The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 940: rumor

Chapter 940 rumors

J. Perelman.

The other party recently invited him to join the organization of the player named ‘Freedom Alliance’, a person who shows kindness.

In Rachel's mouth, there is a good evaluation.

After thinking about it, Qin Ran passed the application of the other party.

"Hello, Mr. 2567, can't be Mr. Noble, Mr. Steinbeck."

Dressed in outdoor casual wear, with a fisherman's hat, J. Perelman, carrying a box, walked in and said hello to the three people in the room.

It is not surprising that the other person knows how to be lawless and mimosa.

The lawlessness itself is a class that has a wide range of friendships.

Although mimosa is a simple one, it is not only the same financial resources, it is destined to be seen by some players, especially some organized players.

After all, the equipment on the mimosa cannot be purchased from the hacker, there must be some other sellers, and the organization of the liberty alliance, which is composed of players, is naturally the first choice.

The next moment, J. Perelman confirmed the idea of ​​Qin Ran.

"I didn't expect to see you Mr. Steinbeck here, it's a great honor."

J. Perelman continued to speak with Mimosa in a surprise but not a warm tone.

"I and 2567 are friends."

Mimosa is a simple explanation.

Moreover, unlike the Qin Ran, the lawlessness who knows his details, when facing J. Perelman, the tone of Mimosa is alienated and proud, just as Qin Qin first saw mimosa.

Qin Ran, unable to remove the mimosa without lawlessness.

Let Mimosa and J. Perelman whisper each other, and Qin Ran asked: "J. Perelman, are you coming?"

Immediately, the other party is serious.

"Mr. 2567, some recent rumors about you are really making us curious, so I have been chosen to have a relationship with you, let me ask you."

"Of course, just asking, not sure."

"We don't have any persecution. You can choose to answer or not."

J. Perelman said sincerely.

Even some have lowered their posture.

This made Qin Ran curious.

Mimosa, can't help but look at each other.

"What is the rumor?"

Qin Ran asked.

"In the rumor, you said that you got some of the witch's legacy."

"On behalf of us, I am asking you if this news is true?"

J. Perelman said.

And such an answer made Qin Ran frown, subconsciously looking toward the lawless and mimosa, just then, the lawlessness and mimosa also looked at Qin Ran.

All three saw the thoughts of each other from the other's eyes.


It’s ‘hacker’ is making a ghost!

J. Perelman saw the appearance of Qin Ran and the lawless, mimosa, but did not urge, so patiently waiting for Qin Ran's answer.

"J. Perelman, do you know the contradiction between me and the hacker?"

Qin Ran did not answer directly, but asked.

"heard about it."

"To tell the truth, ‘hacker’ is not liked among us. He has too many calculations, and no one knows when he will be counted by him.”

"I said, you can call me J or Perelman, and there is no problem with ‘fisherman’.”

J. Perelman lifted his fisherman's hat with his hand and said with a smile.

"Okay, J. Perelman."

"The contradiction between me and the hacker has now tended to be that you are dead or that I am dying. I can’t help anyone to smash some of his industries, and he will naturally release news to make me feel bad."

Qin Ran still called the other person according to the habit, and briefly told about it.

Naturally, some things that need to be hidden are all hidden.

As for the title copy?

[Dawn of the Sword (Secondary)] In his hands, it is no secret.

However, Qin Ran still chose not to talk about it.

"It turned out to be the case."

J. Perelman nodded.

After the two sides talked a few more times, J. Perelman politely said goodbye to the Qin Rans.

"J is not a fool. It's easy to guess what you and the hacker are doing in the sword of dawn."

After watching the disappearance of J. Perelman’s figure, I can’t say it without any reason.

"This is already a fact on the bright side."

"In the beginning, the hacker's power contraction was still guessed because of what, but as time goes by, it will be noticed by the people. I never doubt that there are many smart guys in the player, just like I am now. There is absolutely no doubt that the "hacker" **** will release the fake rumor.

Qin Ran squinted and said slowly.

"Don't have a picture?"

"What the **** wants to do?"

I can't frown.

He couldn't think of the benefits of the hacker's rumor.

Similarly, Qin Ran is also very puzzled.

The ‘hacker’ is doing this. It seems that there is nothing but a lot of people paying attention to him and making him a little trouble.

But what kind of attention, trouble, and what is it for him?

Under the premise of no substantial evidence, there will only be some small pawns who are not worth mentioning. He can send it out if he raises his hand.

To make one of the worst assumptions, ‘hacker’ can forge substantial evidence to frame him, but this will not affect him who is about to enter the copy of the “Sword of Dawn”.


The remaining three [Dawn Swords (subvolumes)] are not all in the hands of ‘hackers’!

There are others who have [Dawn Sword (Secondary)]!

Moreover, this ‘other person’ can also pose an absolute threat to him!

But this does not make sense.

According to Qin Ran's understanding of ‘hacker’, the other party dared to speed up the copy process of “Dawn Sword”, then there is absolute certainty to kill him and mimosa.

Then the remaining three [Sword of Dawn (Secondary)] became the key.

Only three [Dawn Swords (Secondary)] are in the hands of the other party, and they will be able to get ten.

What's more, when the other party also took out a [Dawn Sword (Secondary)] as a bait, this behavior is enough to show that the other party's hands are not lacking [Dawn Sword (Secondary)].

When Qin Ran thought, the private message continued to sound.

Rachel: I got the news that ‘polar’ got the [Dawn Sword (subvolume)] given by ‘hacker’.

Rachel: There is also a strong ‘giant’ Dade among the top ten supernovas. The sword of Dawn (volume)


Looking at the information sent by Rachel, Qin Ran took a deep breath.


The ‘polar’, the leader of the killer players, was terrible in Rachel’s evaluation.

Not only in underground games, but also in reality.

In this regard, Qin Ran, who knows that Rachel and his innocent true identity, will remember each other when Rachel talks about the other party for the first time.

And ‘Giant’ Dade, Qin Ran, who is no longer a 'novice', has heard rumors of countless other parties.

The blood of the giants is endless, invulnerable, and once slaughtered a city in a rather difficult copy world.

Both of these people are vigilant.


More alert is the ‘hacker’.

"Give two [Dawn Swords (Secondary)] so generously to others?:

"This kind of situation that makes them fight with me, your people's fishermen's profits are too obvious, not like your style..."

"And where are the remaining people?"

In the eyes of Qin Ran, the light flashes.

He can't believe that there is only one person who can get the hand of the hacker.

That guy must be planning something.

What will it be?

Almost subconscious, Qin Ran thought: the legacy of the witch.

PS first more~

(End of this chapter)

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