The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1834: select

Chapter 1834 Selection

Edson and Horuff stood side by side in the shadows.

In front of them is a stone alley, at the end of the alley is the temple of the ‘Mr.

Usually it is always covered by sewage and mud.

Even if several priests in the temple cleaned every day, it is very difficult to be clean.

Can it be now?

Not only clean, but also full of devout people.

Everyone is so pious, kneeling, hands clasped together, and having words.

It seems to have forgotten the jealousy and disgust every time I pass through here.

"People, always realistic."

There was a sarcasm in Horruff’s eyes.

As a demon hunter, he experienced such things as not knowing how many times he experienced the same thing in different people. If the belief of the demon hunter is not strong enough, it has already collapsed.

However, the complaint is still a bit.

The demon hunter is not a saint.

To a certain extent, they are also a group of poor guys.

If you don't lose something important, who is willing to be a hunter?

Even many parents of the demon hunter will consider sending their children to ordinary people's homes.

It is a pity that they did not do this in the end.


Blood, after all, is thicker than water.

Also, even in ordinary people's homes, you will be in danger.

Evil, monsters can not picky eaters.

When I met, there was no good end.

It is better to follow your own side and learn enough self-protection skills.

Then wait until the adulthood to make a decision.

Of course, every adult hunter descendant has basically become a hunter.

Under the eyes, young people are always on the road to their parents.

It is undeniable that some rebellious guys always feel that this is very handsome.

Then, by their parents mixed doubles, still do not repent.

"People are contradictory in themselves."

"Not only them."

"We are the same."

Edson sighed.

After decades of prison life, the old hunter has the tenacity and open-mindedness that no other hunter has. When he sees the scene before him, he has nothing to ridicule.

Or, the old demon hunter is more concerned about other things.

His eyes looked at the end of the temple.


Everything is still there.

Several priests were amazed at the situation at hand and did not have any countermeasures.

The statue in the shrine is not a little bright, and people need to wipe the dust off.

"Everything has not changed."

"That is really...hey."

Holuf also saw the scene in front of him, and could not help but shook his head.

There is an example of ‘black disaster’. When the temple of ‘Ms. Evangelion’ was first built, it was crowded.

It was only as time went by and people quickly discovered the difference between this lady.

Will not respond to their followers.

Not to mention the power of believers.

Even the statues that were shaped for her did not have the ‘神辉’.

Initially, people only thought that this was the test of the ‘Mr.

But three years and three years have passed.

Everything is still there.

‘Ms. Evangelion’ did not even look at her followers.

On the other hand, the ‘God Temple’, a new group of believers have completed the baptism and gained the power that ordinary people do not have.

In contrast, the temple of Ms. Evangelion began to decline in the fifth year.

Coupled with the help of others, very quickly, there are only a few really devout believers here. There is no power, only a believer who is a handyman. It is because of this that they can exist.

And ten years later, people's feelings about the ‘fighting lady’s left are left with jealousy and disgust.

If this is not the case of the 'plague', people will only continue their attitude.


After two or three generations, ‘Mr. Disaster’ will be 'qualified’.

If you want to turn over again, it will be difficult.

There is no doubt that this is what the ‘God Temple’ wants to see.

But it eventually failed.

The plague struck again.

Moreover, it broke out in the cathedral of the War Temple.

People gathered in front of the church of the ‘Mr.

Although the lady did not, she would not care, but with the advent of death, only more and more people will come here.

Holuf has been able to think of such a picture.

He has no idea about this.

Whether it is ‘God of War’ or ‘Mr.’s, it’s dangerous in the eyes of this retired old hunter.

The ‘the priesthood’ of both is enough to explain everything.

The former needs to constantly launch a 'war' to be stronger.


It does not exist.

And the latter?

It is even more dangerous.

Compared with the ‘God of War’, which is full of joys and sorrows, the latter is like a 'beast'. Until now, it has only been instinctively crouched in the south, without any spiritual power, but with similar strength.

Of course, the other party is not the case at first.

The other party, who was born originally, has the same normal human emotions as ‘God of War, and can move at will.

But when the demon hunter is involved, everything is different.

The leader of the wolf school.

At the expense of his own life and a hunter-gatherer, the lady became the present.

In the same way, the southern parliamentarians of the ‘quiet night retreat’ were also implicated.

Naturally, this situation cannot be eternal.

But it is still no problem to maintain a hundred years.

Horuf knew this.

Henderson also knows this.

They are here today for further investigation.

This is the order of the serpent heir.

The serpent heir needs to know the exact news about the plague.

In fact, the two will come without Qin.

No one cares about the plague.

"The lady is still a 'beast' state, and more people gather here, which will only lead to unnecessary trouble."

"If the plague breaks out..."

"Only die more people!"

Holuf, who had experienced the ‘black disaster’, became worried.

"Then you want to persuade them?"

Asked Edson.

Suddenly, Horuf smiled.


That must be heard.

He can guarantee that he really wants to persuade, and will definitely be driven out by a group of devout devotees.

Have you encountered a few bad tempers?

That would be a group of beatings.


"Go to Colin."

"He should have a better response."

As Edson said, he went to the camp of the 'Mist' church.

Holuf once again glanced at the more and more people, and finally sighed and followed.


Temple of War, Cathedral.

Dinner was carried out in a silent to depressing atmosphere.


Suddenly, a deacon who was drinking soup was so fainted to the ground.

The spoon spreads in the crispy sound and gives a louder sound.

It was like putting a stone on the calm lake.


The people in the entire canteen quickly smothered their mouth and nose, and evaded the deacon in a gesture of avoiding them.

But there is one person different.

When everyone is dodging.

A person rushed over.


This young knight who gradually gained prestige in the Temple of War and was recognized by many people.

I saw him supporting a deacon who was in a semi-conscious state.

"can you hear me?"

Gino asked in a low voice.

"Can, can."

"I am fine."

"No, don't burn me."

The deacon is very weak, and his mind is somewhat confused, but the instinct to survive makes him express his meaning clearly.

"Do not worry."

"You won't be burned to death."

Gino guarantees.

Then he picked up the other side and rushed toward a corner room in the cathedral.

All the people are afraid to let go.

However, when I saw the back of the Mercedes-Benz, they all showed a complex look.




There are also some.


Still some.

People are always so complicated.

These people are the same as Gino.

As the chief culprit of all this, his embarrassment broke out completely after the priest ordered the death of the plague.

I just want to live!

He kept telling himself.

Then, pray for the Privy Bishop to take care of those infected with the plague.


Can't say it.

But Gino knows that he will be better off doing so.

呻吟, 呓 voices are all over this corner.

It used to be one of the material warehouses of the Temple of War. At this time, it was asked by Gino to become a temporary care center.

There are nearly a hundred people inside.

Plus this one he is holding...

One hundred, right?

Gino thought about it.

He did not count the number of people because he was worried about the reduction in these numbers.


The heavy wooden door opened.

A few people in the warehouse who were still awake raised their heads and saw the grateful look on the faces of Gino when they came in.

Gino smiled.

Then, immediately lower your head.

He did not dare to look directly at such gratitude.

After arranging the person in his arms to a bed, Gino immediately began to check and take care of the rest.

Only in this way can he be slightly reduced.

"Thank you."

"Thank you, Gino Knight."

Everyone who is taken care of by Gino will be thankful as long as he is still awake.

Whether it is a noble priest or an ordinary deacon or knight, he will send a sincere thank you.

There is no falsehood.

Because, they know, it is the young man in front of them who saved them so that they will not be burned alive.

Every channel thank you, it is like a needle, stabbed in the heart of Gino.

He felt that breathing became difficult.

To do this, he has to do more things.

Then, more thank you appeared.

He tried to take care of more people again.

It is like a vicious circle.

Of course, only Gino knows it.

other people?

They seem to have seen a real knight.

Has a noble quality, like a knight in a biographical novel.

The moonlight shines out of the window, and a layer of high radiance appears on the other side.

A few priests who watched all of this silently, sighed in a low voice.

"Compared with him, we are really despicable."

This priest said this.

No one refutes that the slightly young priest wants to refute, but his lips move slightly, and he says, "This is the order of the Priest Bishop."

They are guards.

Motor promised Gino's request, but did not mean that the Privy Bishop did not have any precautions.

The other party is very clear about how terrible these people are.

A little carelessness is a great disaster.

Therefore, the necessary measures are inevitable.

Similarly, some hidden commands are also necessary.

For example: infected people leave without permission and kill innocent people.

However, this does not mean that the Privy Bishop is not actively seeking ways.

You know, these are all important assets of your Majesty.

As the most loyal follower of His Majesty, he will certainly protect these properties.

Therefore, from the moment the plague broke out, the Privy Bishop began to communicate with his sire.

As for the result?

Look at the warehouse with more and more infections.

‘God of War’, the authority of this **** is doomed to the fact that the other party cannot really fight against the 'plague' unless it is spending more power to drive out the 'plague.'


It’s just a drop in the bucket.

A few people are still okay.

Want to ‘gift’ all believers?

It is impossible!

In fact, not to mention all the believers, even the clergy in the Cathedral of Aitenburg, his grace can not be completely shrouded.

More importantly, with the advent of the 'plague', the opponent of the 'beast' has once again become ready to move.

‘trick’ ‘conspiracy’ ‘destruction’!

Motor can clearly hear the roar of his knees.

There is no doubt that this is the handwriting of that person.

After they chose the alliance, the other party began to attack without hesitation.

Otherwise, what else can it be?

Everything is too coincidental.

After the big explosion of the Cheka Bay, Aitandin VI fell ill. Then, it was the plague of the 'God of War'. One after the other, one followed by one, which made people unable to cope, as if someone had arranged everything. Like.

"Do we have the ‘spy’ around us?”

Motor guessed.

Although their alliance is not absolutely concealed, it is not something that ordinary people can know.

Just when the Privy Bishop began to guess who was a spy, a knock on the door sounded.

Yes, Kabbio.

Responsible for the bishop of the ‘the dark hall’.

The other identity is the deputy director of the ‘Holy ruling’.

Who is the director?

Who else might be removed from Motor?

A black robe with a slightly old face, but with a particularly sharp eye, Kabbio walked in, and he simply opened the door.

"Adult, you are too kind."

There is no end to one sentence.

Motor knows what it is.

"Gino is a talent."

"But we can't lose because of smallness."

“And, who can guarantee that the warehouse is safe?”

"Don't forget that they are breathing the same air as we are!"

"It is the safest to burn."

After the sound of Kabbio was calm, he looked straight at Motor.

After a few seconds, the Privy Bishop sighed.

"Give it to you, Kabbio."

"Yes, the bishop."

As soon as he got out, Kabbio turned and left.

Looking at the disappearance of Kabbio, the pivotal bishop sighed again.

"Sorry, child."

"It's all for the glory of my Lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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