The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1844: Partner

Chapter 1844 Partner

When Bohr saw Qin Ran, it was already a dozen hours later.

When coming out of the tent of the Friend of the Church, Boer couldn't help but look up at the gloomy sky.

The thunder that flashed from time to time, the low-pressure dark clouds, are telling people that bad weather is coming.

At this time, most people have no idea whether such a Thunder is a real Thunder or that the ‘God of War’ is angry.

However, no matter what, life has to continue.

The plague is controlled.

Fort Aitinburg has regained its vitality.

However, when looking at the Cathedral of the War Temple, people's eyes became weird.

Some things are not meant to be concealed.

Especially in the premise of the people who are helping others.

Is 2567 involved?

Bohr asked himself.

The answer is yes.

Even, it can be said that 2567 should be the main force.

Just facing the gods...

I hope that there will be no accidents.

Bohr prayed silently.

He admits that 2567 is very strong.

In the huge cities, they are the top-notch people.

Can be strong and will not be a **** after all.

Only the gods can deal with the gods!

This is a recognized truth.

"If it is that guy..."

The involuntary Boer began to think of the woman who had brought him to the predicament.

A terrible existence.

So when he thought of it, the emotions he perceived for the first time were not anger, but fear.

The subconscious tightened his coat, and Bohr temporarily threw out the memory of the woman. He began to think about his future path.

Complete all tasks as much as possible and track the footsteps of 2567 and others.

I lost it myself.

I will get it back!

With such an idea, Boer opened a tent and saw Qin Ran sitting behind the table.

The food on the table is gone.

Only some empty plates are left.

A clean empty plate than a wash.

Even the taste is gone.

So Bohr couldn't quite determine what Qin had just eaten.

Of course, he is not interested in what Qin Ran eats.

The reason why he pays attention to these is his keen discovery. Qin Ran seems to have made some changes, but what is specific, Boer can't say it.

It’s like watching a landscape for a long time, but at a certain moment they find that they are strangers, but only a moment later, that familiarity is back.

Very mysterious.

But can't say it.

A second before standing in front of the tent, Bohr will pass the god.

He got rid of the different changes in Qin Ran.

He put more attention around him.

Then, he confirmed a little different: at least after eating, there will be a residue of food aroma in the air.

And now?

A little bit of taste is gone.

Is it ventilation?

Bohr guessed, sitting in the table on the table under Qin Ran's gesture.

Just after Boer sat down, Qin Ran asked directly.

"What do you think of the ‘Women’?”

The problem was so abrupt that Bohr once again stumbled.

This time, for four or five seconds, Bohr laughed out loud.

"If I can, I don't want to touch her all my life."

"The feeling of madness and cruelty has been imprinted on my soul. Let me now, when I think of her name, I can't help but fear."

"not lying to you."

"I just trembled."

Bohr said that he converges on the smile and subconsciously wants to pick up the cup in front of him.

Even if there is nothing in the cup.

But he hopes to divert attention in this way.

Unfortunately, this is not successful.

When his fingertips touched the cold metal cup, Bohr took a nap.

He seems to have returned to the first time he saw the 'Witches'.

‘Want to embrace death? ’

‘Would you like to meet a freshman? ’


‘I won’t give you. ’

The squeaking voice appeared again.

Bohr’s body began to tremble.

He was black in front of his eyes.

A glimpse of the figure seems to be looming, it is necessary to come out of the squat.

"Save, save lives!"

Like a drowning person, he should have been sitting in the Boer, and began to look up and stammered.

Qin Ran gave a response.

The flames dispelled the darkness.

Snoring, snoring.

Bohr gasped with a big mouth.

His hair was stuck in front of his forehead, and his clothes were completely soaked. The whole person seemed to have experienced a long-lasting battle.

"Sorry, my status is a bit wrong."

Bohr said.

"Do not."

"It's not your business."

Qin Ran shook his head, and then, very plainly asked: "I am willing to give you the status of a baron as the successor of Aitandin, are you willing to accept it?"

"Don't answer urgently."

"Because it's about your mission."

"Once I promised, I hope you can leave."

"Of course, everything is up to you."

In the words of Qin Ran, Bohr showed a grateful smile.

Before coming, Bohr thought of this.

Even, made the worst plan.

Fortunately, the ‘flame demon’ ‘flame king’ in front of him did not lose his word, and he gave more than he expected.

In the heart of Bohr, the Lord is enough.

The baron has exceeded expectations.

“Grateful for everything you have done for me.”

“Happy cooperation.”

Boll tried to stand up and say.

He knows that if he continues to participate in the next world, he will certainly gain more.

But he has self-knowledge.

The war of the gods is not something he can participate in.

"Is everything with you?"

Qin Ran kindly reminded.

If you complete the main line task, the huge city will not leave more time for the player.

"of course!"

"I am not a rookie!"

Bohr took a picture of his own pocket.

Then, after a pause, Bohr continued to speak.

"If you can, take care of Ash, help me. He is a good helper."


"He is my bodyguard."

Qin Ran nodded.

Then, Qin Ran suddenly thought about something.

"What do you think of the hacker?"

Qin Ran asked the old man.

Regarding the ‘hacker’, Qin Ren asked Bohr more than once.

And every time, Bohr will be the same answer.

"That is a treacherous, insidious, ambitious guy!"

"When you are with him, be careful at all times!"

When Bohr replied, his expression was quite dignified.

Qin Ran slightly decapitated.

No more questions.

He drove the other side and reiterated again.

"Bol, are you willing to be loyal to me and become the baron of Aitantin?"

"I am willing!"

This time, Bohr replied in a single-handed manner according to Etdin's etiquette.

Almost as soon as the sound fell, Bohr had a faint glow, and ten seconds later, Boer disappeared with a smile.

For the first time, Qin Ran saw the outsiders returning to the huge city.

Do you speak mimosa?

That is not an outsider.

Just as Bohr disappeared, the upper evil spirit came in with the appearance of Simon.

"He is more important than what we guess."

"At least, the protection is very strong."

"I can feel his emotions."

"You can't peek at his memory."

"Not at all."

The upper evil spirits are extremely fast, and the brows are wrinkled.

Obviously, the recent smooth sailing has made it somewhat unacceptable.

But Qin Ran is calm and indifferent.

"He has already returned."

"It's the past tense."

“We should pay attention to where we can focus.”

"And he?"

“Nature will continue to pay attention.”

Qin Ran slowly said.

"Boss, are you not worried at all?"

The upper evil spirit thought of his Boss plan and couldn't help but ask.

Be aware that this is a collaboration without communication.

"do not worry."

"Because that guy will be ready to be complete."

"And, do you think Rachel really will not respond?"

Qin Ran said with certainty.

Then, got up and walked straight outside the tent.

The upper evil spirit thought for a moment, shook his head and walked out behind his Boss.

Things are a bit more complicated than they think.

But what about it?

It just needs to follow your own Boss.


In the familiar feeling, Bohr once again returned to God.

He can confirm that he has returned to a huge city.

The simple room is safe enough.

Without hesitation, Bohr was lying on the mattress.


He relaxed and gave a sigh of relief.

In the copy world, he has tried his best to adjust, but the feeling of exhaustion still exists, and anyone will be like him under the premise of nervousness.

He is convinced that even the 'devil of inflammation' is no exception.

Of course, just as the ‘Devil of Fire’ will keep his promise, he is the same.

He wants to ask for a drink without a day.

By the way, sell some things that are not used and buy some essentials.

Although the exchange market for newcomers in the channel is very good, Boer believes that the 'Farm Harvest Tavern' will be better.

After a little rest, Bohr sorted out the clothes and pushed the door out.

All the way, unimpeded, Bohr entered the ‘harvest pub’.

Maybe it’s not the time to come, there are very few people in the entire ‘Farm Harvest Tavern’.

The fearful boss is not there.

The familiar Hans, Cole and others are not there.

It was the ‘lonely’ Levin who was holding the cat as usual, staring at the door, not knowing what he was thinking.

However, these are not important.

Bohr saw a tall and lawless lawlessness.

At the moment, the apron is tied with the bucket, and the mop and the mop are dragging the ground.

As he has seen several times before.

"Oh, lawless."

Boer greeted him.

"Hey, Bohr."

"Would you like a cup?"

"If you order a drink with more than 20 points, I think I can take off the apron for a while."

Unable to send out a hearty laugh.

"I will order two cups."

"One cup please."

"As I said before."

Bohr also smiled.

Unable to sneak into the bar in the apron, he did not have the bartending technique like Rachel, but the basic bartending is still possible.

20 points are just at the limit of this category.

Five minutes later, there was no way to bring two glasses of wine to the small table that Bohr was doing.

"I like guys who have words and believers, and..."



The wine glass collided.

In the crisp sound, Boer smiled happier.

Not only did he fulfill his promise, but he also completed the toughest beginning.

In the days to come, in the time of three to five copies of the world, it will be difficult.

But definitely not sad this time.

So, for ‘Congratulations’, Bol is delighted.

"These harvests are handed over to you."

“The fee is based on the market price.”

Bohr handed over what was not used in this harvest to lawlessness.

Since the reputation of ‘treasure hunter’ has spread, more and more people have come to find lawlessness.

In this regard, there is no way to refuse.

Because these people are his friends.

He will not refuse friends.

And the cost?

Basically it is slightly equal to nothing.

For friends, there is always no way to think of compensation in other ways.

"Do you need to ask for something to buy?"

"Not too exaggerated, I can find a way."

I can't ask without any reason.

"I need……"

Bohr said his own shopping.

Then, after a drink without a day, Bohr got up and left the pub.

When you want to return to your room, you can't complete your promise.

Standing in front of the door, checking out his own harvest, Boer, who is in a good mood, has a familiar little tune.

However, very quickly, this little tune stopped.

A familiar person appeared behind him.


"Ms. Bella."

Bohr simply asked the members of the ‘rebels’.

Although familiar, but the voice is indifferent.

Because, Bohr can feel the other side's bad intentions.

It was not the first time I met.

But every time it is like this.

"Our boss, want to see you."

Bella said truthfully.

"Your boss?"

Bohr’s voice pulled up a point.

The mysterious rebel, the boss who does not know, want to see me?

The alarm bell in my heart is ringing wildly.

"Is that right?"

Polla grew a tone, his hand had already held the door handle, and he was ready to push the door.

However, Bella is faster.

Or, ambush people are faster.

A bag appeared from the void, so it was put in it.

When he was trapped, Bohr completely lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he had already appeared in a room.

Sitting in front of him...


It’s not how familiar he is with ‘hackers’, but because of the ‘registrer’ Zor on the side.

As the other party to follow.

It may only be next to the ‘hacker’.

Suddenly, cold sweat began to emerge from Bohr's forehead and back.

Is ‘hacker’ the boss of the rebels?

What does he want to do?

These thoughts have come to the bottom of Boer’s heart.


"It seems that you know my identity."

"Then you should know... no, no, not you."

"It is 2567 that should have guessed my purpose."

Ignoring Boer’s horror, I silently checked some of the remnants of Boer’s body, and ‘hackers’ couldn’t help laughing.

The laughter is very light, but there is an unspeakable confidence in the laughter.

after all……

That is the ‘partner’ he has chosen among countless people!

(End of this chapter)

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