The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1831: Assembly

Chapter 1831 Assembly

In the afternoon, when the bright sunshine sprinkled on Aitinburg, there was a long-lost warmth in the cold air.

The rare winter warm sun makes people's moods better.

But this definitely does not include Wolft.

He already knows what happened in Cheka Bay.


An earth-shattering explosion!

In the same way, I also know what Mr. Aitefen is going to do.

In this regard, Wolft did not say much.

The power of the gods is nothing more familiar and well-known than the members of these ‘quiet night retreats.’


Looking at the quiet afternoon of Fort Aitinburg, Wolft looked at the cheeks on the faces of the civilians who were tired and smiling, and couldn't help but narrow their eyes.

“Do you really want to give up?”

The quiescent night clerk, who represents the southern parliamentarians, couldn’t help but whisper.

"if not?"

Holleka asked.

"Yes, isn't it?"

Wolft laughed out loud.

The five people behind Stone and Bill behind the two were equally silent.

After the events of the Karkar, the five people did not receive any punishment. On the contrary, they were all praised by the Gersak MPs and had substantial rewards.

The status of status has been improved differently.

And can lead the people who have assembled before.

This makes the five people feel like they are in a dream.

But soon, the dream becomes a nightmare.

They have to go through hard choices again.

However, fortunately, both Stone and Bill have found that they are far less fearful and overwhelmed.

People's adaptability is really terrible!

With such a sigh, Stone accelerated his footsteps and became a side-by-side with Wolft and Holleka.

“How many people can you take?”

Stone asked quietly.

Immediately, Wolft’s footsteps.

"not much."

"Only keep the elite."

Wolft’s voice said dryly.


Stone nodded.

Is there anything else that I don't understand?

The discourse has been quite understandable.

A few people can leave, and the rest will be left behind.

among them……

Nature includes their families.

Even they will be left behind.

In this regard, it is impossible for Stone to have no complaints.

Why is the selected person not his and his family, but someone else?

Self-blame will appear in the bottom of my heart, but it will not always appear.


He vomited heavily.

Then, I looked at Bill and other four people.

There is a side-to-shoulder battle experience between life and death, and the relationship between the five has long been extraordinary.

Almost a look.

They made up their minds.

People can't always rely on others.

They want to... save themselves!

Holleka has been paying attention to Stone and Bill five. After seeing such a gaze, he said to some awkward Wolft: "Walft asks you to continue to bring people to carry these compensations. I have something to do with Stone and Bill said five people."

"it is good."

Wolf did not ask much.

He knows what Hollerka and Stone say.

Similarly, he also knows the result.

Probably the worst kind.

No one will give up hope of life, isn't it?

Who is willing to die?

I hope that after the disappointment, it is better not to give!

This damn, cruel reality!

Biting his teeth, Wolft took the man and went on to the 'Fog' camp in the seventh ring.

Holleka had been watching the team go far, and he turned to look at Stone and Bill, who were alert in their looks.

"Let's relax."

"You don't recognize the decision of the Golsacks and choose another way, right?"

Asked Hollerka.

"The Gersak is very good."

"He forgave us."

"But we also want to live, take our family - Lukal said it is right, we are alone, just walking dead, only when we guard our family, we are... people."

Stone said that he had already felt that Hollerka's breath locked him. Without any hesitation, he took the hilt.

He knows the name of the ‘undead.’

He is not sure about the ‘not dead’.

However, he needs a fight.

For his family.

The four of Bill are no exception.

The five people spread out almost at once, forming an attacking battle.

The atmosphere is solidified.

At the moment when the sword was about to start, Holleka smiled.



Holleka clapped his hands.


The crisp applause made Stone and Bill look awkward.

"Maybe you can listen to another plan of the Congressman."

Holleka said with a smile.

"Another plan?"

Stone and Bill are five people.

"The Corip Councillor has mentioned it to you."

Holleka prompted.


Stone and Bill five face each other.

Suddenly, Stone thought of something, but immediately, the ‘quiet night retreat’ member could not help but shook his head.


"Will not!"

He repeatedly denied it.

With such words, Bill Four also thought of something, and immediately, the faces of the four were changed.

Looking at the face of five people changing again, Holleka condensed a smile, and he spoke seriously.

"We are all snakes!"


Monte is sorting out the news from all over the world.

The loose dress is still the same, but the powder on his face has already been wiped away, and the habitual smile is already replaced by seriousness.

"Cough, cough."

The violent cough sounded, and the close-up of the head immediately saw his armpit.

Overnight, the male of Aitantin grew older, and even his body became trembling.

"His Majesty."

Monte quickly walked over and helped Aitantin VI.

Sixth set up his hand and refused the support of the near-minister, but it was such a small movement that caused the breathing of the sixth world to rush, and then coughed again.

Monte began to slap the back of Aitandin VI.

After a full ten seconds, the coughing sound stopped.


Aitantin VI opened the way.

"Your Majesty, I am."

The minister whispered.

"Hold it and go to Colin."

A box was handed to the nearest minister.

When the near minister saw the box, his eyes were red.

Because this box is dedicated to the will of the Aitante royal family.

"Your Majesty, when it is not yet, Cheka Bay is an accident, and His Royal Highness needs..."


A low drink interrupted the near minister.

Aitantin VI is like an old lion, hanging down, but still has a trace of prestige.

He glared at Monte.

Monte is frightened.

"Failed is a failure."

"I won't find so many reasons for myself."

"More will not dare to look directly at failure."


"Of course I have."

"But I don't have time, take it to Colin and then Colin."

When Aitantine VI finished speaking, he turned and walked toward the chair. When he sat in the chair, his eyes unconsciously looked at the reassembled sailboat model.

"Almost, almost."

This whisper echoed in the small conference hall.

Gradually outward to the near minister, the bottom of my heart was sour.

When he reached the door, the close minister suddenly stopped.

"Your Majesty, I swear to you."

"The southern islands will eventually become affiliated with Aitantin."

"His Royal Highness will also become a respectable king."

Monte said one word at a time.

Aitandin VI is swinging his hand.



The door of the small conference hall was closed.

Monte turned and left.

The members of the royal **** guarding the door watched the departure of the close minister in a different light from the past.

Then, when looking at the small conference hall, the eyes of these guards involuntarily caused sorrow.

Their king will die!

In the small conference hall, the upper evil spirit took a picture of the chest and a long sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, the old Marquis was temporarily opened."

"Otherwise, you have to show up!"

"The end of the old king, the rise of the new king."

"Can't be too monotonous, you must have a legend!"

"Fortunately, I am ready!"

The evil spirit said, one turned and disappeared.

It has to catch up.


"Two hundred and eighty pieces are used as compensation for real magic props, forty rare items of magical item equipment and sixty pieces of 'singular residue' are all here, please check."

Wolft handed a thick list to Qin and then pointed to the three carriages behind him.

The carriages are double horses, the carriages are wide and the inside is full.

"Put it in the tent behind."

Qin Ran did not count.

no need.

He believes that as long as Aitphen is not crazy, he will never deceive him again.

What's more, the evil spirits have already been counted for him.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

After Voft again, he sent people to put these precious items in the tent designated by Qin Ran.

The whole process is orderly.

After everything was packed, Wolft left with the members of the Talker.

About half an hour after these people left, Holleka quietly came to the tent with Stone and Bill.

"His Royal Highness."

Holleka is in charge of the ceremony.


Qin Ran nodded slightly.

It seems to be a normal movement, but it makes Stone and Bill's heart turn up the storm.


It turned out to be true!

Snake pie!

The Golsacks are really snakes!

No, no!

It is the members of the snakes and the members of the snakes.

At this time, Stone and Bill had not pursued Coripo, Colesack was a snake member at the beginning, or later betrayed the ‘Queen Night Secret Society’ as a snake member.

They now want to know what the ‘other’ plan is.

Call and scream!

Five people adjusted their breathing, and their eyes looked at Qin Ran together.

"The demon hunter will not give up friends and family."

"We don't belong to the light, we don't belong to the dark."

"We don't have the glory of praise, we don't have the hymns."

"We only have inner pride!"

Said, Qin Ran pointed the heart position of his left chest.

His words did not stop.

He looked at the five people in front of him.

He said word by word.

"And my pride..."

“From our friends and family.”

The sound is not high, not even inciting anything. Everything is a straightforward description, but because of this, it will motivate Stone and Bill five more.

Because Qin Ran is true.

The real demon hunter is like this.

The demon hunter will not give up friends and family.

This is the consensus of all.

Under such a consensus, in the suggestion left by the evil spirits, Stone and Bill stood upright. Then, the five of them were kneeling at the same time and shouted in unison: "His Royal Highness."

"I can't promise you anything."

"I can't promise anything to you."

"I can only explain to you -"

"In wartime, I will take the lead in charging!"

Qin Ran's voice is still dull.

But such dullness is what Stone, Bill and others need at this time.

"I will follow your footsteps!"

"Swear to die!"

"Long live the snakes!"

Holleka, who had already completely regarded himself as a member of the snakes, couldn’t stand it anymore.

He shouted loudly!

It is already at this time.

Some things don't need to be hidden.

The snakes have risen.

But the same is about an unprecedented enemy.

Then, as a member of the snakes.

He wants to fight for the next generation.

This is the only thing he can do as a snake member.

"We will follow your footsteps!"

"Swear to die!"

"Long live the snakes!"

Stone and Bill also shouted.

"Is it time for this crisis?"

Edson opened the tent curtain and walked in.

"His Lord Edson."

Holleka, Stone, and Bill six simultaneously salute.

The demon hunter has a respectful respect for the elders.

"Call your uncle."

"My age is enough for your uncle."

The old demon slayer said this, his mouth was full of smiles, and he had not felt the reverence from the younger generation for a long time.

This feeling...

Really very good!

So, this feeling should be kept for a long time.

With the thought of the bottom of my heart, the eyes of the old hunting demon looked at Qin Ran.

"Not when you are charging."

"It is also our first come."

The old hunter said.

Qin Ran was silent and did not speak.

However, the attitude is obvious.

Similarly, six people, such as Hollerka, did not think that such a task should be handed over to the old hunter.

"Uncle Edson, you are alone..."

"A person?"

"Wolf, never fight alone!"

"You guys, come with me!"

The old hunter said, and turned and walked out.

Left the tent.

Left the camp.

Left the city gate.

He stood outside the gates of Aitantin.

He stared at the horizon in the distance.

He raised his head and made a loud noise.

The snoring sounds like a wolverine.

The sound is bleak and long.

next moment--


The same wolf howling appeared.

Some fine black spots appeared on the horizon.

They are wearing black cloaks, their bodies and weapons are different, but they are breathable and powerful.

Pointing at those figures, the old hunter said loudly.

"The lone wolf is dead!"

"The wolves are alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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