The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1813: Thankful

Chapter 1813 is grateful

Holleka left the quiet night town.

When he walked out of the secret passage, returned to Aitinburg, and took several circles to confirm that no one was coming, the ‘undead’ could no longer suppress his inner excitement.

He saw the rise of the 'snakes'!

The ‘quiet night clerk’ will inevitably die!

As a member of the 'Snakes', he can't wait to announce his identity aloud.

But he knows no.

It is not the time now!

Still need to wait!

Wait until all the dust settles!

After taking a few deep breaths, Holleka calmed himself down and was ready to go to the shantytown of the Lower Seventh Ring, where the most direct contact with his own people.

However, he has not yet stepped, and a dagger will appear silently on his neck.

In front of the dagger's blade against his neck, Holleka did not even find the existence of the dagger, until the cold feeling appeared, Holleika was shocked.

Someone behind me!


Holleka thinks that he is cautious enough, even when he is just excited, he also pays attention to the surroundings.

But the other person is close to himself but not found.

The strength of the other party is very strong!

This is the first impression of Hollerka.

Then, Hollera thought of where the other party came from.

Temple of War?

Or is it the interior of the Silent Night Secret Society?

Or is it the Aidin royal family?

The inner thoughts did not make Holleka hesitate. He raised his hands and made a position of surrender.

Since the other party has the ability to kill him directly, but does not kill him in the first place, then it means that there is talk.

As long as you can talk, it is easy to handle.

after all……

He is ‘not dead’!

Although there are great hidden dangers to death, is it better than real death?

"what do you want?"

"My purse is on the right side of the waist."

"If you want to ask something, you can ask directly."

Hollerka said.

"Oh, the quiet night secrets have become so good?"

A sneer came from behind.

Holleka was able to clearly feel a cold breath appearing behind him. When the other party spoke, this breath seemed to have become a substance, so it was so embarrassing on his back, as if It is like a sword.


More powerful than he thought!

At least the level of parliament!

Hollerka assessed in his heart that he should try to make his posture more relaxed and not malicious.

Because, he knows that his resistance is useless in the face of opponents at the parliament level.

Even if he is confident in his ability, the difference in strength cannot be ignored.

Hollerka’s gesture, the defender clearly felt.

The other party sneered again.

"Take me to the quiet night town!"

As I said, I beheaded.

Immediately, the blood flowed down from Holleka’s neck.

"Okay, good!"

"I will follow what you mean."


"Do you think I am like this, can I take you in?"

Holleka faced the defender and made a gesture. He actually wanted to shrug his shoulders, but his neck was topped by a dagger. This action would expand the wound, and Holleka wisely chose to give up.

There are no answers.

Dagger, left Hollerka's neck.

Not only that, Hollerka also saw the holders.

The other party appeared in front of him so brightly.

Under the black and gray cloak, the same color of the leather armor, except for a dagger in the hand, a row of daggers inserted in the belt, under the night, the row of daggers bloom in the cold.

The hood was not worn, revealing the face full of vicissitudes.


Holleka instantly confirmed the identity of the other party.

He didn't really deal with each other in the true sense.

However, they are familiar with each other because of the identity of the other party's "wolf pie."

Therefore, Hollera confirmed what Edson wanted to do.

The wolf-hunter demon can not wait passively.

Since the 'Quiet Night Secrets' appeared in the squatter area of ​​the Lower Seventh Ring Road, he must let the people of the 'Queen Night Secret Society' know what it would cost you to do so.

Very straightforward thinking.

Also very stubborn.

The same, very unpleasant.

Many of the superiors will hate this less euphemistic approach.

But definitely does not include Hollerka.

You know, he is also a hunter.

Even if he hides his identity, he likes it very much.

However, what he knows better is that he needs to give the other person a hint.

Otherwise, he was the first snake to be killed by himself.

According to the style of the wolf school, there is no such thing as a confrontation with the enemy.

So, the next moment -

Holleka scored a wolf's hand at a very fast speed, and then the sound of ‘嘶嘶’ sounded in his mouth.

Is the other party a snake?

Edson stunned.

The old hunter did not think that he hijacked a person at random, and he would be his own.

Of course, the old hunter will not believe so simple.

He looked at Hollerka with a suspicious look.

"Let's change places."

"The place is up to you."

Holleka said straight.

After the old hunting demon thought about it, he was slightly decapitated.

"it is good."


The old hunter did not anticipate the situation at hand.

Just like Holleka thought, he just came to give a good look to the ‘quiet night retreat’ – killing one or two members of parliament and creating the chaos of the ‘quiet night essay.’

He knows too much about how ‘quiet night essays’ work.

This assassination is the best way for them when the Southern parliamentarians cannot really untie the bondage.

This is true whether it is the 'fog' church or the 'snake'.

At least, it used to be like this.

And now?

He had to change the strategy.

The old hunter did not really think that the ‘snake faction’ had not only entered the ‘quiet night essay society’, but also gained a certain status.

In the beginning, he wanted to come. Even if the snakes were secret, they entered the 'Quiet Night Secrets' and became a full-fledged member. It’s already a great member. It’s such an expatriate elite that I really don’t even think about it. After all, These elites are in the 'quiet night secrets', except for the members of the parliament.

Of course, you need to determine the true and false.

Therefore, the old hunter brought Hollerka to the royal palace of Fort Aitenburg.

He needs Colin to help him confirm Holleka's identity.


The old hunter had just sneaked into the royal palace of Aitenburg, and was shocked by a news.

Colin turned out to be the heir to Aitandin VI! ! !

How can this be? !

This is the first thought of the old hunter.

And Hollera?

Sure enough, it’s my ‘snake’!

This is what the 'snakes' should have!

Involuntarily, Holleka’s face showed a touch of pride.

The old hunter saw this kind of pride. At this time, he believed that Holleka was a true ‘snake.’ This kind of pride in the heart could not appear in the face of the members of the 静静夜秘会.

"I think we need to see Lord Colin in a more hat-style way."

Holleka proposed.

As for your honor, it is not because the other party is the prince, but because the identity of Lord Colin is also very special in the 'snake party'.

If there is no accident, Colin will become the leader of the 'snake party'.

This is what his mentor told him.

In this regard, Hollerka does not have any rebuttal meaning, the instructor's idea is that his student can never understand, all he needs is to follow the study well and complete the task of the tutor.

Just like this moment.

Holleka suddenly realized why Colin would become the leader of the 'snakes' in the future.

Because nothing is better than a king who is his own.

When Hollin became king and was the leader of the 'Snakes', Hollerka's eyes were all gone.

The rise of the 'snakes' is far from being as simple as he imagined.

The ‘quiet night retreat’ is bound to be replaced.

Naturally there is...

Temple of War!


I want to fight!

I want to help the 'snakes' return to the peak!

I want the world to know the greatness of the 'snakes'!

When Holleka thought of the future, the whole person was excited.

Looking at the excited look of Holleka, the old hunter was once again convinced that the other party should be a 'snake' member.

Moreover, it is still the most core member.

Even the old hunter can guess what Hollerka thinks.

Because, he is also young!

He knows that young people will always awaken some thoughts that are very unreliable to ordinary people at a special time, and think that they are right, others are wrong, of course, as the age increases, so The thoughts will be changed, and then, because of their own thoughts, they will be ashamed.

However, what does this count?

What is the difference between young people without dreams and salted fish?

Even if you want to make salted fish, you should be the salty one!

I fully understand that Hollerka’s old demon hunter nodded and agreed with Hollerka’s proposal.


Monte hurried to the kitchen.

He knows the whereabouts of His Highness very clearly, and knows why His Royal Highness and the Chur Wharton will go to the kitchen from the garden. In the high-rises of Aitenburg, the hobby of the young aristocrat is not hidden.

In fact, in the eyes of the top, it is hard to have any secrets.

There are enough secret agents and think tanks to deduce something.

But the near minister is more concerned about his own Highness.

"His Royal Highness likes food."

The clerk whispered, and he was already thinking about how to please Qin.

For the thighs, there is no contradiction between the ministers.

What he is best at is this.

Of course, he also knows that he must complete his essential work.

The palace's kitchen is in the cloister on the garden side.

The fast-moving close minister quickly came here.

Then he stayed in the same place.

What did he see?

Twenty chefs are sweating busy.

Even so, it is faster than eating under the temple.

The slap-sized piece of meat, folded from the side into the shape of a meat roll, is directly inserted into the mouth.

Pieces of meat with small rows, stained with a little stunned, thrown into the mouth and chewed, and even the bones were bitten and eaten.

The whole sheep was turned over on the oven. The golden skin was very attractive. The temple lowered its hand and peeled off one. The outer skin was crisp and the inside was juicy, allowing the oil to flow down from the corner of the mouth.

However, before they landed, the temple was sucked and the grease was all in the mouth.

Then, the palms of the hands brought a layer of phantom.

In the blink of an eye, a sheep is gone.

The same is true for cattle.

A roast beef that requires five people to operate. After the temple is close, the big iron sign is left.

There are no bones left.

There is no table manners.

Not to mention the style.

However, he did not feel any rudeness. He only felt that there was an inexplicable feeling of joy. A sense of joy in the face of food bloomed in my heart.


The involuntary near minister swallowed a mouthful of water.

He suddenly felt that he was hungry.

He couldn't wait to pick up a piece of roast meat, learn how His Royal Highness rolled up and put it in his mouth.

However, his instincts told him that it is best not to do this.

I am very convinced of my instinctive near-minister, swallowing her mouth.

When he walked in, he discovered that Cul Walton had already held his stomach, and he was breathing heavily there.

Obviously, this is to eat.

"His Royal Highness, Edson Hunter is looking for you."

Just a glance, the near minister was very smart to take back his eyes and sue.

Although the two have not yet determined the relationship.

But who can know the future?

The future king can't offend him.

The queen of the future?

He can't offend either.

"Let them come in."

Qin Ran will be wrapped in egg liquid, and the fried pork will be swallowed and said.

Through the upper evil spirits, Qin, who already knows everything, is not unexpected.

It’s time to completely let the ‘wolf’ hunter’s hunter add to his chariot.

Qin Ran thinks like this.

Then, quickly sweep the food in the front of the dish.

He stood up and walked out.

In the holy place of the kitchen, it is impossible to talk about things.

The Holy Land is to keep it as simple as one.

The chefs were relieved to see Qin Ran walking outward.

It is really terrible.

They have never seen such a person who can eat.

The bottomless stomach is not mentioned in any mythological biography.

It is really scary.

Suddenly, Qin Ran, who walked out, stepped forward.

Suddenly, the chefs who had just breathed a sigh of relief, once again became fearful.

Qin Ran, who stopped, turned around and said seriously: "Thank you for your food, they are delicious."

After that, Qin Ran turned slightly and turned away again.

The chefs are stunned.

It was not until Qin Ran's figure disappeared completely that he had returned to God.


His Royal Highness is not terrible.

It’s just a big appetite.

What is strange about people with a big appetite?

Who hasn't got a time to eat?

The tension on the chefs has completely disappeared.

Culw Wharton felt the change.

There was a dazzling look in her eyes.

She felt that she had found the most anticipated moment in her life. Holding the table at the side, Culw Wharton stood up cautiously. She bent hard and whispered, "Thank you for hospitality."

(End of this chapter)

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