men wear it.

Really a snobber!

Montenegro said that this is a smile on his face.

He knew that as long as Culw Walton really approached the heir to the king, he had to do so.

Although very unwilling to do so.

"His Lord Marquis, Your Majesty has already taken a break, and some meetings require you to host."

Monte respectfully said.

"I will do my best to help you get the job done."

The old Marquis replied very well.

There is no passing, and no more decent.

Since it already has an advantage, it will not be a good choice. On the contrary, it is not a bad thing to be modest at this time.

Two ghost-bearing people are preparing side by side to return to the hall.

At this time, a flash of fire suddenly appeared!

Not a palace!

Not even in the third ring, but it is close to the nobility area.

Otherwise, it won't be so clear.

The two looked at each other and ran to the gate of the palace.

Those secret agents do not have to be told to disappear into the shadows at a faster rate.


Holleka took the two on the edge of the aristocratic area of ​​Fort Aitenburg.

More patrolling soldiers, and sharpshooters hidden in the dark, are not moving fast.

Fortunately, as an expatriate of the 'Quiet Night Secrets', both Hollerika and two of them have considerable stealth skills and have not been discovered.

Hollerka stopped after another team of soldiers passed by, and the whole person was in the shadow of the house and the trees.

The other two are hidden not far away.

“The discovery of Lukal is on the front: the Ettolin tailor shop.”

“He is on the surface a tailor shop, but in fact it is a dark whistle of the “Holy Court.”

"Lincar is also here to discover the trace of the 'unknown' god."

Holleka whispered.

The other two looked at the Ettolin tailor shop.

For the ‘the sacred ruins, the two naturally understand.

Compared to the notorious ‘the dark hall’ in the ‘God Temple’, the reputation of the ‘Holy ruin’ is not much better, but most people do not know the name.

Because this is a department that focuses on spying intelligence.

Not just an enemy.

There are also people.

Therefore, most of the time, even inside the Temple of the War, the sacred sect is far away.

"What are we going to do?"

One of the two asked.

Since choosing to come here with Holleka, the two of course know what they should do.

First, cooperate with Holleka.

Second, confirm the facts.

Although they did not doubt the words spoken by Mr. Gersak, the confirmation must be confirmed.

However, the second point must be more secretive.

And the two are smart enough.

They know that instead of being obscured, they end up violating the first point. It is better to follow the first point and proceed to the second point.

"We just need to monitor him."


"Give it to the Gersak MP."

Holleka replied.

Very safe advice, and the intentions of the two people, there is no reason to refuse.

"Today we need three of us to monitor at the same time, but after dawn, we are divided into three shifts, one person for eight hours, do you have any opinions?"

In the face of Holleka's re-inquiry, the two still nodded.

A reasonable proposal.

It is impossible for all three members of the ‘Queen Night Secret Society’ to stay here.

Now there is too much need for people in Aitenburg.

After confirming it again, Holleka first went to the ‘Etoline tailor shop’.

The two immediately followed up.

Although it was already late at night, the lights on the tailor's floor were still on.

After the three men glanced at each other, they quietly separated. Holleka chose the window on the left side, and the other two chose the window on the right side.

In the window, an old man with gray hair and glasses is standing in front of the workbench. The measuring tape is hung around the neck and the scissors are in his hand. The other person is short and stupid, but every move is sturdy.

With the creaking sound, the fabric under the scissors became the appearance of the original clothes.

There was no modification or pause in the whole process, and it was completely in one go.

No one will doubt the identity of the tailor.

But the two people standing under the right window did not think so.

Because, during the cutting process of the scissors, both of them seemed to see the shadow of the long sword waving.

It seems to be a scissors cut, but it is more like a sword-bearer attacking the target.

A master who integrates sword skills into life!

This kind of master is not even in the ‘quiet night clerk’!

Even, it can be said that it is unique.

Because no one in the ‘quiet night retreat will be willing to be ordinary.

This tailor has a problem!

The two looked at each other subconsciously.

Then, continue to wait and see.

Unfortunately, the next time, the other party did not show much.

In addition to cutting clothes, it is to measure the fabric.

After two hours, the tailor stopped.

Seeing the tailor who stopped cutting, the two men observed a spirit.

They expect more clues.

But when the two were disappointed, the tailor did not stay in place for a long time, but went underground - in the stairwell, there was a downward staircase.

Although they can't see it, they can hear it.

Are the secrets underground?

The two frowned.

If this is the case, then they want to peek into the secrets here.

Unless you sneak into it.

However, if you sneak into it, it is difficult to ensure that it will not be discovered by the other party. If you pretend to be a customer, there is also a great probability of being seen. Under the eyes of an ‘unknown’ god, they know that they are a few pounds.

Just when the two exchanged their eyes, the two found that a black shadow appeared in the small garden behind the house, and the other side was drilled from a hidden door hidden in a few pots of withered flowers.

Obviously, the other party is not doing this for the first time.

When you put the flowerpot back in place, and after obscuring the dark door, you will walk straight to the distance.

‘Come on! ’

One person squats at the other person.

The other person immediately nodded.

However, before leaving, he was asking for Hollerka.

After getting the permission of Holleka, it quickly disappeared into the shadows.

In the room, Aitolin appeared again.

As before, it is still cutting clothes.

Obviously, the other party's business is quite good, and it needs to work overtime to be completed.

Time passes by one minute.

After half an hour, the talent that was tracked back.

Seeing the returning person, Holleka and the left-behind, immediately returned to the place where they were hiding.

"how about it?"

Holleka asked directly.

“It’s the ‘God of War’!”

The other party said with certainty, then, this added: "Just don't know if it is a 'dark church' or a 'saint sanctuary'!"

“Is there a difference for us?”

Holleka chuckled.

The two outsiders also laughed.

At this time, the two have basically confirmed the fact that Aitlin is a dark whistle in the Temple of War.

The rest, naturally, is to monitor each other and find clues about the ‘unknown’ god.

Still the location of the previous monitoring.

Holleka is on the left and the outside is on the right.

Everything is no different.

It is almost exactly the same as before.

Etolin, who was cutting clothes in the room, put down the fabric in his hand.

"Sure enough, as you said."

"There will be a little mouse!"

At the same time, Etolin looked at the window on the right side, and the scissors in his hand were shot like an arrow from the string.


The glass is broken.

The scissors rubbed the cheeks of one of the two outsiders, and the blood immediately spewed out.

In fact, if it wasn’t for the other party’s discovery that something was wrong, it had already evaded it. At this time, the scissors had already worn the head.

Only the other party is still unable to escape.

The cheek of the wound appeared and rotted at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The screams were unstoppable, and under the watchful eyes of Holleka and the other, the man was corroded into a cheekbones in a breath.


Without any hesitation, Holleka scored a gesture and directly entered the shadow.

The other person did not stay for a long time, and a rollover rushed down the middle ring.

And just after the two disappeared, the flame appeared in the tailor shop.

The fire quickly swallowed the entire tailor shop.

The body was thrown into the flames.

‘Etoline’ took a deep breath of hot air.

"Just right!"

When the voice fell, ‘Etolin’ disappeared in the same place.

After a few tens of seconds, the patrols of Aitenburg, the elite knights of the Temple of War, appeared almost indiscriminately.

The latter looked at the burning house, and his face suddenly became very ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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