The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1849: Last minute

The last moment of Chapter 1849

what is that? !

Every big city player looks up at the sky and looks up at the sky.

Eyes, of course they recognize.


For such a big eye, everyone is seeing for the first time!

Even the prepared hacker is no exception.

Seeing the eyes that almost occupied half of the sky, the breath of the hacker was slightly stagnation, but, immediately, he returned to normal.

"It’s a great honor!"

"We met again, "The Witch"."

As I said, ‘hacker’ is like a slap in the face.

But the huge eyes did not reply at all.

Just look at the ‘hacker’ and the people around you.

Then, I licked it.

Suddenly, the entire huge city was shaken.

Move the mountain to shake!

But it is not a simple earthquake.



The crack first appeared on the ground and spread directly toward the sky.

A huge urban residence that is said to be absolutely safe has begun to collapse.

Breathing room.

The huge city has become a ruin.


There is only one platform.

A stony platform that brings together all the players in a huge city.

It includes those who live in huge cities, but also those who temporarily leave huge cities.

Everyone looks at each other.

I am completely confused about what happened.


Most people don't know anything.

They turned into white light spots and disappeared.

People familiar with it, subconsciously raise their hands and want to pull their comrades and companions, but it is impossible. The raised hands can only pass through the white spots.

It is useless.

"I said it before."

"Alive, isn't it?"

"Even if you are in a cage, isn't it alive?"

The ‘deaf’ was half-squatting on the ground and whispered to himself.

This kind of self-speaking is not high.

But on this dead platform, the rest of the people heard it clearly.


With the strength of people under the 'residual', this kind of discourse can be heard clearly.

"what are you saying?"

Blair and Gaelic, who are new to the singularist team, are puzzled.

"what did I say?"

"Why don't you ask the **** opposite?"

‘Lean’ sneered, spitting blood at the location where the ‘hacker’ stood.

The ‘hacker’ slightly sideways, avoiding such blood, and then he turned around and just wanted to say something, and he was knocked down to the ground with a punch.


The fist is hard enough.

So that the hacker all fell to the ground.

However, ‘hacker’ does not have any annoyance.

Instead, continue to smile.

And the punching of the incompetent and unhesitating is a few punches.

It wasn't until Rachel had his shoulders that he couldn't help but have to stop.

At this time, the ‘hacker’ has already been completely unrecognizable. It does not need the cover of the system, and it does not look like the original.

However, he is still laughing.

"You know that I stopped this fool, not to listen to your laughter."

The pub boss said coldly.

However, ‘hacker’ is still laughing.

That kind of laughter is full of joy.

Everyone is in vain.

The name of the ‘hacker’, they know, it’s definitely not a madman or a fool, but at this time, it’s such a laugh.

What happened?

Worth being so happy?

Everyone's heart is such a question.

"Are we alive?"

“Don't you be happy?”

After a while, the ‘hacker’ replied.

"What do you mean?"

Rachel frowned.

"As you guessed - Rachel has touched that guy?"

“Don't you find a little difference?”

"The kind of strange feeling that is like the center of the world, don't you wonder why?"

The ‘hacker’ asks.

The pub owner did not speak again.

Others are also watching ‘hackers’.

"Of course, because she is the center of the world!"

Under the gaze of everyone, ‘hacker’ said with a smile.

“She is the center of the world?”


"How could she be the center of the world, unless she created it..."

When the ‘casting swordsman’ said it, he could no longer say it.

The breath of the people around you is a meal.

It seems to have been suppressed by a mountain.

"Of course not she created the world."

"She is just opportunistic to get the current 'power'."

"Then, in order to make this 'rights' more stable, she began to 'cleanse' the 'cleansing' those who are not controlled."

With the words of ‘hacker’, everyone’s face changed suddenly.

They thought of the original ‘the witch’s disaster’.


"It's what you think."

“The ‘Worm of the Witch’ was carefully planned by her. Then she began to build her own power and built the entire huge city into a ‘cage’.”


“It’s just a 'prisoner’ ‘slave’.”

"She arbitrarily plundered our harvest."

"Choose people who can join their own power."


"She is hidden behind the scenes and becomes a 'witch' who manipulates everything in the true sense."

"To make everything more natural."

"I, it has appeared."

"The top ten under 'The Witch' also appeared."

"I was a beggar at the beginning."

"More than half of the top ten are also awkward. What is more tragic is that they don't know their own identity and they are not self-satisfied with their top ten status."

The ‘hacker’ said that there was more sarcasm in the discourse.

He looked up and looked at the huge eyes.

"My Excellency, Dear."

"Glorious His Royal Highness."

"You have nothing to say?"


"I forgot!"

"You have a small bit of a mistake, otherwise, how can I stand here and talk to you?"

Saying, ‘hacker’ laughed again.

Unlike the previous chuckle, this time the ‘hacker’ is a loud laugh.

I laughed and bent down.

Laughing hysterically.

"Damn guy, at this time, you are still insulting adults!"

'Order' is angry at the ‘hacker’.

‘The hacker’ looked at the ‘order’ with mercy.

"The sad guy."

"Do you really think that you are alive because of the compassion of our Highness?"

"She didn't kill you, she just couldn't kill you at the time."

"It's like now!"

"She certainly can't wait for me to die!"

"But she can't kill me!"

"Because she has a little bit of a situation."


"You idiot, didn't you find out that the sun and the moon are still there?"

When the ‘hacker’ was finished with sarcasm, he squatted at the ‘Mimosa’ standing behind the lawless person.

Compared with the previous actor's pretense, this time the hacker has taken an unprecedented seriousness.

"Please forgive me for everything I have done."

"I was forced to pull you into this game."

"Because you are the key to this game."

‘hacker’ said this.


A mimosa.

Then, after being watched by everyone, Mimosa couldn't help but shrink and reinforce, and wanted to make myself less gaze.

This look can be convincing.

"You are talking about this big fat sheep?"

"Do not make jokes!"

'Order' is angry.

But the lawlessness of others is thoughtful.

Mimosa is not an idiot.

"Is it 2567?"

Mimosa whispered.


"He is the key to dealing with the 'witch'!"

‘hacker’ said truthfully.


A questioning question appeared in the ears of everyone.

Then, the feeling of chilling filled the hearts of everyone.

It is a natural reaction to the top of the food chain.

People look around subconsciously.

A figure is naturally appearing in people's field of vision.

The figure shrouded in glory cannot be seen clearly. Even witnessing such brilliance can not help feeling the stinging of the eyes, but even more terrifying is that everyone finds their power bound.

The body is better like a mountain, unable to stand upright again, and has become crumbling.

‘Customer’ body shape.


The next moment, it fell to the ground.

"This is your freedom?"

‘Order’ ridiculed.

"Of course this is not!"

"The following is!"

After the ‘hacker’ answer, he prayed himself.

"The successor of the morning dawn, the owner of the dawn, the master of the plague, the guide of the fog, the food devourer throughout the world, the ceremonial guardian, I pray to you..."

Loud and clear voice.

The sun meets the moonlight.

In an instant, a huge door appeared.


A demon of a hundred meters in diameter, flew out of the gate, the flames rising from the sky, straight into the eyes of the sky.

When the devil's inflammation burst, everyone heard a scream.

The gleaming figure was even more dizzy.


A shadow covered the figure.


In the kicking of the void, the gleaming figure was so drawn.

A crack appeared on the shining figure.

The filament flame emerges from the crack.



The glorious figure is like a soap bubble, so it bursts.

"how is this possible?"

‘Lean’ is looking at this scene.

In fact, not only the leader of the Guardian, but the people around him looked at the figure standing on the field.

The pressure just given to them by the 'Witches' is obvious.

but now?

Is it so simple to be killed?

A sense of absurdity has appeared in the hearts of everyone.

"It’s just a avatar."

"Is it directly killed, what is strange?"

The ‘hacker’ said that he looked at the figure in the memory. He raised his hands very simply and said, “Don’t kill me, I am useful.”


Aitantin was unified.

It is not the traditional Hokuriku Aitandin, the south, the island, and even the other side of the sea, all belonged to Ai Ting Ding's majesty.

All of this, a total of Qin has been used for a year.

During the year, he has been waiting for a reminder to return.

However, nothing.

But just as he became the moment of Aitantine VII.

He felt the exchange!

It is ‘Wu’!

A door appeared in front of him.

In this regard, Qin Ran is very happy.

Although he is in conflict with 'Wu', this does not prevent Qin Ran from admitting each other's ability, but when Qin Ran is ready to step into the door, a bigger one seems to be the door to support the world. This appeared in front of him.

Moreover, there was a voice of mimosa inside.

and also……

The taste of food!

Qin Ran can be sure that it is a carefully prepared food of mimosa.

Very delicious!

Without hesitation, Qin Ran chose the door to the voice of mimosa.

However, this time the return is far longer than Qin Ran imagined.

Moreover, the way to return is also that he is moving forward.

A gravel road is at your feet.

Qin Ran quickly moved forward.

Run for three weeks.

Qin Ran saw the door at the end.

When he touched the doorknob, he heard the words of hacker, and he saw everything that happened in a huge city.

Qin Ran looked at the sky and belonged to the huge eyes of the witch.

Without any hesitation, a demon of demon power came out.

Then he rushed to the avatar of the ‘Witch’.

A hit!

However, more avatars and projections have appeared.


The devil's inflammation swept past.

The avatars and projections are shattered.

Just, after a while, it appears again.

"You need to find her body!"

"She is hiding there!"

"Killing her body, I can end it all, otherwise it will be in vain!"

"Take us here."

"You are going!"

The ‘hacker’ pointed out loudly in one direction of the huge city.

However, just as the ‘hacker’ voice just fell, there was a dense projection in that direction.


Like a wall of people, blocking the road of Qin Ran.

Moreover, in other directions, the projection of the witch has begun to appear, and the total number cannot be counted.

Their goals are clear.

Overturn and tear the stone platform.

Let the enemy in front of you die!

"What a terrible scene!"

Unspeakable, he took out the weapon from the back of his box - a transmitter that looked like a normal one.

Kneeling on his shoulders, he couldn’t breathe a deep breath and pulled the trigger.


Can't speak loudly.



The glare flashes, and a mushroom cloud appears at the end!

Suddenly, the dense projections were shredded.

Everyone was shocked.

They looked at the lawlessly.

I couldn’t help but throw the launcher on the ground, licking the cigar and cracking the mouth: “Who doesn’t have a card?”


"Who doesn't have a card yet!"

The pub boss refused and raised her hand, and a wine glass appeared in her hand.

Lifting the glass, the pub owner did not drink.

Instead, it fell heavily in the ground.



A blue pillar of fire rose from the sky, and the witch projections that suddenly appeared on one side were frozen, but more ‘witch’ projections swarmed.

Moreover, these ‘Women’ projections have begun to merge.

A huge ‘Women’ projection between the breaths rushed to the platform.

Hans and Cole ignored it.

The former was in front of the latter, who took out a capsule and threw it on the ground.


The smoke is rising.

A huge robot with a laser sword and a tower shield was present on the battlefield. In the blue-red body, Cole sat in it.

"Give it to me!"

Cole rushed to the battlefield with a robot.

The huge ‘Witch’ projection was blocked.

However, in the shadows, something that seems to be a dead soul begins to pop up.

"Hey, what about the card?"

Lamont whispered to himself, twisting the frosty swords in his hands together, a strangely shaped axe appeared in his hand, waving, and the whirlwind of ice and fire flew to the soul of the shadow.

The ‘Lonely’ was at this time and took a look at the 'Alchemist’ Leme.

Not as sneaky as before.

It is just right.

But it is also a glance.

After a glance, he twisted his head and kicked a scroll that was one person high.

Wolfs, tigers, lions, elephants, etc. are coming out of them.

The most striking thing is that two two-legged dragons have also been drilled out of them.


After the flames breathed, the beast army began to attack.

At this moment, the Taoist aura emerged from the foot of the beast army. Immediately, the attack and defense of the Beast Legion showed a straight upward trend.

Levin looked back at the strange.

‘Alchemist’ Leme squinted at him.

The battle on the platform is in the most white stage.

More players are added to it.

Mimosa is no exception.

While keeping yourself as much as possible, mimosa throws out a scroll.

Not only powerful but also numerous enough.

Even, to a certain extent, mimosa resisted one side of the attack.

But the crisis is quiet.

The shadow of the 'order' rushed to the mimosa.

He did not deliberately choose mimosa.

Instead, he can see that the mimosa is the weakest among the players present, and it is really vulnerable to throwing away those props.


Qin Ran, who appeared next to the mimosa, stepped on the shadow.

The shadow is twisted back and forth, but it is impossible to get out of such a stepping.

The ‘order’ was still to be attacked, and a figure passed behind him.

The sharp palm passed over the neck of the ‘order’.

After the evil spirits bowed to their Boss, they appeared beside the mimosa.

"Protect mimosa."

Qin Ran ordered.

"As you wish!"

The upper evil spirits glimpse.

Kill the enemy?

It doesn't care.


It doesn't care either.

It only cares about Boss' commands.

That is the value of its existence.


Mimosa exclaimed, then, some shyly bowed his head.

Mimosa felt that she was dragging her legs again.

"You, done well enough."

"This is not the place you should come here."

"You are the most busy in the kitchen, I am most happy to see."

Qin Ran said faintly.

"I have prepared food."


"The estimate is gone."

Mimosa stuttered.


Qin Ran asked.


Mimosa nodded with certainty.

"It’s a pity that I didn’t eat it."

"just now……"

"Close your eyes!"

"Clog your ears!"

Qin Ran said one word at a time.

"Oh, oh, good."

Mimosa closed his eyes and blocked his ears.

some things.

Qin Ran does not want mimosa to see and hear.

After all, he didn't want to scare the mimosa.

Flames emerged from the body.

The scorching heat began to wreak havoc around.


"I have seen it more than once!"

"Everything in a huge city can't beat me!"

"Or, as long as it happened once, I can know all about it!"

The voice of the ‘Witch’ echoed above her head.

"I can rest assured that."

"I want you to see what you have never seen before!"

Devilized Qin Ran nodded.


"Greed, open!"

"Anger, open!"

"Jealous, open!"

"Color X, open!"

"Lazy, open!"

"Overeating, open!"

"Pride, open!"

The sound is like thunder!

Open it!

After the demonization, the breath of Qin Ran is twice as powerful, and the body is doubled.

After a series of seven sounds, the demonized Qin Ran opened the flames of the wings, it is already covering the sky.

A barb has appeared on Qin Ran at the moment.

It’s horrible.

What is even more terrifying is that a chaotic, sinister atmosphere is like a falling star, and it is a huge city that has become a ruin.

Suddenly, those projections all disappeared.

The only thing left is the unspeakable exclamation of the body under this breath -

"Seven or seven personalities?!"

"how is this possible!"

The ‘wow’ that emerged from the ruins questioned Qin Ran.


"Do not!"

"This is a return!"

"Man is a kind of creature of desire and hope. From the birth of wisdom, it began to create desire. Hope, some people follow the tide, some people suppress this nature, and I?"

"Choose the combination of the two!"

"Repress and communicate!"

“In normal times, they spread their respective enhancements!”

"When needed, I let them return to my body and become my strength again!"

"I call this trick..."

"Seven big limit!"

All emotions are returning, and the voice is not indifferent Qin Ran, yelling loudly.

The huge body flies straight into the corner of a huge city.

It was only then that she wanted to hide the ‘Witch’ in the darkness until she found herself completely locked.





It was suppressed at this moment.

The first two came from Qin Ran, which opened the ‘seven limits’ after the demonization was started.

The latter two are...


The hacker holding a golden feather waved at the ‘Women’ and seemed to be saying goodbye.

And this is the last memory of the ‘Witch’.

She couldn't move, she looked closer and closer, and Qin Ran, who kicked herself out, kicked the whole person into the darkness.


The huge city began to collapse.

In a way of turning into nothingness.

But right away, a new huge city has emerged.

It seems as if it was an illusion.

The illusion disappeared at this moment.

Also disappearing along with people on the platform.

Only Qin Ran, who had recovered from the original, stood in the middle of a huge city.

[Player 2567 kills the 'Witches', the system is judged...]



[Respected player 2567, you will be in charge of the new city! 】

(End of this chapter)

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