The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1826: reward

Chapter 1826 Reward

Qin Ran was invited to the open side of the tent.

The upper evil spirits took the young guardian knight to walk into the tent. It is not that they do not want to arrange a better place for Qin Ran. Instead, the entire camp can only be used as a place for discussion.

The rest of the tent?

The dense bed has already made the interior of the tent difficult to settle.

In fact, even this tent is the new lord of the Sika, not the 'fog' church - to a certain extent, the 'fog' church is more destitute than imagined.

"His Royal Highness, good afternoon."

The former baroness, now the new lord Irene Sika, kindly greeted Qin Ran.

"Good afternoon, Sika leads the Lord."

Qin Ran responded politely.

Then the two sides fell silent.

Without the task, Qin Ran is not a person who will take the initiative to speak, let alone take the initiative to set off the atmosphere.

And the new Sika collar lord?

Can you expect a woman who reads a book at home every day to be good at communication?

Therefore, both sides are silent.

However, such silence is not embarrassing.

Because Qin Ran is intently checking his own spoils.

This relieved the new leader of the Sika collar.

Then, the eyes of the new lord could not help but look at the long sword in Qin Ran’s hands.

"The steel is made, the wide blade, the length is beyond the general sword, and there are those magic marks... the boutique of the Temple of War?"

Although the new lord is not good at communication, the profound knowledge has brought her extraordinary insights.

In fact, the information of the long sword displayed in Qin Ran’s eyes is basically the same as that perceived by the new lord.

[Name: Shining Sword (Replica)]

[Type: Weapon]

[Quality: Rare above]

[attack power: strong]

[Attributes: 1, Feng Rui; 2, sword attack; 3, praise]

[Special effects: None]

[Requirement: God of War with a certain foundation]

[Can you bring this copy: No]

[Remarks: It is just a replica, originally intended to be used for scale manufacturing, however, it failed, but it also proves to be a good item. 】


[Feng Rui: special steel and secret inscriptions, make it more sharp, attack level +1]

[Sword attack: For a single target within 15 meters, a sword with a strong level is judged as a strong level, 3 times/day]

[Like: When you have the belief in God of War, you can use the sword to cover the range within five meters of the diameter, each sword will have a strong level of attack, 1 / 3 days]


"Chicken ribs."

Qin Ran’s evaluation.

If there is no such limitation of the God of War, this sword can be said to be quite good.

Can it be there once?

That is really worthless.

Needless to say, it is not yet possible to bring out the world of copying.

For such props, for Qin Ran, the appetite used to satisfy the 'gluttony' is the best choice.

However, it is definitely not possible now.

"Wait, wait."

"Not yet."

Qin Ran soothed the drooling gluttony, and his eyes looked at the new lord of the Sika collar.

The other party immediately became embarrassed and blushed.

"I just curious about this sword, I have seen it in the book."

"It's a legend, and the rumor is a testimony of friendship between Aitante I and the **** of war."

Irene Sika explained.

Friendship witness?

Qin Ran, who has gradually learned about this world, dismissed it.

According to the memory of Gersac, it is impossible for Aitantine I and the God of War to have any friendship, or to be precise, in the early stage, there was a competitive relationship between the two sides and half friends. But in the middle and late period, it was completely an enemy.

Aitan Ding Yishi as collaborators: 'Silent Night secret religious', also hostile to the war shrine.

It is a pity that with the accidental death of Aitante I, the ‘Secret Night Secrets’ had to be concealed.

It was not until the birth of the lady in the 'black disaster' that it became bright and upright.

Of course, Qin Ran will not explain to the other party.

He just nodded undecidedly.

Qin Ran believes that his attitude is enough to make this new lord who is not good at communication retreat.

Unexpectedly, Irene Sika took the initiative to speak after he nodded.

"You have a good relationship with Simon. Can I ask you, does Simon have a lifelong partner?"

The new lord stutters and proves.

Qin Ran was shocked.

He was really scared by the courage of the new lord.

If it is said that people who are usually very aggressive, it is nothing, but for a house girl, it really makes him feel surprised.

However, it is also worthy of recognition.

In particular, the performance of the upper evil spirits in recent times is also worthy of recognition.

and so--

"No, he is always alone."

Qin Ran said with certainty.

He did not deceive.

Simon, really is alone.

"That's great."

The new lord is rejoicing.

Qin Ran’s eyes did not stop here. He looked at the entrance to the camp.

The priest Temino was standing respectfully in front of an old man at this time.

The other person wore an ordinary linen shirt, just like the civilians around him, even worse, even a cotton jacket, the shoes on the feet are very common.

The face is similar to the people walking down the street.

But when a priest salutes such a person, everything becomes different.

More importantly, the other's eyes.

Anyone who looks at it can't help but shudder.

That is the unique look of the superior and the strong.

One dominates the eyes of life and death.

At the door, the Aidin Royal Guards did not dare to look at each other. The members of the ‘Mist’ church were forced to endure fear and silently watched the ‘Mist’.

Soon one by one, they became full of tears, and they retreated.

Even Rogette is no exception.

However, this bear-like young man is stubbornly biting his teeth and does not retreat.

There is a touch of appreciation in the eyes of the old man.

Then, the eyes became cloudy, just like the average old man.

"I am the priest of the Temple of War, Motor, and I hope to see Bishop Simon."

The other person introduced himself and said the request.

"Adults are seeing guests."

The young people answered hard.

Even the words that invited the other party to enter the camp did not.

The Temple of War is not an ally to the ‘fog’ church.

In some ways, it is even more of an enemy.

Treating enemies can be done without politeness.

If you don't know the invincible, the young man will definitely take out the battle axe and fight very hard.

However, this did not hinder the young people's vigilance. He stared at Motor with a battle axe.

Motor did not care about Rogette's attitude.

A pretty young man.

Such young people, he has seen a lot, and even there are many such seedlings in the Temple of War.

Don't care at all.

Not only because they need too much time to grow, but also because even if they grow up, they won't be his opponents.

Breathing and dying, and raising his hands and crushing, there is no difference in the view of the Priest.

Instead it is...

Motor looked at Qin Ran, who was sitting there in the distance, and there was a glimmer of light in the muddy eyes.

The heir to the royal family of Aitandin.

The heir to the snakes.

This existence is wrong and should not exist.

Unfortunately, Sean failed.

Moreover, great mistakes have been made.

Perceived by Littel and Valentine's two old-fashioned aristocratic hatreds, the Privy Bishop couldn't help but sigh.

Originally thought it would be a talent.

did not expect……

It turned out to be just a speculative guy.

With such an evaluation in mind, the Privy Bishop looked at the tent.

The thick curtains and the protection of the mystery arrangement made it impossible for him to see through the situation and hear what was going on inside.

This made the Privy Bishop more curious.

The news of the Palace of Aitantin is more important than he imagined.

The death of Aitolin is naturally another hidden thing.

Even Gino is special.

As for Sean’s evaluation of Gino?

Look at some of the things the other party is doing.

Such an evaluation must be unfair.

Or, it is a leaf barrier.

The other party's heart may have been contaminated by the power to be acquired, and there is no objective treatment of one thing.

Then, Motor's question returned to the original point.

What did Gino discover?

Time passes by.

With the arrival of Motto, the entire ‘fog’ church became oppressed, especially the deacon of Silvaraka, the once-war temple, who was hiding in the crowd and not even exposed.

Only Qin Ren’s performance is as usual.

This made the heart of Monte, standing next to Qin Ran, slightly relieved.

He didn't want his head to bow down when he played against the temple.

Of course, before it is underdeveloped, it cannot be too tough.

What is needed is the combination of rigidity and flexibility.

Sure enough, my mission is a long way to go!

Just as the near minister sighed, the man in the tent finally came out.

Simon is serious.

The young Gino seems to be relieved.

And Motor was also relieved.

Because, after seeing him, the young Gino stood up straight and respectfully, and then bowed.

Motor smiled and raised his hand, indicating that Gino was excused, he looked at Simon.

"Please come in."

The upper evil spirit invited Motor with a gentle attitude.

Then, at the invitation, Motor entered the tent directly.

"Can I know what happened?"

Motor asked very simply.

As a member of Motto, he rarely chooses to cover up.

As a spokesperson for His Majesty, in his opinion, anything is nothing more than nothing more than a chip.

Can be expected by the Privy Bishop, Simon in front of me, there is no meaning to sit on the ground, but a simple nod.


The other evil spirit looked at the doubting partner, and couldn’t help but reveal a bitter smile. It said: "In fact, if you don't appear today, I will go to you."


The Privy Bishop raised an eyebrow.

He found that things may be more complicated than he thought.

"Because we have a common enemy."

"One is hidden in the dark, provoking and enticing our enemies."

"He is in charge of ‘trick’ ‘conspiracy’ ‘destruction’!”

"He is cholera."

"He is the culprits of the "black disaster" and even all events after that!"

The words of the evil spirits are one word at a time.

Every time Motto listens, his brows are wrinkled.

When the voice of the evil spirit fell, the Privy Bishop shook his head again and again.


"This is impossible!"

"If there is such a presence, how can the **** of war not find out?"

The Privy Bishop asked.

"Is it under the hood?" Did you find out?"

"If it is not for us to stand up."

“Where was the ‘failure lady’?”

"If it is not a plague, can you find out?"

The upper evil spirit asked.

Such a question is really a problem for it. It has been prepared for a long time. It does not worry about people asking, but instead is worried that no one will ask.

As long as someone asks, it is sure to let the other party fall into its rhythm.

In fact, that's it.

Motor's brow wrinkled again, but there was no rebuttal.

The evil spirits continued to speak immediately.

“We have already reached an agreement with the ‘Secret Night Secrets’.”

"They formed an alliance with us."

"And, start looking for the messenger of that guy."


"Are you reached an agreement with the 'Quiet Night Secret Society'?"

Get a glimpse of this secret message.

The Privy Bishop looked at the evil spirit incredulously.

The 'Quiet Night Secrets' and the Demon Hunter are deadly enemies, and the 'fog' church, which has a close relationship with the demon hunter, should not give up its original allies at any time.

What's more, this ally is still outside.

Obviously, the relationship between the two sides is very good.


Is there really a big enemy?

As for cheating?

The Privy Bishop does not believe that the upper evil spirits will use this lie to lie to him.

However, in order to be safe, he still said: "I want to ask Prince Colin in person."

"of course."

The upper evil spirit nodded.

Qin Ran, who had been preparing for a long time, came in.

"His Royal Colling, do you know the alliance between the 'fog' church and the 'quiet night secret congregation'?"

Asked about the Motor hat.

The identity of Aitandin, the heir to the snake, even if he is the messenger of the **** of war, he does not dare to care.


"And, the alliance was initiated by me."

Qin Ran answered like this.

"Previous lunch?"

The Privy Bishop clearly guessed what.

When watching Qin Ran did not answer, just nodded, Motoll turned upside down.

It is necessary to know that the young people in front of them represent the Aidin royal family and the snakes. The alliance initiated by the other party represents the Aidin royal family and the snakes.

That is to say, now that the Temple of God of War is removed, the forces of Hokuriku are almost united.

Do not!

not now!

But when the young man was sent to the snakes by Aitante VI, the signs came together.

"The one exists, is it so terrible?"

Asked Motor.

Qin Ran did not open the answer.

The evil spirit sighed softly.

"God of war, is it strong?"

Faced with such a counter-question, Motor was speechless.


The negotiations in the tent lasted for a long time.

When the day was dark, Mortor came out with a heavy face.


Gino, waiting for a long time, immediately came over.

"Child, you are doing very well."

"Fortunately, you found out that Sean is not right."

"If not, we need to suffer unimaginable losses."

"what do you want?"

"You deserve to be rewarded."

Motor looked at Gino with a sly look.

"I want to learn more, and swordsmanship, the only way to protect the cathedral."

Gino said.

The sincerity in the statement is undoubted.

Motor looked at such a sincere young man and couldn't help but nod.

"I will give you what you deserve."

Motor said, looking at the "Glorious Sword (Replica)" of the young man's waist. Without waiting for Motor's opening, the young man confessed: "It was given to me by His Royal Highness Colin, saying that it was me. The reward of courage."

Said, the young man took the long sword with a sheath and handed it to Motor.

"No, child."

"This is your reward."

Motor waved his hand.

He won't be tempted by a copy.

Authentic he has seen.

What is a copy of a copy?

With this in mind, the Privy Bishop no longer pays attention to this replica.

He is doing something more important: ask about his majesty.

Qin Ran stood in the shadow and watched the departure of the Privy Bishop, and his mouth was not tilted.

His things are so good to take?

Even if he doesn't need it.

(End of this chapter)

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