The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 867: true and false

Chapter 867 true and false

"Follow your heart."

The old man faced the bishop's question, casually nodding, as if the other party said it was some ordinary trivial.

"Then I call you Count Earn."

"After all, after you have framed the Knights of the Dawn and the Shadow Church, I will call you a sire. It is really impossible to say."

The bishop said, suddenly thought of something, and once again sighed.

"Before I saw you, I was angry and confused."

"Furious your betrayal."

"Doubt your failure."

"I didn't expect to see you after I became very open--even though you are leading the church's clerics to ambush the shadow church, but the shadow church will also leave you an indelible injury?"

"This kind of injury not only makes you plan to change your identity to sweep the world, but also has to die, linger in the world, make a wedding dress for others..."

"To tell the truth, seeing you like this, what I have left is pitiful."

Between the words, the bishop’s eyes showed pity.

"Yeah, accidents always happen."

“I developed the ‘God’ program, and it succeeded, but the result: I am not the ultimate beneficiary.”

"Over the years, I have felt that I am too stupid when I think about it. I am so stupid that I will choose to believe in others. Are you right? My disciple?"

The earliest count of Wien smiled.


"Everything is taught by you."

The bishop nodded.

Then there was a silence.

The two sides floated at a high altitude, and one floated in the air. Just like this, the hot sun shone and the light shone, letting those who watched the war far from the eyes.

At this moment, the Earl of Wien disappeared in the original place.

Subconsciously, everyone looked up and looked at the sky.

Behind the bishop, there was a figure.

Silent, the long sword wrapped in white, gray and green, was so stabbed to the bishop, but was blocked by a golden sword.


The long swords composed of two stalks collide with each other and emit a sound like a metal sword. But the explosion is not a horoscope, but a strange qi, as if the spark is falling on the ground, making a sound Ringing, let the land seem to be bombed.


The two-handed lightsaber are in perfect harmony. It is obvious that the golden sword has an absolute upper hand. It is only by one hand that the bishop who is holding the sword with the other hand whispers softly.

"Teacher, you are really old."

"There was such a shallow attack..."

"Let me be a disciple, give you a ride."

The voice fell, the other hand in the empty space of the bishop, the golden radiance skyrocketed, another light sword appeared, and stabbed the earliest Earl of Wien.


The blade penetrates the sound of flesh and blood.

The bishop had a blade on his chest.

The white, gray, and green colors are stained with blood and are unusually glaring.

The golden long sword is still a finger away from the earliest count of Wien.

The bishop looked down at the protruding blade and was surprised.

"At the beginning you stabbed me a sword in the back, I am still giving it to you, you are surprised how I did it?"

"Do not worry!"

"I won't tell you!"

The earliest count of Wien smiled.

The light sword that pierced the bishop from behind began to burst.


The bishop had nothing at all.

The chest is blown up.

Even before and after the transparency, the bishop did not have anything, even a little blood did not flow out, only a trace of electric sparks and gears.

Magic couple?


Several ideas appeared in the heart of the Earl of Earn, even if his body was pierced by a golden lightsaber, and the burning heat was burning.

When the white-gray-green variegated lightsaber exploded, the golden lightsaber exploded at an incredible speed, piercing the chest of the first generation of Wien.

“It’s not a ‘sun’.”

The earliest count of Wien was amazed.

This is certainly not the power of the bishop.

The other party is his disciple, and what kind of strength the other party has, he is clear.

Even after a few decades, it is impossible to grow to what extent.

Be aware that the real core secret is what he has.


"If there is no 'sun', I don't even have the courage to appear in front of the teacher. You are really terrible."

"In order to fight against you, I abandoned my body and it looks good now."

"I will complete the teacher's wishes in my way."

"So, please go to hell!"

The bishop said that a stronger breath was uploaded from the airship on the side.

It is also accompanied by high temperatures!

Let the sky twist.

Let the earth chapped.

Let the sea water evaporate.

The unparalleled high temperature turned a little light and gathered in the hands of the bishop.

The body that was first pierced by the Princess of Wien was as dry as a dead body, but there was no death.

"There is progress, it is worthy of praise."

The first generation of Wien was said.

The bishop who is very familiar with each other has a glimpse of his heart.

Instinct is going to speed up.


The darkness is faster.

In the bright sky, the breath is dark.

The sun is blocked by a black screen.

The clouds were blown away by the yin wind.

The first generation of Wien, who was pierced by the golden lightsaber, burst open.

A piece of sparse blue-green spar scattered around and squatted on the bishop and airship.

With the hot and hot, extremely lethal golden light, when it hits the blue-green spar, it suddenly collapses and collapses.

It is followed by falling!

Like a meteor, it squats on the ground below.

The deep pit that was already deep has become deeper.

Surprisingly, the airship has an incredible sturdiness. It falls from high altitude and is not broken. It just crashes the edge, and most of it remains intact, which means it loses its ability to fly.

In contrast, the bishop is not very good.

The ear of the first generation, Wien, held his throat in front of him.

"I once taught you a word: people, you must rely on yourself!"

"You seem to have forgotten it for a long time."

"How can the strength gained by relying on foreign objects last?"

"Not to mention, these foreign objects are very familiar to me. Do you think I will not leave any backhand, just in case?"

The earliest count of Wien asked.

"So, do you think I will not know?"

The bishop smiled even more brilliantly.

Then, grabbed the arm of the first Earl of Wien.

"Catch your body!"


The voice just fell, and the blazing light shrouded the two.

The arc of one arm is raging.

Within 10 meters of the radius, all are arcs of the road, just like a lightning monster crawling out from the ground.

A figure stepped out of the shadows and looked at the arc in front of him. He couldn’t help but smile: “It’s spectacular? 2567.”

The electric light flashes, and it is the earliest count of Wien.

At this moment, the other side looked at a shadow without a trace.

The next moment, Qin Ran, who is proud of him, walked out slowly.

PS first more~

I can't afford to stay up late.

The fat dragon is not only late, but also full of softness and headache...

This is the first and the second is a little bit late.

(End of this chapter)

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