The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 850: Night

Chapter 850 Night

The night is like ink, and the rendering room shades the stars and the crescent moon.

In front of the school of St. Paul, under the torchlight, the doctors are still busy, heavy 'crow suits', making them sweaty and panting.

But no one will take off this very effective protection against the plague.

Especially after the old nuns fell ill, the doctors have redefined the severity of the plague.

"We need more potions!"

"and also……"

"This block must be isolated!"

A doctor said to the leader.

In the words, it is full of dignity.

Because, he is very clear, once they are isolated, what they will face.

Can only enter, can not be out.

Whether it is a living person or a corpse!

If the plague is not effectively controlled and continues to spread... soon, it will become a dead zone.

In the end, a fire will completely burn it here.

Even if there are still people living inside.

Even in some ways, living talent is the goal of the fire!

The plague can only be lifted if all these people are burned to death.

"Is it isolated?"

The old nun’s unnamed disciple whispered.

He knows some hidden facts, and it is also true that the plague is becoming more and more difficult to control.

In comparison, the doctor greeted the doctors around him.


"We are now facing a difficult and dangerous situation than we imagined!"

" to separate the neighborhood!"

After a short meal, the doctor said.

The doctors silently said nothing.

In fact, when they responded to the call, they were already ready when they appeared here.

Several doctors looked at each other and then bowed to their leader.

"Thank you all."

"I swear to be with you, whether you go to the country of the morning sun or fall into hell!"

After that, the doctor lit the fireworks.

call out!

The sharp sound of the break broke the silence of the night, and everyone saw the red Prussian snake that bloomed under the night sky.

I know that this is what people mean.

I have been paying attention to the sergeant John here, and he said to his deputy: "The blockade is with the St. Paul School, the five streets nearby, all the blocks are martial law, and anyone who rushes out is shot and killed! ”


Lestrade’s grinning, the voice of the answer was low, and there was no glory in the past.

Moreover, after giving a positive answer, the deputy sheriff still looked at John unwillingly, hoping that something would change.


"Do you want to let more people die inside?"

"One block and one city, how to choose, don't you know?"

"I know, this is not fair!"

"But TMD, now is not the time to be fair!"

Unfortunately, Sergeant John did not change anything.

Not only has it not changed, but it has been loudly shouted.

Like the roaring voice, the street rang, the deputy sheriff, the surrounding police officers trembled.

Yes, it is unfair to people in that neighborhood.

But let go, is it fair to people in the entire city?

The police officers acted.

Sergeant John stood on the street, looking at the dark sky, reaching out to the chest, where there was a silver jug ​​with the holy water of the Church of the Morning.

"Relying on the existence of illusion, I used to think it was ridiculous."

"But now, I hope that you are real!"

"If you exist, you will open your eyes and see!"

"There was a place where you lowered your miracle!"

"There is where your believers first gathered!"

"Do you want to leave them like this now?"

The sheriff whispered to himself.

Not just a sheriff, a similar self-speaking has already sounded everywhere.

Especially the elderly who are old.

Those who have experienced childhood in their childhood may have adapted to a new era in peacetime, but at the juncture of life, some imprints on the instinct of biology have begun to play a role.

Not to mention the people gathered at the door of the school in São Paulo.

They spontaneously prayed and paid attention.

So when the flames lit up somewhere in the school of São Paulo, everyone saw it.

"on fire!"

"on fire!"

When the shouts sound, people are going to fight the fire.

But it was stopped by the doctor.

"Don't panic, there will be team members of the nursing team. Now, please take care of your sick family and don't add any trouble to the school in São Paulo."

Reasonable words and prestige that belong to the doctor, let the people around you quickly calm down.

However, some people hidden in the shadows are the opposite.

They rushed out of the shadow one by one and rushed toward the chapel.


Kately and the leader of the 'Revival Society' who followed the crowd were delighted.

Although it has long been guessed that it will succeed, when real success occurs, they are still difficult to cover their excitement.

"Get things ready, we have to meet the arrival of the 'new god'!"

The leader of the 'Revival Society' said.


Kately nodded and took out a palm-sized box from his arms.

Like Kateley, the leader of the 'Revival Society' also took out the same box.

To put it simply, the possession of the key to the arrival of half of the 'new gods' is the key to cooperation between the two sides.

"Don't forget your promise!"

Kately said.

"Please also remember what you said!"

The leader of the 'Revival Society' said.

Then, the two smiled tacitly.

Can be very fast, such a smile, it is stiff on the face.

They saw the place where the fire was.

But that was just a few grasshoppers, not a church in St. Paul.

Holding the torch and standing next to the haystack, Qin Ran smiled. It seemed that he was welcome to the guests as a host, and he greeted everyone.

"Good evening, everyone!"

The sound is calm and indifferent.

I can hear such a voice, but let Kately's face become purple.

"you you……"

Kately wanted to say something, but he was so angry that he couldn’t make a sound.

"You said that I was not provoked by you?"

"I am very confused, I am a suspicious person."

"You use my suspiciousness, let me doubt Sister Mornie, then... Have you ever thought about it, compared to the familiar mock nun, is such a stranger worthy of my doubt?"

"Of course, I need to thank you, lead to these hidden mice, save me a lot of time, so that I can kill them all!"

Qin Ran’s words accompanied by the burning sound of the grass next to it, as if it were a slap in the face, slammed on Kately’s face, and the face of the count’s heir changed.


The leader of the 'Revival Society' who just looked at each other and said it was unceremonious at this time.


Kately glared at the collaborators, but could not say any rebuttal words.

Because the facts speak louder than words.

Qin Ran’s gaze also looked at the leader of the ‘Revival Society’.

Different from looking at Kately's dullness, when looking at the other side, Qin Ran's eyes showed a cold smack containing murder.

"long time no see!"

"What should I call you?"

"Is the lord of the 'Revival Society'?"

"Is it still the captain of the São Paulo school team?"

Qin Ran said one word at a time.

PS first more~

PS first more~

(End of this chapter)

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