The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 878: Race against time

Chapter 878 Race against time

Steinbeck, who was fingered by Qin Ran, stood alone and was at a loss.

Unable to be a big one, it is a big mouth.

"2567 Are you sure?"

"Steinbeck's courage..."

I can't say the words of the sky, but the meaning is very clear.

Moreover, as one of the veteran players, it is very clear that it is very troublesome to bring a coward who is dragging his legs. It is really a slight accident to be the end of the body.

Faced with such an evaluation, Steinbeck's eyes are bleak, but he can't refute.

Because this is a fact and cannot be refuted.

"Is it timid?"

"But it doesn't mean there is no strength!"

“Just as we are all attracted to the business abilities of ‘hackers’ and ignore the essence of the other side, we see Steinbeck’s timidity, but I don’t see the resources he has!”

When Qin Ran said, he once again pointed to Steinbeck.

"If you and Steinbeck are on the battlefield where you have to live and die, I must bet on Steinbeck... because when you really hurt him, it is your death!"

"Look at Steinbeck's equipment!"

"The six pieces are engraved with a ring of defense, healing secret text, a necklace that looks like a normal coat, and still exudes an extremely negative energy. The belt has a secret text like 'light body' 'smart'. The pants should be It is a kind of fierce animal skin, giving people a feeling of coldness, shoes... If I have no guess, should it be a secret text?"

"The most important thing is that this is not his whole."

"What is inside the bag that looks like a pharmacy bag, do you want to know?"

Qin Ran looked at his friend who became sluggish in his own words, and there was a smile in his tone.

Then, looking at Steinbeck, there was no disguise in his eyes.

Although Qin Ran guessed that Steinbeck’s financial resources would definitely arm himself, those things were really amazing.

At least rare equipment and props.

Legendary level equipment and props occupy the majority.

There are also two pieces of equipment and props.

With the mysterious knowledge of the perception and expert level far beyond ordinary people, and many other similar equipment and props, Qin Ran thinks that he will not be wrong.

Steinbeck’s seemingly ordinary coat is a piece of equipment.

In the same way, under the advanced equipment, it is also able to exude a breath of equipment, naturally not lower than the order.

Not to mention the cysts on the other side of the waist.

With the sense of Qin Rang at this moment, the expert-level [mysterious knowledge] and insights, I can't see any clues.

And there are only two possibilities.

First, this bag is really just outside the ordinary items.

Second, this bag is far beyond what he imagined.

With a lot of rare, legendary and two pieces of advanced equipment and props as an example, Qin Ran can not simply think that this bag will be an ordinary item.


What level of this bag will be.

Or, what level of things is packed in this level of capsules.

Qin Ran guessed, looking at Steinbeck without hesitation.

Steinbeck, who was watched by Qin Ran, panicked.

Almost subconscious, you have to move your footsteps so that you can’t stop in front of you, so you can stop Qin’s gaze.

However, after seeing the ignorance of the blasphemy, Steinbeck changed his attention. He walked to Qin Ran in three steps and made two steps. Then he poked his head and carefully watched the lawlessness.

No doubt.

Once there is no way to do anything, Steinbeck will definitely shrink behind Qin Rang for the first time.

And now?

It seems that because of the words of Qin Ran, Steinbeck got a little courage, and this dared to show his head.

"I, I am working hard with 2567."

Steinbeck said this.

"It will be more convincing to wipe your tears and nose."

Unable to scream for nothing.

Steinbeck immediately shrank to the back of Qin Ran as if he were, and couldn't pay attention to each other, turned his head, and couldn't look at Qin Ran.

"Is it sure?"

I can't ask without any reason.


"At least my copy is a special copy, not an unknown new copy."

Qin Ran answered.


Unable to nod.

Then, striding out.

When the door opened, when Steinbeck saw everything in front of him, he shivered and retracted Qin Ran's back.


Hundreds of robots, in the sun, bloom in the cold of metal.

"Sure enough, that guy's handwriting!"

Looking at the robots filled with vision, Qin Ran and the incomparable look at each other, the latter grin.

This scene was not unexpected.

‘hacker’ tore his face and began to turn to his biggest patrons. Naturally, he would not be merciless, and it would be inevitable to stop Qin Ran from taking Steinbeck back to his room to start a new copy.

"2567, I will send you."

"I hope this luck is good enough!"

Saying, in the hands of lawlessness, there is a multifaceted 印.

The hand throws, oh. The child flies to the sky, and when it falls again, the side with the Gatling gun is facing up.

"Good luck!"

I can't look at it without any day. After I disappeared into a virtual shadow, I found a cigar from my arms.

"Can you help me with a fire?"

"of course."

Qin Ran smiled and raised his hand, a cluster of flames appeared in front of the cigar.

Unable to take a deep breath, the cigar flashed and the smoke lingered.

In the slightly smelly smell of cigarettes, two Gatling guns were pumped out of the backpack, and the two galactic guns were lifted by the cigars, and the guns were aimed at the robots.

The faint radiance overflowed from the incompetent hands, and the fingers on the trigger were used as ties to fill the inside of the gun body and the bullets.

The gun itself and the bullet itself have undergone additional changes.

When the trigger is unable to be used day by day -

Da da da!


The sound of shooting and the sound of explosions became one.

The metal torrent, which is completely composed of bullets, instantly tears the line of defense made up of robots.

Qin Ran picked up Steinbeck and disappeared.

These robots are naturally difficult to Qinran.

But now Qin has no time to fight these robots.

The time on the Sword of Dawn (subvolume) is still changing slowly. Compared with [6/10] from the beginning and then to [7/10], this speed is much slower, but it does not stop. .

Qin Ran must fight against time.

Fortunately, he has a lawless walk.

I couldn't help but look back at Qin Ran's disappearing direction. Once again, I used a cigar to **** the cigar. Then I turned my head and looked at the robot that swarmed. I gave a smirk in my mouth.

"Hey, come, baby, come to Dad!"

"Dad asks you to eat hot bullets!"

The trigger is pulled and the gun fires.

Bullet flying, shell splash

No one noticed that the splashing shell was rolling behind the ground, and it even formed a face pattern of the elders quietly.

The lawlessness that prevented the robot from going forward did not notice.

Robots that execute dead commands will not notice.

The face made up of bullet shells is so quietly watching the lawlessness.

After a second or two, the elderly person's face showed a satisfied smile.

Unconsciously, the power of the bullet shot by Gatling machine gun suddenly increased.

The brilliance that was originally only on the hands began to spread from the palm to the arm.

PS second more~

(End of this chapter)

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