The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1839: Pace

Chapter 1839

There is no absolute thing in the world.

At dawn, Mortor, who also believed that he was in control of the situation, completely lost control of the situation when the sun rose to the top of his head.

News about the trafficking of the ‘God Temple’ was spread throughout the city of Aitenburg and spread to the north and south at an unpredictable rate.

More importantly...

Worrying evidence has emerged!

When he had not ordered the destruction of the ‘secret base’ not far from Fort Aitenburg, the ‘Secure Night Secrets’ raided there.

The entire base was destroyed and Motor was not in the heart.

However, the ‘orphans’ inside made Mottall scared.

The only thing that made him feel relieved was that he was able to handle a group of children.

You are a child, what do you know?

A discourse like this is enough to make him invincible.

The person who cares for the children is completely unaware of the inside, and he does not have to worry.

Just as he was exhausted to deal with these things, there was solid evidence.

In a way he never thought of.

The priests and deacons of the 'dark churches' actually admitted.

"Damn Kabbio!"

Standing at the top of the cathedral, Motor overlooks the people gathered in the business district.

With his gaze, it is clear that the people standing on the table are the most cronies of Carbio.

In the same way, he can also see the anger and incomprehension of the people around him.


Everything is over!

The powerlessness is full of the body of Motto.

He turned and leaned against the wall, which supported him not falling to the ground.

He breathed hard.

He wants to calm his thoughts.

He wants to consider how to help his sire to overcome the immediate difficulties.

Can this be possible?

Qin Ran does not like to drag the mud with water.

Especially in the face of a matter that affects the overall situation, since it has been shot, it should give the Thunder a blow and not give the other side any room to turn over.

The evil spirits disguised as Kabbio's confidant stood on the high platform and repented.

"I am sorry, I will say it all now."

"Because I am too timid."

"I am afraid of Kabbio and I am afraid of Motor."

"The deterrence of the two of them made me afraid to resist like a sheep, but yesterday I saw what a real brave!"

Then, the upper evil spirit began to describe the ‘Knight Gino’.

From the time of the original city gate, to the ‘fog’ church camp afterwards, the matter was thoroughly revealed.

The surrounding people gave a loud exclamation.

While paying more respect to the 'Knight Gino', he also became more and more disgusted with Motor.

Especially when the other Kabbio confidants affected by the evil spirits began to tell other facts about Kabbio and Motor, the group was indignant.

“Have you ever wondered why there are so many missing people in Aitenburg?”

"Have you ever thought about why you suddenly lost your job?"

“Have you ever wondered why the items you bought suddenly become expensive?”

"It's all Motall's ghosts!"

"He is manipulating everything in Aitenburg in the name of 'God of War.'"

"You are willing to follow him and you can get a job."

"You are willing to believe in God of War, you can get cheap goods."

The evil spirits began to ignite their best.

At the same time, the bottom of my heart moved slightly.

Immediately hidden in the crowd, the number of people it hinted at shouted loudly.

"We have to ask for a statement!"

"We want him to explain it!"


Several people shouted loudly and took the lead in the direction of the cathedral.

Someone took the lead, and the crowds of angry people rushed toward the Temple of War.

The guards of the royal family stood by and watched without any hindrance.

Aristocratic private soldiers?

They also received the order and did not have any action.

As long as no one is licking the water to fish.

Standing in a three-story building on the side of the road, Valentin looked at the crowd below.

"It's terrible!"

The old-school count sighed.

"The power of man is endless."

“Especially when they get together.”

"Even the gods have to compromise."

The Viscount Litle said very straightforwardly.

"You mean?"

Valentine was surprised and widened his eyes.

Litle nodded.

"If you want to calm the public anger..."

"Only that choice."

Litle's eyes looked at the direction of the Cathedral of the Temple of War, and there was a sarcasm in his eyes.

If ‘God of War’ really chose that road, then ‘God Temple’ would be finished.

If you don't choose it, you will be finished immediately.

No matter how you choose to be finished, the former is more acceptable.

Of course, the best thing is to use force.

Without the premise of 'Mr. Disaster' and 'Mist', Litle is sure that the other party will do this.

And now?

After the body was pinned down, the ordinary projection and avatar of the person could not fight the ‘fog’.

"It's an excellent layout!"

Litle’s heart sighed silently.

He recalls the recent events, although there is no definite evidence, but he can perceive that all of this should be manipulated by an invisible big hand.


Litle thought about the name.

But right away, he let himself empty his brain.

It is inevitable that ‘God of War’ will go down the altar.

The rise of ‘fog’ is also unstoppable.

He is a mortal who does not want to participate.

Who is standing there, has there been any change for him?

No matter who he is, he needs his help.

Littel, who knows his position, is not worried. He knows that as long as he grasps everything he has, he can sit back and relax.

Compared with this, he is more concerned about another thing.

"Valentin, do I have any news for you to ask?"

Asked the Viscount Litle.

"Littel, you know, time has passed."

"I will try to get more people into it."

Valentine smiled bitterly.

As one of the oldest leaders, in Aitinburg, and even in the whole of Aitantin, Valentine has considerable influence, but looking for a nameless person more than a decade ago, but it is Can't do it.

It can only be a needle in a haystack.

"is it?"

"That's not needed."

"People still pay more attention to the South."

"There is what we should care about."

Little sighed.

He printed the smile in his mind deeply behind his heart and said it very sensibly.


Valentine sighed and nodded hard.


"Motor is finished."

Just in the buildings not far from Valentin and Little, watching the crowd gathered, the old Marquis of Wharton gave the same evaluation as Little.

Even, in some ways, it is more certain.

Because, as a royal camp, the old Marquis can deal with the ‘God Temple’ more than once.

He is too aware of the style of the ‘God Temple’.

"Is Motor not prepared?"

Culw Wharton frowned and was puzzled.

"Yes, it doesn't work."

"He is just a spokesperson who has gained strength from the gods."

"The will of the 'God of War" will always be the 'God of War.'"

There is something in the old Wharton.

Cul Walton looked at his father.

She hopes to get more explanations.

For Wal-Mart, Kurd Wharton is very curious.

However, Old Wharton did not say a word more.

Instead, it changed the subject.

"How are you and your cousin?"

Old Wharton asked.

"What is it?"

Culw Wharton has a puzzled look.

"Chur, you know what I am talking about."

"The same, you know what I want you to do."

Old Wharton said very directly.

"We have nothing."

"We are just friends."

Cul Walton is also directly, facing his father, she did not intend to retreat.

She thinks friends are rare.

She does not want to make her friends difficult to do because of herself.

"Friends can be lovers."

"At least, it's better to be a lover than a stranger."


"You have to think about the Wharton family!"

Old Wharton persuaded his daughter in his own way, but such a discourse was counterproductive for Coulwharton, and Culw Wharton squinted and said, "Why don't you go by yourself?"

"If I can, I don't mind going."

"But I can't."

"So, I, the family needs Chur, you go."

"Don't forget that His Majesty the Sixth World has begun to alienate us. In the recent period, the Sixth World Warrior is closer to the guy of Monte, and this is what you should do next."

Old Wharton took a deep breath.

He is too aware of this sire.

Every seemingly unintentional movement is not meaningful.

Not to mention the time when it comes to the heirs.

This alienation is inevitable.

Because, Chur will become the wife of the heir.

Then he must avoid suspicion.

Of course, this is just a roundabout way.

But if Chur does not become the wife of the heir, the alienation at this moment represents the Wharton family's right to withdraw from the center of Aitenburg.

This is something that Old Wharton can't tolerate.

He does not allow such things to happen.

Therefore, the next moment, Old Wharton’s gaze towards Coulwharton became serious.

This time, Culw Wharton has retreated.

But still did not agree.

Instead, I turned and left the room.


The heavy closing sound represents the counterattack of Culw Wharton.

For Old Wharton, there is absolutely no use at all.

The old Marquis’s gaze has completely looked at the ‘God of War’ cathedral, or... a little further Aitantin’s royal castle.


The crowd rushed to the front of the cathedral.


"The plague happened here and everyone stopped!"

A caretaker knight blocked loudly.

"If the plague still exists, do you think you can still live?"

"That is the plague that even Kabbio can infect. Do you think you can survive a little knight?"

“Even, can the entire Fort Aitenburg be spared?”

"Don't listen to him!"

"The plague has already been expelled by the ‘Simon Bishop’.”

"They are just delaying the time to destroy the evidence!"

The evil spirit immediately shouted.

In such a cry, the crowd that just stopped, swarmed in again.

The **** knights want to pull out the weapon to block.

But in the end it was just holding a long sword.

They are not fools.

Once the sword was pulled out at this time, things really became unmanageable.

I hope that Mr. Motor can handle it.

Every Guardian knight thinks this way when he is smashed by the crowd.

And Motor is doing the same!

"Let's wait."

The Privy Bishop has appeared in front of the cathedral with words.

He is ready to face the arrogance.

However, an unexpected scene appeared.

Some of the people who should have stopped are actually stopped.

The only remaining part is the secret entrance to the 'dark church' and the 'sanctification'.

The pivotal bishop raised his brow.

Something in the 'dark church' ‘the sacred sect’ is absolutely undetectable.

He has already made people move.

Now, it still takes time.

It must be delayed.

"You calm down!"

Motol said in a deep voice, the glory of his mortal beings.

Extraordinary power will work at all times.

Especially when facing the general public, it is enough to shock.

Motor is planning to use the shocking neutral to delay time.

But what Motor did not think was that just as he bloomed the glory of the ‘God of War’, the rushing rush of the front of Kabbio was like a truck hit, and the volley flew out.

I bumped into many people and said that this priest was still bleeding.

"You, killing people, oh!"

The other side defied Motor and said such words.

Then, haven't waited for what Motor said.


In a muffled sound, the priest burst directly.

The body that is torn apart, it is really dead and can no longer die.

The crowd suddenly calmed down.



"The Temple of War" kills people!"


In the cry of one after another, the people who just gathered together ran back at a faster speed.


Be a bird and beast.

Those who rushed to the secret entrance of the ‘the dark hall’ ‘the sacred sect’ did not have any thoughts, and they ran away.

In fact, neither Qin Ran nor the evil spirits in the real sense have uncovered the idea of ​​a 'dark church' and a sacred sect, because there is no need at all.

As long as the upper evil spirits step into the ‘the Temple of War,’ everything is doomed.

After a glimpse of the radiant Moto, his face changed suddenly.

Undoubtedly, what the Privy Bishop had guessed.

But he can't take it all.

He turned and looked at the statue of the ‘God of War’ in the cathedral.

I saw the glorious ‘God of War’ statue, which faded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the sky in the south sounded a whisper.

Good to hear.

Yes, the voice of the woman.

Qin Ran looked up at the south in the camp of the 'Mist' church.

In the eyes that were picked up, there was a smile.

Everything is going according to his plan.

Qin Ran raised his hand.

The nearest minister immediately came over.

"His Royal Highness."

Near the court, he gave a gift.

"Go to Bohr, I hope to meet him."

After that, Qin Ran walked toward the tent with hundreds of magic items.

Next, it's time to get started.

(End of this chapter)

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