The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 782: Grilled fish with lemon slices

Chapter 782 Grilled Fish and Lemon Slices

The Kalhardt Barracks, nominally a barracks, have actually become a town of considerable size.

There are both heavy city walls and a commercial street full of shops. Except for the central area, which is forbidden to pass, the rest of the place is no different from the towns that Qin Ran knows in other parts of Langton. Even those places are not as prosperous as here.

As for why?

Qin Ran looked at a similar team patrolling a similar team, and like a police team, you know what happened.

Since he entered the Calhart Barracks, he has not seen any gangs, such as the mantle, seen in other towns, not to mention the mantle.

Everything is very... steady.

Qin Ran eventually used this term to describe the Carl Hart barracks he saw.

Obviously, the aliens are operating the town with care.


Is it true?

Are there any points that are fake?

Or simply everything is the appearance?

For Qin Ran who just came here, it is still impossible to judge.

"Sir, the room is booked!"

Rehhard walked out of the hotel.


Qin Ran nodded and went in.

This hotel is recommended by Rehhard.

It is not luxurious, but it is clean and tidy. The most important thing is that the chef is very skilled.

In a small suite with white as the main color, a semi-circular window opens, and the sun shines in from the outside, making the floor bright.

The dust tumbling in the light, beating, and fainting the smell of lemon, makes this tumbling and beating a little more joyful.

Qin Ran took the sliced ​​lemon slices and carefully squeezed it, so that the sour juice was all drenched on the grilled fish in front of him.

The fork in his hand was very clever from the back of the fish, and slid a large piece of fish.

Qin Ran did not put it directly in his mouth, but picked up the plate on the side.

Inside the dish is a dipping sauce made from honey, white vinegar, rosemary and coarse salt.

The most honey, white vinegar, rosemary and coarse salt are the least, as if they are embellished.

However, only after the fish is covered with sauce, will it be found that the freshness and coarse salt of rosemary are important. The salty taste is balanced between sweet and sour, and then the taste of fish and lemon is mixed with fresh and high. It thoroughly removes the astringency of fish and brings the softness of fish to the extreme.

Qin Ran was very satisfied with eating.

Especially after the chef brought some homemade snacks, the smile of Qin Rang’s mouth was more than one.

Small snacks are not famous, but fortunately there is no flaw in the materials.

Milk and eggs are very abundant.

Coupled with some thoughts on the shape of the work, as a dessert is enough.

Picking up the tea on the side, Qin Ran slowly swallowed.

After thoroughly diluting the taste of the mouth, I began to pick up these snacks.

Qin Ran’s attention seems to be entirely on the small snacks in front of him.

While making a crisp chewing sound in the mouth, it satisfies the awe-inspiring nasal sound.

It seems that I have not noticed that there is one more person outside the window.

Sunshine, I don't know when it was blocked.

A black shadow stood out of the window on the second floor.

In fact, the other party appeared half a minute ago, but there has been no sound.

After watching Qin Ran pick up a small snack, the patience of the other party was finally exhausted.

However, there was no actual speech. The other party first gave a sneer. Then, the left hand was lifted, and the stunned Rehhard was in the other's hands, like a chicken.

The other party’s appearance is not young. After seeing that Qin Ran is still unmoved, it immediately shows a mocking and ridiculous look.


The wind has appeared.

Breethe, slowly and unhurried, licked Qin Ran's skin and cheeks.

Slowly around the Qin Ran.

The breeze is noisy, it should be a pleasant feeling, but at the moment it is hidden.

Malicious as the tide, slammed Qin Ran.

The mental judgment has emerged several times.

But Qin Ran seemed to be unaware, swallowed a snack, and took a sip of tea, which was just looking at the other side.

At this time, the table and chairs in front of Qin Ran had already become sloppy under the ‘blowing’ of the wind, especially the tablecloths on the table, which became a glimpse.

It's like... being cut by a knife.



"Submit to me!"

When the other party’s words were not finished, they were interrupted by Qin Ran.

The voice is loud and direct.

This makes Qin Ran look extremely unreasonable.

The other's cheeks shook.

The anger was brewing in the heart of the other party. When the other party was ready to give Qin Ran a chance, he suddenly found that Qin Ran sitting there was a little different.

Nothing changes in appearance or clothing.

But... seems to be a lot taller.

Even just sitting there!

mountain peak?

No, no, any mountain peak seems to be incomparable to the height of Qin Yan in this other's eyes.

The sea?

The vast sea is not as good as the stalwart of Qin Ran.

Especially when the other party saw Qin Ran's eyes again, it was like seeing the sun.

During the glory, the other party seemed to see a palace with mountains and clouds.

I saw the gods worshipped in the palace.

And isn't that **** like Qin Ren?

And isn't that the person who worships him exactly?

It was like a flash of lightning across my mind.

The other party floated in from the window, raised his hand and put down Rehhard, and went straight to the ground.

"grown ups!"

The other hand touched the forehead and shouted in the mouth.


All the strangers who saw this scene were like bursting in their minds, and they looked back and forth unbelievably.

“‘The royal family’?!”


"The successor of the Nick Dynasty?!"


Countless voices came from somewhere in the barracks.


Have a flaw.

There are also... fears.

Numerous aliens have become different because of this scene.

However, Qin Ran was as if he had no sense. After the heterogeneous name called 'Strong' wakes up Rehhard, Qin Ran said: "The food here is good, let the cook make another one!"

"Right, help me change a table, chair and tablecloth."

Qin Ran told him.

"Yes, adults!"

Lie immediately agreed.

At the same time, I apologized to Reyd for apologetic eyes.

Rehhard’s indignant contempt for a glance.

Of course, it was not because of being stunned before, but because the other party preemptively promised Qin Ran’s instructions and made him feel that he had lost his job.

This is unforgivable for Rehhard.

Therefore, Rehhard quickly ran out of the small suite, moved a new table and chair for Qin Ran, and laid a brand new tablecloth.


The dissidents who did not divert their eyes looked at this scene and they took a breath.

The mysterious legends appear in their minds.

Fear, more and more heavy.

Similarly, some other emotions are beginning to emerge.

PS first more~

(End of this chapter)

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