The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 885: Assassination

Chapter 885 Assassination

After a morning, the market around the afternoon, finally became a bit quiet.

Of course, this kind of quietness, that is, compared to the morning and noon, in fact, the market is still flowing, and the crowd is surging.

Those merchants who entered the city that day and could not keep up with the best selling time of the day, this time appeared in the city concentration, while inquiring about the market, while looking for a suitable stall position.

Qin Ran and Mimosa, dressed up in a dress, are among these people.

Qin Ran with a smile, from time to time to stop in front of a stall to ask a sentence or two, and mimosa is not falling behind Qin Ren, as if it is a qualified small follow-up.

The two stopped and stopped. After more than half an hour, they came to a stall selling jewellery.

A grayish white 1 meter square cloth, scattered with a few rings, bracelets, earrings and necklaces, mostly made of copper and iron.

Don't expect to see gold and silver jewelry at such booths.

To find this, you need to go to the store, not the roadside stall.

Of course, the main purpose of Qin Ran is not these.

It is the hotel behind the booth.

On the corner window of the second floor of the hotel, a red cloth is floating in the wind, and it is particularly conspicuous.

After glanced at the red cloth strip, Qin Ran picked up a ring.

"how much is this?"

Qin Ran asked.

"Eight copper children."

The stall owner glanced at the offer.

Not expensive, but not cheap.

Just stopped and stopped at the market, although most of them are done, but it is enough to let Qin Ran know that the corresponding price is not.

In other similar booths, copper rings like his hands are at most six or seven bronzes.

"too expensive!"

"Five copper children!"


"At least nine copper children!"

"I can buy two such copper rings for nine copper children!"

Qin Ran shook his head, like an authentic businessman, began to bargain with the stall owner.

Mimosa stood in the back and looked at this look of Qin Ran, with an incredible look in his eyes.

The scene in front of me completely exceeded the imagination of mimosa.

As a member of Qin Ran, Mimosa naturally knows what they are here for.

In fact, after signing a contract to keep a secret, Mimosa has already roughly understood the speculation of Qin Ran.

For this speculation, Mimosa did not refute.

Because, he also saw it, and the four people of Myrze and Pilke were the two 'smoke bombs' that really stole the thorns of the thorns.

When they fail, the four are the best candidates after the break.

When successful, the four are reasonable evidence to clean up the suspect.

According to his speculation, the two people who actually stole the ‘thorn of the thorns’ will put the ‘thorn of the thorns’ into the marked hotel, then inform the city guards and the temple of thorns to complete the expected planting.

Naturally, Qin Ran will never give up the ‘thorn of the thorns’ that can complete the ‘Baptism’.

In this way, fighting with the city guards and the temple of thorns is inevitable.

Therefore, when coming to the market, mimosa is quite nervous.

Just, watching Qin Ran and a common stall owner care about it, mimosa can not help but doubt whether his guess is correct, or the conversation with Qin Ran appeared before the auditory hallucination?

However, very quickly, a black shadow attracted the attention of mimosa.

The shadow was looming in the shadows, approaching the hotel with red cloth at a very fast speed.

Subconscious, mimosa will remind Qin Ran.

But I haven't waited for the mimosa to open, and Qin Ran threw it to the stall owner after ten copper children, and stood up with two copper rings.

"Let's see that home!"

When Qin Ran said, he went to another booth.

Mimosa wants to say something, but she dares not say it. It can only be weak and follow Qinran and then arrive at a stall selling fur.

This is a booth for hunters near the city of Navija.

The top is filled with salted and dried rabbit skin, mostly gray and bright.

"A piece of leather with ten pieces of copper, don't pay for it!"

The hunter apparently noticed Qin Ran before, and did not wait for Qin Ran to speak.

Qin Ran's touched the tip of his nose and went straight to the next one. Mimosa quickly followed.

However, Mimosa couldn’t help but look back in the direction of the hotel.

When I saw the situation inside the hidden alley, Mimosa suddenly stayed.

Because the shadow that he had seen before was ignored by the three people who did not know when it was stuck in the alley in front of the hotel.

Due to the angle, Mimosa did not see the appearance of three people, but he was able to clearly see that three people were armed with weapons.

Moreover, the first shadow that appeared first has been hurt!

“There are other people?!”

Unexpected things happened, let the mimosa step in the foot, and the strength of the arm can be moved, let the mimosa continue to move forward.

"Don't look back, follow me."

The voice of Qin Ran came from the ear and immediately responded to the mimosa.

And just after the two left about a hundred meters -


A huge explosion appeared.

The fire is rising.

Within seven or eight meters of the square, it was razed to the ground.

Even with the hotel, it collapsed in half.

The bustling market at the last moment became crying and shouting at the next moment.

The chaotic crowd left and ran right.

Even if the city guards who had received the news quickly came, they had no use.

The number of people is too far apart.

There are thousands of people in the whole market, and the two city guards are only about 50 people. Even with the city guards stationed in the market, there are only a hundred people.

Faced with the impact of ten times more people, the queue of the city guards was suddenly washed away.

"Collection! Collection!"

The captain of the city guards shouted loudly.

This kind of voice was immediately overwhelmed by the chaotic crowd.

Then, the angry and angry captain pulled out the long sword at the waist and began to intimidate the flustered crowd. But this did not play a small role, but made the crowd more chaotic.

Pulling the mimosa, standing in a corner, and avoiding the chaotic crowd, Qin could not help but shake his head.

If you do this in the first place, you can still rely on the sharpness of the sword to scare the crowd, but now?

It’s just a mess!

The chaos lasted for a few more minutes, and then a middle-aged man in a robe with a thorn pattern on his cuffs sang a hymn.

"The road full of thorns is your test."

"The painful flesh. The body brings a noble soul."

"When you appear, everything..."

The sacred voice seems to have the power to calm people's hearts, and the chaotic crowd quickly calms down. If it continues, the chaos will quickly subside.



A smashing arrow slammed out of the crowd, and even the roots did not enter the chest of the clergy who sang hymns.

Immediately, the crowd who had just calmed up again panicked.

People are more fearful and overwhelmed than before.

Also overwhelmed is the mimosa.

"This, what happened to this?"

The mimosa looked at the clergyman who fell in the pool of blood, and the whole person was stupid.

When he returned to God, he discovered that when he did not know, Qin Ren was gone.

PS first more~

(End of this chapter)

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