The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 775: Night crow

Chapter 775 Night Crow

Cofin, one of Herbert's three disciples!

At this moment, the other party looks awful, and there are **** whip marks on his face and body. The broken leg is not only not well raised, but the more serious it seems, even if it is walking, it needs to be framed.

The whole person of Coffey was dying, and the **** was thrown into a carriage.

Qin Ran frowned.

Because, as far as he knows, Coffin, Joanna and Harold should have left the city of Burr, even the Lanton country.

"What happened?"

Qin Ran looked at the escorted carriage, his footsteps were not slow, and his body was secretly chased up.

Don't say the information that the other party knows, just the friendship in the past is enough to make Qin Ran choose to save people.

Qin Ran glanced at the **** team.

Apart from the two people driving and the two people in the carriage, there are still six people in this team. They used to guard the carriage in the way of the second and second.

Everyone carries a burst of rifles, each with a short handle and a long sword.

His eyes are sharp and his looks are serious.

Even if I followed the carriage for a considerable distance, my expression remained the same and my breathing was still stable.

Elite soldiers!

The same as the elite that Qin had seen before.

But this makes Qin Ran's heart puzzled.

"Do you need such a soldier for a seriously wounded like Coffin?"

Qin Ran’s eyes looked around.

The darkness does not obscure the sight of Qin Ran. The sense of SS+ level is enough for Qin to see the ordinary darkness, and the hearing captures those subtle sounds.


Harold, with his three bodyguards, lowered his body, and the cat was behind his back with Peel. The young student’s hand with a short handle and a gun was full of intense sweat.

Although there is plenty of preparation, when the things really come, the young students are still uncomfortable.

Worry, sorrow is filled with his heart.

However, as soon as the thought of the friend being arrested, the young student immediately gnawed his teeth.

He could not watch his friends being kept in custody and tortured.

Because, he is very clear, how hot his enemy is.

If he doesn't take the opportunity to save his friend, then... his friend is really finished!

"Harold, you take two people to cover!"

"The rest is coming with me!"

The old scholar’s ​​butler’s voice said calmly.

After a decade of mercenary career, Peel has long been accustomed to such a scene, even if it is facing a strong enemy like never before.



As soon as the voice fell, Peel fired at the distant team.

And, more than one shot!

Peel's hands are like magic, not only fast, but also dexterous.

I saw that one after another short-handled rifle appeared in Peel's hand. After four shots, the two men driving and the two who walked in the front shot down.


Peel, who pulled out the sword, quickly rushed toward the carriage.

The bodyguard who worked with Peel was carrying a tower shield and charged.

Harold, who stayed behind, and two other bodyguards shot and screened.

Just compared to Peel's shooting, Harold and the two bodyguards did nothing.

At the moment the gunshots appeared, the soldiers responsible for the **** responded.

They are looking for shelters and starting to fight back.

Although there was no killing, such a sudden attack won a considerable amount of time for Peel and the shield's bodyguards, so that the two quickly rushed to the carriage.

As the two approached, they were immediately taken care of by the soldiers.


The projectile hit the tower shield, and Mars splashed, but did not block Peel and the shield bodyguard.

Peel, who had been hiding behind the shield, rushed straight out.

It’s not straightforward, but a tumble.

A decade of mercenary career has made Peel know what kind of way he should choose at this time.


The tumbling Pierre leaped like a fish, and a sword pierced the neck of the soldier in front of him. At the same time, he raised his hand to take the gun in the other hand and pulled the trigger against the soldier on the other side.


Another soldier fell down.

The six soldiers died in the hands of Peel, and the strength of the other ten people lost most of their threat.

The remaining four soldiers did not give up.

In particular, the two soldiers with natural fortifications in the carriage caused great trouble to Peel.

Although at the moment the other side aimed, Peel carried out an effective dodge, but the shoulders had been bruised by gunpowder pellets. What was more serious was that the shield bodyguard was tripped.


Harold exclaimed and pulled the trigger again.



In the smog, the three men in charge of the cover fired out of the barrel.

Harold once again missed the target.

But the two bodyguards have a harvest.

One person killed and one injured.

Faced with the injured person, Peel stabbed a sword and learned about each other.

Suddenly, the soldiers outside the car were swept away.

The face of Keel and Harold did not have the slightest joy.

The gunshots will sound and soon more enemies will come.

The two soldiers carrying the solid wood compartments are obviously prepared to guard against it.

Their time is running out!

As Peel gritted his teeth and slammed the other side to refill the ammunition, one stabbed near the door handle of the car.


The sawdust flew and a shallow pit appeared.

But compared with the solid wood compartment, such a small pit is nothing.


Peel-like slashing like a crazy slash, dozens of full-scale slashing, let Peel pant, but also make the door of the carriage become crumbling.


Another blow, the wooden door was smashed.

When the flintlock in the compartment extended, Peel got into the carriage under a roll.


A series of gunshots sounded.

Harold, who rushed up, took an offensive shot with two bodyguards and two soldiers who lost the bunker.

The two bodyguards and the two soldiers are almost the same.

Harold was subconsciously protected by two bodyguards before he was injured.

After thanking the two bodyguards in the bottom of his heart, Harold rushed to the carriage.


"How are you?"

Harold’s half-lost stunned his comatose friend out of the compartment.

"Come on, we need to leave!"

Helping Harold to set up Cofen's Peel quickly.

But the three people have not stopped a few steps and they have been stopped.



Hundreds of soldiers appeared around, and the muzzle was aimed at three people.

"As long as you release a bait, you can catch more fish!"

"After all, there is no shortage of idiots in the world!"

A middle-aged man came out of the soldiers.

The badge on the shoulder means that the other party has a certain rank.

"However, I need to thank you for these idiots!"

"If it weren't for you, I still don't know how to lead the 2567!"

The middle-aged man looked at the ugly Pierre and Harold, raising his hand.

Immediately, hundreds of soldiers went one step forward.


The uniform footsteps, like the slamming drums, made Peel and Harold tremble, unconsciously taking a step back.

Where can I retreat?

People from all sides in all directions!

The sense of powerlessness rises from the hearts of the two.


As the proponent of this action, Harold said to Peel.

The steward of the old scholar shook his head and clenched his sword in his hand.

He is going to kill and kill a few more people, pulling the back.

As for being captured?

Peel knows clearly that living is sometimes more terrible than death.

Harold clearly found the teacher's stewardship.

The intelligent young man instantly guessed the idea of ​​the butler.

Slightly trembling, the young man raised the gun in his hand.

The young man is ready to fight for it.

Even if his heart is full of fear of death, he is afraid to tremble.

He may have been captured once, and he never wants to experience it again.

"Is it negative?"

The middle-aged man sneered out with no mercy, and immediately issued a command to capture the living.

The other party is very clear that this will definitely cost something, but everything is worth it.

You know, the three people in front of you can represent his future.

When I think of happiness, the laughter of middle-aged people does not become conscious.

But such laughter was interrupted by a crow call.

Hey, hey!

In the darkness, with a bright red crow, spread out in the moonlight.

PS second more~

(End of this chapter)

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