The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1828: Fishing

Chapter 1828 Fishing

When the upper evil spirit returned to the ‘fog’ church camp in the Lower Seventh Ring with Little, the previous riots had completely subsided.

Or, to be more precise, under the control of the Aidin royal family, the Temple of War, the ‘fog’ church, and the old-school aristocrats, there is no greater confusion.

However, the atmosphere is arrogant.

Especially the Earl of Valentin who arrived in a hurry.

At this time, he was glaring at his eyes and glaring at the messenger of the Temple of War.

The dead Sean is not a nameless generation. As the ninth captain of the Knights of the Temple of War, he is familiar with many nobles and is well known to the lower classes.

But because of this, things are getting worse and worse.

"I am sorry, you are yours."

"I think there must be something wrong with it."

The messenger of the Temple of War is a young man.

Hair and beard are already white, wrinkles on the face, but the spirit is very good.

This is also a well-known figure.

Temino priest.

In many public occasions, the priest is the agent of the Temple of War.

Most of the time, he will talk and laugh with many noble people.

But at this moment, at this time, the Temino priests who walked between many nobles and civilians were stunned.

What happened, of course he knew.

He knew about the sanctuary inside the Temple of War.

However, he never knew that the courage of these guys was so big, it was so... incompetent.

Now that you have chosen to take over the Aitante royal family and the snake heirs, you must be crisp and neat.

Rather than being as it is now, the assassination failure was caught by the handle.

Really **** it!

The heart screamed at the incompetence of Sean, and the priest began to turn his brain.

The Earl of Valentin was not so patient.


"Tell me, where is Little?"

The count whispered at the priests at the Temple of War.

The anger that emerged in the eyes made people have no doubts. If there is no clear answer, the count will do something crazy.

In this regard, the Aitante royal family is not unexpected.

For Valentine, Litle is not just an ordinary ally.

The family of the two is complementary because of their origins. From the beginning of Aitante IV, the two sides consolidated their relationship through constant in-laws.

In terms of blood relationship, Viscount Little is the cousin of Earl Valentin.

Even the two themselves grew up together.

Moreover, there are rumors that the Earl of Valentin was able to become the Earl of Valentin because of the Viscount of Little.

To put it simply, there is no Count of Valentin without the Viscount of Little.

Therefore, Valentine's anger is taken for granted.

Snoring, snoring!

Valentin squeezed his hilt and gasped with a big mouth.

He told himself to be calm.

Can completely calm down.

Only he himself understood what Litle meant for himself.

Not only cousins, but also support alone, and there are... the main heart.

Most of the time, only need to arrange for Little, he can do it.

And now, Little has suddenly disappeared.

Valentin did not have the confidence to organize the stalls left by the two families, not to mention the large industry in the South. Even in Fort Aitin, he was not able to catch.

He has self-knowledge.

He knows what he is good at.

No Little is careful, and there is no big picture of Little.

Damn it!

Damn it!

Damn it!

The more I want to be angry, the more Valentin can't stand it anymore.


The long sword is squirted, and the tip of the sword points directly to the priest of the Temino.

"I want you to be buried with Little!"

Said, Valentin's long sword will be stabbed forward.


"The Earl of Valentin is calm!"

The nearest minister shouted loudly.

But the pace is not moving.

In the opinion of the near minister, the old-fashioned aristocrats are the enemies of His Royal Highness. The Temple of War is also the enemy of His Royal Highness. Do the mutual killings between the enemies still need to be blocked?

No, he is not an idiot.

He can't wait to ignite the wind and make the battle a bit more intense.

Therefore, the shouting of the mouth, the close-knit of the footsteps, in the bottom of my heart has begun to ponder how to provoke the real fighting between the two sides.

But to the disappointment of the near minister, the sword of Count Valentin did not stab.

No, Valentine changed his mind.

Instead, it was blocked.

The Viscount Litle did not know when it appeared at Valentine's side, raising his hand and holding Valentin's wrist.

"Valentin, don't worry."

"I haven't really died yet."

Viscount Litle said with a smile.

"Littel? Are you okay, Little?"

Valentin saw the emergence of Little, shouting excitedly, but the next moment, the count saw the scars on Little.

Bandaged and bloody.

It is too conspicuous.

"Little, your injury?"

Valentine asked nervously.


"Even if something is wrong, we can slowly count with some people."

Said, Litle looked at Temino.

That's really obvious.

At this time, the priest of the priest, Tino, could not wait for Sean to pull up the whip.

Not only did the assassination of Colin’s heirs not be made, but Litle was left behind, which is simply endless!

Thinking of each other's handwriting, Temino brains began to hurt.

"I think there are some misunderstandings inside."

The long-sleeved and graceful Temino said dry and dry.

"is it?"

Litle sneered and stopped talking.

Qin Ran, who has nothing to do with his own affairs, completely dissipates the power of ‘original sin’.

Anger is the easiest to influence the mind.

This is especially true for some people who have no gods.

And now?

no need.

The best actor is about to debut.

Step on and step on.

In the footsteps, the bishop of the 'Mist' church walked slowly.


"The Lord Bishop."

The people present were saluting, even the Temino of the Temple of War was no exception.

Even the one who has always nicknamed the 'fog' church in the heart is the same as the pagans.

Under the premise of not tearing the face, there is everything there is.

The upper evil spirits are also courtesy.

Then, gesture to Rogette.

"Take the viscounts some wound medicine and a leather jacket."

"Yes, adults."

The young man immediately ran to the camp.

"Bishop, please don't call me like this, you can call me Litle."

Litle turned and leaned slightly toward the upper evil spirit.

Aside from Valentin, I looked at my cousin in vain.

He can see that his cousin is not talking about the words, but from the sincerity.

"Is he saving Little?"

With such an idea, Valentin also bowed to the evil spirits.

Not a simple salute.

It is a noble ceremony of 35°.

As long as the cousin is alive, such a gift is nothing to Valentine's.

Even if he is left, he is willing.

The near minister looked at this scene and his eyelids bounced slightly.

Then, the gaze of the near minister was placed on the bishop.

“Has the good old-fashioned aristocratic goodwill?”

"And, it has a good relationship with His Royal Highness."

"This guy……"

The near minister was inexplicably vigilant.

He always felt that this was beyond the scope of a bishop.

He subconsciously pulled the sleeves of His Royal Highness.

This is a reminder.

When I saw that there was no expression under my temple, and I was completely unmoved, the nearest minister immediately sighed.

Obviously, my Highness noticed.

that's enough!

Worried about the presence of more than one minister, Temino is another.

Looking at the ‘fog’ and the old school that apparently became unrecognizable, Temino once again wanted to whip the corpse of Sean.

There is a reputation among the people at the bottom and a church that has both prestige and aristocratic friendship. It is a complete concept.

Although the former is large in number, it lacks decisive power.

And the latter?

That really will become very troublesome.

It is necessary to know that the power represented by Little and Valentin is not comparable to a country nobleman like Sika.

Temino is thinking.

He hopes to disintegrate such alliances.

However, there is no way.

The blessing of life, but it is so easy to turn away.

And when Temino was thinking about it, what happened to him unexpectedly happened.

The neglected young man, the guardian knight: Gino walked out.

"Hello, please help us."

The young man suddenly fell on one knee.

"What happened?"

"My Lord does not blame his own light, but the glory of the God of War is still there. You bathe and protect yourself."

The upper evil spirits looked at the young people with amazement.

The people around you are also very surprised.

Because the upper evil spirit is telling the truth.

With the glory of God of War, why should we turn to the 'fog' that is obviously weaker than the God of War?

It’s just that the young people have no openings.

He prayed for the evil spirit.

"Do you want to talk to me alone?"

The mild temperature of the upper evil spirits.

"Yes, adults."

“Because I am not sure if the ambassador of ‘hi’ is hidden.”

The young man replied in this way.

"It turned out to be the case."

"You also found out..."


"I will take you to a safe place."

Said, the upper evil spirits will help the young people and walk toward the camp.

Looking at the backs of the two, Qin Ran just showed the expression of awe.

The nearest minister is reminiscent of the previous meeting, and his face is thoughtful.

Little and Valentine were puzzled, but they did not care about themselves, and they still maintained the aristocratic style and walked toward the camp under the guidance of the members of the 'Mist' church.

Only Temino is different.

He looked puzzled and filled his head with a question mark.

Intuition tells him that the things in front of him are closely related to the Temple of War.


He has no way of knowing what to send.

This feeling is really too bad!


Can't go on like this anymore!

Temino quietly gestured at the entourage behind him.

The next moment, this entourage quietly disappeared.

It all happened in a blink of an eye, and Temino thought he was doing it.

However, all of this fell in the eyes of Qin Ran.

Hooked up.

Qin Ran flashed a smile at the bottom of his eyes.

PS toothache is still the same, but fat dragon still wants to drink sheep soup, what should I do?

(End of this chapter)

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