The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 931: Swallowing unparalleled

Chapter 931 devours the unparalleled

Qin Ran, who was wary of this, was even more vigilant after hearing the abnormal noise.

After he gestured back to the mimosa, not only the whole person was completely integrated into the shadows, but also the words of arrogance appeared in the hands, but when Qin Ran came to the core of the temple of sin in the true sense, he saw the torturer statue. When, it was still a surprise.

A mouth full of teeth, is eating for the statue.

It’s a mouth!

There are no other organs.

There is no such thing as a sore throat. When the mouth opens and closes, the head of the statue disappears completely, as if it has entered a different dimension.

嚓, 嚓.

It was like the sound of the fragile bones coming again.

The mouth is also chewed.


There was a crack in the statue full of cracks.

The crack began to spread continuously throughout the statue, constantly coincident with other cracks, and eventually became the last straw to crush the camel.


The torturer's statue collapsed.

Broken into stones of different sizes, falling into the dust.

But the big mouth did not disappear.

The big mouth that chewed a few times opened again, the stinky saliva dripped on the ground, quickly eroding the large ground, letting the flat ground become a stinking swamp, and a sacral bone was spit out by this big mouth. It fell into the swamp, and quickly, the cheekbones were swallowed and disappeared.

But more importantly, ‘it’ seems to have noticed Qin Ran.

The combination of [sneak] and [dark stealth] above the supernatural is useless.

The invisible power came to Qinran.



This kind of information can't help but emanate from this big mouth.

The more malicious is like a meteor falling from the sky, and the slap in the Qinran.

A sigh, Qin Ran's figure fell out of the shadows, and took a few steps to stand firm.

The spirit of the road is judged, and the layers are stacked and densely popped.

After various blessings and judgment advantages, the spirit attribute of the strong I level has been crossed, and as more and more strong judgments begin to become crumbling.

The mental impact, turned into a small steel needle, began to sting Qin Ren's body.

Then, the small steel needle continued to grow larger.

It became a steel needle in the true sense.

But this is not the end!

The steel needle quickly became a small dagger, the small dagger became a short sword, and the short sword was followed by a long sword.



Just in the breath, Qin Ran’s body broke hundreds of scars.

There are long and short.

It is deep and shallow.

Long, deep, one palm visible bone.

Short, shallow, only half-finger, but also turned up the flesh.

Blood spurted out.

Qin Ran lost his mobility in an instant.

[Second armor skin] completely not used.

But Qin Ran has more than just [sub-armor skin].

[The thorn of the saint] flashes its own light, such as the white light of a sword like a sword, this ring appears on Qin Ran.

When the light broke, Qin Ran’s injuries healed.

The big mouth also felt pain.

However, the pain not only did not allow the other party to retreat, but also stimulated the other side more and more.

A spiritual force overflowed from the big mouth and began to turn into a hurricane in the hall, as if to tear everything in the hall.

Including Qin Ran!

Feeling the surging spiritual power, Qin calmly raised his left hand.


The devil's inflammation burned straight.

Qin Ran feels the surging spiritual power around him. If he can, he definitely does not want to bear this power.

However, Qin Ran, who is a 'natural picker', is very clear. Unlike the fatal weakness of the "dead gaze", the invisible and inferior mental attack in front of him can be avoided without closing his eyes. There is no other way at all.


The fireball formed by the devil's inflammation hit the big mouth, the special effect of the explosion, and let the big mouth fall into a sea of ​​fire.

Qin Ren is also like drunkenness, falling to the ground, a lot of blood in the nose and mouth began to pop out.

The big mouth in the sea of ​​fire was screamed by burning.

But did not give up the idea of ​​swallowing Qin Ran, even if the whole body with fire is crazy to the Qin Ran.



A thick magma arm was pressed against the upper lip of the big mouth.

Huge power directly pushed the other side into the ground and pulled out a huge pothole.

The flames from the spattered, filled the deep pit, like a fire pit, once again wrapped the big mouth.

The unique screams appeared again.

Unlike the previous simple screams, this time brought a sonic attack.

The devilized Qin Ran.

Although I immediately returned to the gods, but I was rid of the big mouth to clamp off, not only got rid of it, but also bite on the devilized arm of Qin Ran.

The hot magma began to drip between the teeth, and the hot mouth made a louder scream, but it also caused the demonized magma arm to be nearly bitten and became a broken state.

The pain poured into the heart of the devilized Qin.

Inexplicable and unknown enemy.

The pain that suddenly came up made the devilized Qin Ran feel angry and violent.

Unlike the normal state, Qin Ran can try to restrain himself.

The devilized Qin Ran exudes a chaotic atmosphere like a volcanic eruption.

In this state, Qin Ran’s restraint was greatly reduced.

Demonized the eyes of the Qin dynasty, the fierce light, completely ignore the arm that will soon be broken, but hugged the big mouth with another magma arm.

Then, opened his mouth and bit it on the lips of the big mouth.

"eat you!"


The demonized Qin Ran tears off the flesh and blood of the big lips, and swallows it without chewing. Then, it bites again.

The big mouth was not to be outdone, not only swallowed the arm of Qin Ran, but also began to bite Qin Ran’s body.

The two monsters generally exist, so they keep biting each other.

Blood flies.

The flesh and blood are blurred.

Only four or five seconds passed, and the devilish Qin Qin’s small half abdomen was foraged, and more flowing magma flowed out. The big mouth was not much better.

Not only the upper lip's ** was bitten, even the barbed teeth, but also the demonized Qin Ran, shredded and swallowed.

At this moment, the demonized Qin Ran is ready to think about the next sigh.

Both sides can be said to be evenly matched.

But in the true sense, it is still the big mouth that dominates.

Because, the devilization of Qin Ran is time-limited.

If only Qin Ren is alone, this time will definitely fall into absolute trouble, but ... Qin is not alone in the fight.

Under the devouring of the devil, a piece of special flesh and blood enters the body and turns into a special force.

These forces are like the bright lights in the night, stimulating the original sin.

Then, the original sins who slept in Qin Ran began to wake up.

"Eat! Eat! Eat!"

The ‘gluttony’ appeared uncontrollably at the side of the demonized Qin Ran, and bit the bite on the big mouth.

"I also want!"

"It's all mine!"

‘greedy’ is close behind.

"How can I only have you, no me!"

‘嫉妒’ looked hate, but rushed up at a faster rate.

"Don't dare to bite me?"

"I want to eat you!"

‘Anger’ is screaming.

"Wait for me!"

‘Lazy’ shouted, but still slow.

"It's ugly!"

After ‘color. desire’ issued such an evaluation, he opened his mouth and bit it.

Only ‘arrogance’ is different.

It stood there, with a look of pride and disdain.

But the power of one source is a constant stream of quietly flowing into the body.

Even it has not found itself, and with the influx of these forces, it seems to have become different.

The remaining colors, desire, greed, overeating, laziness, anger, jealousy need not be said.

They found nothing.

In the eyes of these original sins, there is only one thing left at the moment -


Eat this monster!

PS second more~

(End of this chapter)

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