The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 789: Fatal battle

Chapter 789 Fatal Fight

"long time no see!"

Qin Ran responded to each other.

Then, I found out that Conti was looking at herself with a different look.

It is a look that is both curious, angry, and awe.

When contacted with his gaze, the woman, who claimed to be a bounty hunter, was actually a new generation of Guardian of Aesop, and after a sigh of relief, she turned her head straight.

"Eat, eat!"

Baker groaned as he grabbed the pastry in the dish and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Ms. Conti, can you bring Baker to find some food?"

"This is not enough for him to eat!"

Old scholars said.

"Okay, Lord Herbert!"

Conti’s respectful nod, led the big guy out.

With food as a temptation, the big guy left without any complaints.

Immediately, Qin Ran and Herbert left behind in the reception room.

"You turned out to be a 'royal'... It’s really amazing!"

Herbert said like this.

"To be honest, I was surprised when I learned about my identity."

Qin Ran shrugged his shoulders, and the evil spirits on his body quickly converge.

Once again, it changed back to normal.

The original sin is dissatisfied with such suppression of nature, but in the face of Qin Ran's spiritual attributes, it is suppressed without any resistance.

"It's still the look of you, it makes people feel comfortable!"

"Before it was... too scary, Conti was obviously scared!"

"I don't know much about what can scare Conti. Even in Caldwell, she showed considerable temperament and let the person suffer a lot."

Herbert sent a good laugh.

"Can you tell me in detail what happened?"

Qin Ran asked.

"of course!"

"After you and Aga are wounded and injured, after leaving for a while, everything is as you expected. The Langton army has appeared. They always know the existence of night seed, heterogeneity, and have a very close cooperation with the two. It’s like the Calhart Barracks."

"But the human heart is always unsatisfied!"

"When a strong soldier is acquired, some people in the military want more "capital". Caldwell is one of the representatives. He thinks he should master everything, not just night, alien, but also The legacy of the 'Emperor'!"

"And I am the one that the other party is watching, or the one that is unexpected - because 2567 you joined my team, not only killed Bartos, but also killed Bins, Mosok, Ai Plus waits for Caldwell to feel the night of the night, heterogeneous... So, he thinks the opportunity is up, there is no need to hide."

Speaking of this, the old scholar smiled bitterly.

No one wants to be used as a chess piece, and old scholars are no exception.

In particular, this piece is still being "controlled" at any time.

The old scholar said, while the finger was on the short paragraph: I was forced to drink poison, and I was put into a device similar to eavesdropping.

Qin Ran looked and nodded.

In this regard, he had expected.

Then he said like this.

"But he ignores me!"



"I can't ignore a 'royal family'!"

Caldwell, sitting in a sofa, held a cane in his hands and placed his jaw on the back of his hand, whispering in his mouth.

Caldwell is not young anymore.

The gray hair, the wrinkled eyes, and the slightly bloated body all indicate that the other person is old.

But all the people in the tent did not dare to ignore the old man.

Even if the other party smiles at all times.

"Adult, do we need to start an emergency filing?"

An adjutant asked.

“Emergency filing?”

"Do you think that Carl Hart is a flower of Amyda?"

"It will only be more ferocious than 2567!"

"And what we need to do is watch it fight with 2567 and profit from it... understand?"

Caldwell said while sitting up straight and looking at the information about Qin Ran.

This is the latest information sent at noon today, including what Qin Ran entered into the hotel, which is recorded in detail.

The more you look at it, the more frowning Calderville is.

Strong opponents are not terrible.

The scary thing is that this opponent is not only powerful, but also cautious.

Fortunately, there is also the guy of Calhart who is entangled with the other party and does not need him to face the party.

Step on!

A footstep disrupted Caldwell's thoughts.

Caldwell looked up with an unpleasant look and saw his adjutant who was going to ‘delivery’ trotting in.

There are smudges on the uniforms, and many places are cracked.

There is also a slit in the face, and there is blood left.

"The temper of the 'royal family' is not good?"

Cadwell said with a smile.

When sending his own adjutant to send a letter, Caldwell guessed what his adjutant might encounter, and even prepared for an adjutant to fill the staff team.

After all, there is never such a person around him.

"Adult, Carl Hart is dead!"

The adjutant said palely.

In fact, since getting the news and knowing in detail about Carl Hart’s death process, the adjutant’s face has always been like this.


"Speak everything you know!"

Caldwell walked straight up from the sofa and asked for a low drink.

The adjutant immediately said the news of his inquiries.

The faces of everyone in the tent changed with this kind of story.

No hands-on!

Killing Calhardt by relying on summoning a similar animal spirit!

Caldwell is sinking.

When the scouts who later inquired about the news also brought back the affirmative news, Caldwell did not hesitate and directly ordered: "Return to the nest!"


After the order with emphasis was placed, the team that was originally hidden dozens of kilometers away from the Kalhardt barracks quickly acted.

Without any stoppage, I was convinced that a certain direction of horsepower was fully open.

In a special carriage, Caldwell took out a wooden carved ring from his close-fitting pocket.

He gently wiped a trace inside the ring.

When the key points are touched, the wooden ring burns quickly and the breath turns into ashes.

Looking at that little ashes, Caldwell’s face was distressed.

He originally thought that he would not need to use that power.

I did not expect...

"2567, 2567!"

Caldwell whispered in silence.

However, right now, Caldwell, who thought of something, laughed at the gloating.

The battle of fate is too much to expect.

PS second more~

(End of this chapter)

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