The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1820: name

Chapter 1820

The Southern lawmakers looked at Qin Ran who got up and walked out, and they all stopped.

They are already used to the talks you have come to, and there is a confrontation between them, like this direct way of talking, they have long forgotten.

Because, most of the time, they do it to others.

And other people?

For them, they are all mean.

At the moment, it is reversed.

The southern lawmakers are not used to it.

But, I have to get used to it!

Qin Ran is worthy of doing so.

It is worthwhile for any of the founders of the Aitante royal family and the heirs of the snakes, not to mention the combination of the two.

more importantly……

The initiative is in the hands of Qin Ran.

"Wait, Your Highness Colin."

Aitefen quickly made a noise.

"I don't have time to waste with you."

"After all, time is running out."

Qin Ran stood in the same place, did not turn around, but the words made the Southern Congressmen feel a glimpse.

time is limited?

The meaning of this sentence is really too much.

It is enough to make all the southern parliamentarians feel depressed and feel guilty.

Look at each other.

Aitfen, who is a representative of the Southern Congress, no longer hesitates.

"His Royal Highness, we will try our best to answer your request."

"But please understand that the rare level of magic props equipment is really rare, we can only take out about 40 pieces with all our strength, and the rest, we will compensate you from other aspects."

Aitefen said very sincerely.

Qin Ran showed a hesitation.

After two seconds, he came back.

"I don't need Kimpton."

After sitting down, Qin Ran said this.

"The practical level of magic props, we have already compensated you for 280..."

“After using the level of use as much as possible, you can use ‘evil residue’ as compensation.”

“Sometimes these 'residuals’ have an unexpected effect.”

Qin Ran interrupted Aitphen's words and said his true purpose.

Of course, this truth, in the eyes of the Southern legislators, is only the next best thing.

After all, as long as you let go of some of the ‘thoughts’ in your heart, ‘evil residue’ can still be quite helpful.

The style of the 'snakes' is obviously different from the ‘wolf’.


The situation in front of you is far more cruel than you think.

So ‘Hunter’ has to make this choice.

Thinking of this, Aitefen started to quote.

"40 rare magical items, 50 pieces of 'extra-residual', can you?"

Unlike the past, this time Mr. Member chose a tentative inquiry, and in order not to have the necessary misunderstanding, he added, “Of course, the ‘evil residue’ can be discussed.”

“‘Evil residue’ is at least 60.”

"I think this is a fair price."

"After all, they are very tasteless."

With the memory of Gersac, Qin Ran has a general grasp of the collection of the southern parliamentarians.

As for the ‘chicken rib’?

More is true.

The conditions of use of 'evil residue' are very harsh.

The more powerful, the more so.

For example, an attack that can destroy a hundred people's army is required to sacrifice at least two hundred or even three hundred people, or equivalent materials.

Therefore, unless it is necessary, no one will use it at all.

Or the ‘evil residue’ has a special degree.

For example: Sivarka.

However, Sivarka is only an example and does not represent all.

Therefore, the southern parliamentarians such as Aitphen only thought about it and then nodded.


"We will let people send the negotiated items and compensation materials at the same time as soon as possible."

"Under the testimony of the 'contract'!"

After the pass was passed, Aitphen gave a positive answer.

The power of the 'contract' is equally common in this copy world.

There is no anthropomorphic deity.

But in some sense it is sacred and inviolable.

Taking out the contract that had been prepared for a long time, Monte was drafted as a near minister and drafted the contract. After the Southern parliamentarians saw it, they signed their own names.

In the end, I handed it to the hands of Qin Ran.

After carefully checking it again, Qin Ran signed his own name: Colin.

When the last one fell, the light on the parchment flashed.

Looking at this layer of fine fluorescence, the southern lawmakers were relieved.

This means that the two sides have established the basis for peace and exchange. In the supplementary agreement of the contract, it is obvious that the two sides must not violate each other, and when necessary, they must attack and defend.

"Now, let's talk about ‘He’!”

After Qin Ran collected the contract, his face became full and his tone became solemn.

The southern parliamentarians, including the upper evil spirits, all stood up involuntarily.

However, before opening again, Qin Ran looked at the old hunter.

"Edson is bothering you."

Qin Ran said this.

The old demon hunter immediately nodded his mind.

"Give it to me."

The old hunter said that he was hidden in the shadow of one side.

‘Hunter’ is good at tracking, and it’s also good at anti-monitoring.

The southern parliamentarians who knew this were not opposed, but instead agreed to nod.

It is a matter of concern to a god.

“The first time ‘He’ appeared in the ‘black disaster’!”

Qin Ran spoke up.

As soon as they opened their mouth, the southern parliamentarians were shocked.

Then, all the members of the parliament sighed with relief.

"it is as expected!"

"I knew that the event was definitely not that simple."


"We have been fooled for so long!"

Several members of the eager character have opened their mouths.

The upper evil spirit sat there, closed his mouth, but with the right surprise in his eyes, his heart was chuckling.

Hook up!

For the members of the southern parliament, there is no accident in the upper evil spirit.

After all, its Boss has the most 'real script': the memory of Gersac.

In the memory of the Honourable Member, the winner of the 'black disaster' is not a 'quiet night esoteric society', but also a ‘hunting man’, a ‘war of the gods’, but a royal family of Aitantin.

Needless to say, the demon hunter is almost completely destroyed.

The Temple of War was broken by the Atandin royal family's ‘blockade line’.

And ‘quiet night secrets’?

Look at the legislators who are tied to the south and they will know.

They may have benefited, but the disadvantages are equally conspicuous.

Qin Ran crossed his hands, elbows were on the table, and his back was against his chin.

After the arguments subsided, he continued to speak.

"We don't know how ‘He’ appeared, but one thing is certain: ‘He’ is not affiliated with anyone, and no one will help anyone without any reason.”

“‘He’ has been messing up everything in the dark.”

"‘He’s a slap in the world!”

"‘He’ should be...”

"‘诡计’ ‘conspiracy’ ‘destruction’ and born!”

PS recommended a book written by a child, "Sen Wudi"!

(End of this chapter)

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