The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 779: Not right

Chapter 779 is not right


Qin Ran looked at each other, and there was a surprise in his eyes.

Although getting more information from the other party’s mouth was Qin’s original intention, he never thought that the other party would know Herbert’s whereabouts.

You know, Qin Ran did not ask Herbert's whereabouts from the mouth of the controlled chasing head.

Obviously, the head of the chase is far higher than the status of the other party.

"I said, can you let me go?"

The other person prayed on the ground and asked.


Qin Ran nodded.

He did not mind the conditions for the other party to open.

For Qin Ran, the greatest value of the other party is the news that is known.

And these messages are more important than the other's life.

"I believe in your commitment and please comply with the promise - Lord Herbert at the Karhart Barracks!"

"This is the news that I accidentally got from the conversation between the adult and the secretary. The adult is the top boss of Rehhard, the captain of the special service team, Karl Hart!"

After the other party reminded me, I simply said everything I knew.

Then, it seems to be a fateful one, with a low head and a motionless movement.

The things that the other party expected were not happening.

There was neither the next inquiry by Qin Ran nor the detention, nor the ruthless face of tearing up the promise.

When a footstep sounded from the outside to the inside, the other party suddenly realized that Qin Ran and his party had already left.

Suddenly, the middle-aged who climbed on the ground smashed.


"I am here!"

The sound attracted the attention of the soldiers and attracted the attention of others.

These people wore the same uniforms as the heads of the soldiers, and the faces were equally cold.

If it is not a different face, it seems to be carved out of a mold.

This is especially true of criminal means.


After the exact same evaluation, there was another shot.

Without the protection of Qin Ran, the middle-aged man fell to the ground with his gun.


The person who shot the gun seemed to have done a trivial thing, and he did not look at the dead body and raised his hand.

Suddenly, all the people are acting.

A piece of chicken flying around the dog jumped and smashed.

However, nothing was achieved.

"Expanding the scope of the search!"

It was another order, and the rich area of ​​Burr City was completely lively.

The ‘big men’ who were awakened by the sound of their guns were searched and resentful, and every searched soldier suffered more than one threat.

But these soldiers are indifferent to the execution of orders.

Even, do not hesitate to use force.

It is natural not to shoot, but the **** is ok.

One after another, the 'big man' was taken to the ground, and the voice of rebellion became weak until it disappeared.

The anger and hatred in both eyes are more and more intense.

Qin Ran, who stood in the shadows, took everything to the bottom of his eyes and quietly turned to go to the slums.


Sewage and stinky slums are everywhere in the shack.

The bodyguard who had been dominated by Qin Ran’s face was dark, and the ragged clothes opened the door for Qin Ran.

"grown ups!"

After Qin Ran entered the room, the other party immediately gained strength.

Looking at the other party after makeup, Qin Ran once again had a more intuitive understanding of the power of [Messley's Ring]. He originally thought that 'after you leave the copy world, you will continue to live in your own way'. Marking, when he leaves the copy world, the other party will continue to live his life in a reasonable way.

What surprised Qin Ran is that the so-called "own way" is based on his inclination.

The easiest thing is Peggy in front of me.

He once issued an order such as 'protecting the team', and the other party has been executing it. When it fails, it also takes priority to protect those among them.

Sighing the power of [Messley's Ring], Qin Ran nodded at the other side, watching the other side walk into the corner of the house, and stood side by side with Rehhard, only to look at Harold, Joanna and Cofin three people.

Coffin is still in a coma.

Peel is outside.

Harold and Joanna looked at Rehed with a look of uncertainty.

The two can forget the identity of the other person without forgetting for a while.

The other side was the head of the pursuit, but now they are standing on a boat with them.

No, no, accurately speaking, it is completely obeying the command of Qin Ran.

"Is he the dark person you arranged?"

After Harold hesitated, he asked.

"No, just a kind of ability!"

Qin Ran shook his head.

I did not elaborate on everything about [Messley's Ring], and did not explain anything.

Because, some things can't be explained at all.

Therefore, he simply shifted the topic.

"I know Herbert's whereabouts!"

Qin Ran said this.


The two young people stood up excitedly.


"It should be in the barracks of Calhart. I need you to call other people now. When I rescue Herbert, we will leave and leave Langton immediately."

Qin Ran nodded.

"Okay, let's get in touch with everyone!"

Harold acted immediately.

While taking care of the sleeping Coffin, Joanna looked at Qin Ran sitting against the wall.

Unconsciously, the girl once again thought of the ‘not happy’ conversation.

When I think of the words of the ‘‘Don’t die, don’t lie with others’ in the other’s words, the girl’s eyes can’t help but show a stranger.


At first, it was anger, but when she really calmed down, she found herself afraid for a while.

That is the fear of death!

Fortunately, for the sake of their own savior, the girl naturally has a different kind of feelings, especially the special means used by Qin Ran, and it is a place where the girl finds Qin Rang.

Seemingly young, but powerful.

Indifferent, indifferent, but not proud.

Not only keep your promises, but you are not afraid of danger.

Recalling Qin Ran in my mind, the girl unconsciously had a strong curiosity about Qin Ran.

She is very curious, why Qin has such a character and strength.

Just, looking at Qin Ran, who is obviously contemplative, the girl did not bother to interrupt, just watching it quietly.

Looked at the appearance of Qin Ran's brows.

"He is thinking about how to rescue the teacher?"

"Calhardt Barracks..."

"The birthplace of the strongest soldier in Langton, even the 2567 is awkward?"

"Why would you frown?"

The girl guessed.

However, such speculations are completely inconsistent with what Qin Ran thinks at the moment.

Sitting there, Qin Ran recalled the scene that has taken place since entering the copy world. The brow is completely subconsciously wrinkled.

And in his heart, there is a sound coming back and forth -

Something is wrong!

Something is wrong!

Something is wrong!

PS second more~

(End of this chapter)

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