The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 933: Righteous throw

Chapter 933, Upright Throwing


A giant snake across the sky.

The head of the snake has the size of the entire temple area. The serpents that are spit out are like a wide street. The dripping saliva will fall into the ground and become a pond.

Snake teeth are sharp and sharp, like a hill.

But no eyes.

It is not born, but is dug away.

Two clear scars, stay there.

But what scares people the most is not the huge size of this giant snake, but its scales!

It is different from the scales of ordinary snakes.

The scales of this giant snake are alive.

A strange mouth grows on the body of the giant snake, and the sharp teeth do not live with the opening and closing of the mouth to make a chilling rub.

Check and check!

The intensive chewing can't be heard from the giant snake body, making the other party look even more horrible and embarrassing.

Qin Ran gaze over the thousands of strange mouths, his eyes slightly glimpse.

"The strange mouth before, is it a scale?"

Qin Ran took a deep breath.

The hand holding the [Manic Language] is getting tighter.

Qin Ran who had fought with that strange mouth is very clear that the strange mouth is powerful!

But that strange mouth is just a ‘scale’.


How strong is the owner of the scales?

Look at the assembled gods!

Even if twenty-two gods came together, there was no easy appearance.

On the contrary, Qin Ran can feel the repression from the aura of the sky.

He knew that the gods were on the verge of enemies.

If he can, he definitely doesn't want to fight such a monster, but his main line task makes him retreat.

Whether it is the original or the present.

The original main task was to stay in Navija for four weeks and to ensure that the identity of the participants and the participants were not exposed.

This main line task has been completed for most of the time.

This mainline task is displayed ahead of schedule with the sudden system prompts.

The new mainline task has appeared.

[Triggering the 'key' event, the main line task is considered to be completed ahead of time...]

[Special mainline task appears...]

[Special mainline mission: The horrible 'Devourer' has appeared, the other party known as the 'swallowing' god, has been awakened by the newly added 'followers' in advance, you need to cause a minor level of damage to the 'Devourer' (optional Damage can be, the degree of damage can be accumulated)


Qin Ran glanced at the words in front of him.

Among them, ‘new followers’ let Qin Ran guess a lot.


"The followers of the self-proclaimed descendants of the heroes, but in fact they are followers of the ‘devourers’...but the essence of subverting the temple is the same, it is a confusing title.”

"Unesco is the original 'follower'!"

"Who is the new ‘follower’?”

Qin Ran thought of the abnormal Horace.

But he immediately shook his head.

It is not lifting the suspicion of the other party.

But to participate in such a thing, only one other person, the qualification is not enough.

Ms. Thorn did not say where the devourer was sleeping or being sealed.

But Qin Ran can be sure that such a place is definitely not accessible to a priest, so at least a higher qualified person is needed.

In the hunter's temple, who else is higher than Horace?

Kirk High Priest!

And how can a true high priest betray the gods he believes in?

Remove the situation similar to Qin Ran.

There is only one possibility left!

The hunter itself is also the 'follower' of the ‘devourer’.

Very incredible!

But this is the conclusion that Qin Ran has drawn.

However, Qin Ran, who came to the final conclusion, did not have the slightest joy.

He only felt the back of the ridge cool.

Because, he is very clear, if his guess is real, the twenty-two gods who seem to be ‘helpers’ are simply unreliable.

Who can guarantee that the so-called newly joined ‘follower’ is a hunter?

What if there are other gods?

"Ms. Winissa, beware of hunters and other gods!"

Qin Ran reminded Ms. Thorn from her heart.

Then, his eyes looked at the mimosa that was hiding.

"Are you changed?"

Qin Ran said that only two people know the secret.

"Well, um."

The mimosa trembled and nodded.

When the ‘Devourer’ appeared, the brain of Mimosa was blank, and the whole person was stupid.

At the last moment, everything was normal. He only needed to continue the copy world that could be completed in a few days. The next moment was a sudden change in the situation, and there was a terrible monster he had never seen before.

Every time I am lying, the mimosa won’t understand, this time, how paranoid and crazy it is with Qin Jun’s bones.

Even in the copy world where the gods are the protagonists, it is as much as possible to trigger, complete the quests and special events, and try their best to defeat and kill every enemy.

Quantitative changes cause qualitative changes.

A series of small events will eventually change the direction of the world.

It is like the ‘devourer’ who should have been asleep before, but awakened in advance.

It is the result of being changed.

Mimosa does not know this.

However, even if he knows, he will be powerless.

He is just an innocent bystander who is involved.

Or it is the fire in the city gate and the fish in the pond fish.

Qin Ran knows this.

What is different from mimosa is that even if you know it, Qin Ran will do the same, and it is absolutely crazy than this time.

Qin Ran, who already knows what he wants, knows exactly what to do.

This time is no exception.

But Qin Ran understands better that this is his choice, not mimosa.

Once he is engaged in such a monster, he can no longer be distracted to take care of each other.

Therefore, at this time, you must first let the mimosa leave.

"Do you have anything that can make it a minor injury?"

Qin Ran asked.

"Yes, there are."

"No, but you have to touch it, or it will come across me."

Mimosa stuttered.

"bump into?"

"Are you sure you can hold it for 10 seconds?"

Qin Ran raised his eyebrows and his eyes swept away from the pockets of the other's waist.

Looking at Qin Ran, the mimosa suddenly raised a bad feeling from the bottom of my heart.

For those who are timid, the premonition is relatively accurate.

It is similar to the innate instinct that evolved when small animals faced danger.

Mimosa is one of the best.

However, in the face of Qin Ran's inquiry, Mimosa still nodded honestly.

"Can, can!"

The voice just fell, and the bad premonition before the mimosa was realized immediately.

Looking at himself who was picked up and held high above his head, he looked at Qin Ran, who had a running posture.

"You, what are you doing... ah ah!"

Without waiting for the mimosa to be finished, Qin Ran was a ‘devourer’ who threw the mimosa into the sky.

The speed of the tall figure makes the timid mimosa scream.

The sound echoed in the clouds, and it didn't stop for a long time.

PS second more~

(End of this chapter)

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