The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 854: Gather

Chapter 854 gathering

Qin Ran, who came out of the light, raised his hand and swayed a ray of light.

The deadly plague quickly dissipated in this white light.

The comatose woke up.

They looked around and saw their loved ones and saw Qin Ran with their brilliance.

At the same time, they recalled everything.


It was the plague that stunned them.

And now?

They feel that they are completely better.

Not only did the brain not have the faintness of the past, but the body seemed to be full of vitality.

Did that save them?

Looking at Qin Ran in the glory, the rescued person is extremely grateful.

Especially an old man who has to be white.

The other person who has experienced the old times, after watching the edge of life and death, watching even a black robe, but still very sacred Qin Ran, childhood memories suddenly emerge.

At that time, there were many people like Qin Ran who always stood up in front of the disaster and rescued people like him.

But I don't know when, such people quickly disappeared.

The elders said that God gave up here.

The wise man said that God is nothing.

The nobility said that the people should be ruled by them.


Numerous remarks filled the era.

Everyone who claims to be a wise man thinks that he can represent everything.

Can it last?

The winner said it was counted.

The morning sun has fallen.


The rest, only the post-war reconstruction.


The bones are tiring.

It is a day that people can't and don't want to remember.

It is like eager to shine in childhood.

just now!

Light, once again appeared.

The old man looked at Qin Ran under the radiance of shining, his eyes could not help but tears.


"This is a miracle!"

"The morning goddess did not give up on us!"

"Even if we forget the grace of the goddess, at the last moment, the goddess is still willing to send messengers to redeem us!"

The old man shouted.

God, is back!

No, God never leaves!

Look at the ambassador of the **** of the bath, that is, there is a dazzling, strong, yet gentle light in his memory.

Unconsciously, the old man is kneeling on one knee.

"Respectful and kind Bernard, please forgive the lost child."

"He is known to be wrong, he has returned."

"You are watching the children of the world in the Kingdom of God."

"He will be as you wish."

"God, love the world!"

The old man shouted and rang around.

Op first added to it.

Moreover, it is pious.

Isn't this the miracle that he has always expected to drop?

Heal people who have been infected with the plague and keep them healthy.

Now everything is done.

What doubts does he have?

"Benevolence Bernard..."

Op began to pray.

Compared with the elderly who rely on memory, the Opus who is next to the old nun is undoubtedly more motivated, complete prayer words, and standardized actions.

With a solemn sense of ritual.

Those who are awake and awake have already paid tribute to the old man’s shouts.

At this moment, when I saw the action of Op, I was subconsciously praying.

As a doctor, Op, has an extraordinary reputation among this group of people.

What really makes these people choose is Qin Ran in the glory.

Those who grew up completely in the new era of the nobility did not know the so-called mysterious side, nor did they know what everything was in front of them.

Mystery and the grace of life are intertwined.

The awe of mixed feelings began to appear in the hearts of all people.

But there are exceptions.

The little girl stopped crying when her parents were awake, just looking at Qin Ran with clear eyes.

"Can you help my mother?"

The little girl suddenly asked.

The abrupt words are incomparably conspicuous in the prayers.

Suddenly, it attracted everyone's attention.

That prayer is one of them.

At this time, people discovered that the little girl had scars on her mother's face and hands - it was left when the plague black spots burst open.

Not fatal, but it makes people look ugly and ugly.

Then, people's eyes looked at Qin Ran.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Qin Ran came over.

"This, this adult, my daughter is just..."

The slightly panicked voice rang from the girl's parents' mouth, especially the mother, who even spoke of Qin Ran's pain in spite of the scars.

Then, the light appeared.

The gentler, healing light allowed the ugly scar on the mother's face and hands to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not only this mother, but people under the glory can feel their own changes.

The body is more energetic and more energetic.

[The Light of the Light]!

Unlike [therapeutic technique], it can only recover the injury. [The Light of the Light] has the effect of slowly recovering the health.

Although it is impossible to achieve the effect of 'instantaneous', the scene before it is enough.

Those who have only doubts in their hearts, faced with such a scene, also put aside the last bit of doubt.

The prayer sounded louder and louder after a meal.

"Are you a messenger of God?"

The little girl saw the mother who had recovered as usual, and she asked with a smile and asked.


Qin Ran nodded.

A good faith lie is essential at some point.

"Can I come to you?"

"I will give my cookies to you!"

The little girl’s unscrupulous words have the sincerity that adults do not have, and there is no such thing as utilitarianism. They are willing to give snacks to you, which means treating you as a friend.

Very simple and straightforward rules.

It will become complicated and tortuous as time goes by.

Once you add something, it will be full of falsehood.

Qin Ran looked down at the little girl without any impurities, nodded again.


Suddenly, the little girl gave a cheering excitement.

In such a cheer, Qin Ran looked at Op.

“Is all the plague-infected patients here?”

Qin Ran asked.

Since it has already been shot, Qin Ran does not intend to leave any aftereffects.

"These patients are ordinary people, so they came to seek our help, and there are some..."

Op's words are not finished, but the meaning is obvious.

The people who can find it here are ordinary people.

The wealthy family has their own private doctors and the like.

"Op, are you willing to help me with the news?"

“Let all people infected with the plague come to the school in São Paulo.”

Qin Ran said.

"Happy to help."

Op's respectful bend.

"Adult, we are willing to help!"

"Yeah, there are us!"

"Please let us do our best for you!"

People around to hear the words of Qin Ran immediately spoke.

"So, thank you all."

"I will treat every plague-infected person I see here."

Faced with such a request, Qin Ran did not refuse.

Similarly, Qin Ran did not say anything.

He quietly waited at the door of the school in São Paulo to heal one patient after another infected with the plague.

At first, those families infected with the plague were still skeptical.

Some also maliciously guess whether it is a trap to create an 'quarantine zone'.

As time goes by, more and more people are cured, and they all become convinced.

So more people came to the door of the school in São Paulo.

They saw Qin Ran, shrouded in glory.

They heard the sound of prayers that kept ringing.

They joined it.

One hundred people, two hundred people, three hundred people from the beginning...

After the thousand, 2,000, and 3,000 people...

When the moment before dawn comes.

Ten thousand people gathered.

PS first more~

(End of this chapter)

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