The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 944: Identity

Chapter 944 Identity

In the familiar light, the lines of the eyes appear in a row.

[The title copy enters! 】

[This copy is a special copy of multiple people...]

[Number of people: 5 people! 】

[Determining that player 2567 holds a secondary volume, identity matching...]

[Identity: You are the eldest son of the Marquis, talent is outstanding, both good at swordsmanship, proficient in pharmacology, and a little knowledge of astrology, you are relished by the people of the dawn capital, but your identity, but for you It caused a lot of trouble. It happened that you heard the 'burning dawn' thing. You used your family name to exchange a letter of appointment for the gravel town magistrate...]

[Background: The burning dawn stationed on the highest road was attacked by unidentified enemies, and the burning dawn was hit hard! At this moment, the burning dawn is urgent and someone needs to inherit the will of the sword of dawn! 】

[Main line task: no, stay time 90 days]

[Get temporary language, automatically disappear when leaving the copy]

[Apparent changes in clothing and appearance, automatic recovery when leaving the copy]

[Detecting guns and grenades do not match the age, the power is reduced by 90%, this is a copy of the title, after entering the copy, you will not have any compensation]

(Indicating 1: In the copy of the title, the killing is not prohibited between the players, and the value of all the items of the other party is increased by 50%, and the points are increased by 100%)

(Note 2: There is no mainline task in the title copy)

(Note 3: In the copy of the title, the player cannot obtain any equipment or props by killing)

(Note 4: In the copy of the title, the player will not have the bonus points, skill points, gold skill points, gold attribute points, but your final evaluation will affect whether you get the title 'Dawn Sword')

(Note 5: In the copy of the title, the player completes the branch task and special events, not only will the corresponding customs clearance evaluation, but also additional stay time.)


Qin Ran read the word by sentence.

"Without the main line mission, there will be no corresponding points and skill points for customs clearance, which will only affect the ownership of the 'Dawn Sword', and the mutual killing between players can get more benefits..."

“Encourage killing and trigger branch missions, special events?”

After reading, Qin Ran frowned.

He is very clear that such preconditions have completely excluded mimosa.

The other person's timid character, don't say that it is killing, killing a rabbit is not afraid.

But Qin Ran, who was prepared early, has no anger.

He only hopes to protect himself before the meeting.

When entering the copy of the title of "Sword of Dawn", Qin Ran and Mimosa made some guesses about this particular copy and prepared a way to deal with it.

As in the case of this different identity, the situation of different positions is also in the guess of Qin Ran.

After all, the main volume and the secondary volume of the "Sword of Dawn" are completely different.

"What is the identity of Mimosa?"

"And, those three guys..."

Qin Ran whispered to himself.

Then, the light and text in front of the eyes began to disappear.

He appeared in a carriage.

The carriage is large and stable.

In the compartment with black and red as the main color, there is no shortage of gold and silver ornaments, especially on the door handle of Qin Ran's hand, an adult emerald with the size of the thumb, inlaid on it.

This kind of decoration does not have any atmosphere of nouveau riche, but instead has an indescribable style.

However, the middle-aged man who sat in Qinran’s opposite dress did not let Qin Ran have the opportunity to continue to appreciate it.

"Young Master, this is the last time I called you a young master."

"You exchanged your last name for an opportunity. I can't evaluate whether this behavior is brave or reckless, but I think you should be more rational."

"The Marquis is not inhuman, you could have a better choice."

The voice of the middle-aged man is slightly low, and the wording is very clear. It seems that the child should be spit out one by one. This makes the face of the other party seem to be more serious and rigid.

When talking, a delicate, bulging purse was handed to Qin Ran.

"This is the Marquis, giving you the last bit of help."

The middle-aged man said meticulously, like a robot.

"Thank you."

Qin Ran took the money bag and said in a more polite tone.

"What else do you need?"

"In my ability, I can give you the help."

The middle-aged man continued to speak in a steady tone.

The literal meaning of the discourse has concerns, but the tone of voice reveals politeness and alienation.

"No need."

Qin Ran shook his head.

After that, the car was silent.

Neither Qin Ran nor the middle-aged man in front of him has broken the meaning of this silence.

Hey, hey.

The wheel sounds clear to the ear.

From sunrise to sunset, the carriage stopped slowly.

Through the window, there is a small piece of light in the darkness in the distance.

"2567, there is your destination: gravel town."

"Bring your appointment book and rucksack..."

"I hope we can see you again in the dawn capital."

After the middle-aged man paused, he said this.

Qin Ran nodded, picked up the things that belonged to him, pushed the car door and walked down the carriage.

Sweeping the tall, strong and far-reaching horses of ordinary horses, Qin Ran did not stop, and walked quickly toward the piece of light.

After pulling a sufficient distance, Qin Ran opened his rucksack.

The fire crow and the frost wolf drilled out of the rucksack.

In the sound of flapping wings, the fire crow flew into the night sky and became the best investigative partner of Qin Ran.

The young mixed-blooded Frostwolf, also not afraid of the darkness brought by the night, fluttered around Qin, and occasionally looked up and sniffed the smell around.

Perhaps, the young mixed-blood frost wolf in battle can not be a helper of Qin Ran, but far more than the general sense of the hound, but it is enough to make it a secondary detective partner of Qin Ran.

And, with some unique effects.

Hey, hey.

A soft voice, from time to time in the throat.

The beasts who have been tortured by hunger have retired.

With Qin Ran's vision, I can even see those beasts running with their tails.

Obviously, the factors such as young and mixed blood did not affect the majesty that the Frostwolf should have.

Just like Qin Ran’s ‘identity’ at the moment.

A former aristocratic child who gave up the family name, a gamble in the eyes of others, but the appointment of the sheriff is true and effective.


"Go to the light!"

"Raise your hands!"

"Don't make anything that would make me misunderstand!"

Just arrived outside the town of gravel, and a loud drink rang from the wooden tower outside the town.

"I am a new sheriff!"

"This is my appointment."

Qin Ran responded to the other side, and at the same time, the appointment book was thrown into the tower.

After a dozen seconds, the wooden fence that was blocked was lifted by several young and strong townspeople. A young man carrying a bow and arrow came over with Qin Lan’s appointment book.


"Are you sure you want to be the sheriff here?"

The other side looked at Qin Ran with a strange look.

PS first more~

In the morning, the fat dragon started too early, and I overslept in the afternoon. This is the first one, and the second one is being coded!

More before twelve o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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