"Then just ask. Anyway, if I don't tell you, you will investigate it privately."

"Are you sure you won't be angry?"

"not angry."

Long Yi nodded, coughed slightly, and asked with a smile:

"Mai, which magazine did the swimsuit photo album you took come from? Can it still be purchased?"

Sakurajima Mai: "...??"

After being stunned for two seconds, the girl suddenly reached out her hand, pinched the soft flesh around Long Yi's waist, and twisted hard.

Long Yi's expression remained unchanged, but the corner of his mouth twitched unnaturally:

"Ma Yi, you promised not to be angry."

Free skirt 950180909

"I'm not angry."

A gentle smile appeared on Mai Sakurajima's face, her expression was perfectly managed, and her hands gradually rotated.

"I promised not to be angry."

"I told you I'm not angry."

"I obviously said I won't be angry."

"I obviously said I'm not angry anymore."

The two of them kept repeating similar conversations as they walked towards the apartment building.

After sending Sakurajima Mai home, Long Yi also planned to go home.

But just halfway through, he suddenly received a call from Rias.

With a slightly raised brow, Long Yi answered the phone.


"Well, Long Yi, you have to come to the activity room to gather. Can you do it?"

"Okay, I'll come right away."

Long Yi agreed directly without asking Rias the reason.

Long Yi's feelings towards Rias are rather complicated.

On the one hand, she and he had a master-servant relationship, and on the other hand, it was Rias's love for him.

Normally speaking, would other high-level demons sleep with their relatives in such a naked manner?

At least despite Long Yi's insinuations, Rias didn't seem to have experienced this with Himejima Akeno or Tacheng Koneko...

After all, it seems that this kind of thing happened to him alone...

Shaking his head, Long Yi didn't think much about it. In any case, Rias was his master now and would not hurt him. She was a trustworthy existence.

All the way to the club activity room, Rias, Himejima Akeno and Tashiro Koneko were all inside.

"President, Akeno, Kitty." Long Yi greeted them one by one.

Seeing Long Yi also arriving, Rias nodded lightly:

"I'm very sorry. It's obviously a rest day on Saturday, but I called you all here."

Long Yi and the three others said it didn't matter.

"Long Yi, how is the contract partner you are talking about?" Rias asked with a smile.

...Why does it sound like my family is asking about my girlfriend during the Chinese New Year?

"I've encountered some difficulties. I'm trying to find a way to solve it. I should be able to try to sign it tomorrow." Long Yi said softly with a little helplessness.

"Ah la ah la, don't be discouraged? Signing a contract is not that easy. Communication with the contract partner is very important."

Himejima Akeno had a gentle smile on her face, expressing gentle encouragement.

"As long as you are serious, you will succeed." Tacheng Maomao also spoke. Under his short silver hair, a pair of particularly beautiful golden eyes stared at Long Yi without blinking.

Long Yi smiled lightly, "I understand."

He looked at Rias and said, "The president asked us to come over. Is there something wrong?"

When Rias heard this, her expression became condensed, her expression became more serious, and she smiled:

"That's right, because I received a temporary commission from the Grand Duke."

She sat on the sofa, her beautiful legs crossed together, she raised her head and shook her fiery red hair, her eyes were full of courage, and she announced her purpose in an imposing manner:

"Tonight we are going to defeat a [stray demon]"

"A stray devil?"

Long Yi was puzzled. This was a new term he had never heard of.

"It means that the demon who has been sealed as a chess piece betrays his master or kills his master, so he will become a demon without an owner. Such a demon is called a [stray demon]."

Knowing that Long Yi didn't understand this, Himejima Akeno smiled and explained.

"Are there any demons who would betray their master?" Long Yi tilted his head.

"Of course there is, why do you think there is no such demon?" Rias said amusedly.

Long Yi laughed dumbly, "That may be because Rias is too nice."

"You think so, it seems that my love for you is not in vain." Rias smiled, obviously taking advantage of Long Yi's praise.

Himejima Akeno and Tashiro Koneko on the side both smiled.

Rias straightened her expression:

"In short, [stray demons] are very harmful existences. They ignore the rules, use their power arbitrarily, have no master to restrain them, and run wild everywhere. There is no need for such guys to survive."

Long Yi learned that there were not only "lonely demons", but also "lonely angels", "lonely fallen angels", "lonely priests" and the like.

No matter what force they are, if they encounter such outliers, they will regard such outliers as dangerous elements and will find ways to kill them.

This time, Rias also took advantage of this opportunity to take Long Yi out for a long experience.

Long Yi pursed his lips and thought to himself that since he traveled to this world until now, he has lived a fulfilling life every day...

21. The stray devil

According to Rias, it is also one of their jobs to eliminate stray demons in their area of ​​activity.

Himejima Akeno stood in the middle of the activity room, the red magic circle under her feet kept spinning, she had prepared the teleportation magic.

Next, Long Yi would follow the three beautiful girls to carry out a crusade.

"Let's go."

Liyas gave an order, her hair was raised, and she stepped onto the magic teleportation circle with great momentum.

Long Yi stood behind the three beauties, the magic circle was spinning faster and faster, blowing everyone's clothes constantly swinging;

Indistinctly, Long Yi also saw the conspicuous scenery under the flying skirts of the three women.


Suddenly, the eyes were filled with light, and the body seemed to pass through a layer of transparent film, and Long Yi and his friends arrived at the destination through teleportation.

There were dense shrubs all around, and an abandoned unfinished building appeared in front. It seemed that it had been abandoned for a long time, and the walls were covered with moss.

"It smells bloody."

Tacheng Kitten spoke as soon as she arrived here, wrinkled her nose cutely, and raised her hand to cover her nose with the sleeve of her uniform.

Her sense of smell is particularly sensitive.

Because it is an abandoned area in the suburbs, it seems very quiet here.

Moreover, several people present can feel that there is a strong hostility and murderous aura in the air around them.

"It is indeed a good place to kill people and dump corpses..." Long Yi glanced around calmly. If there is a place where the [Rogue Demon] may hide, it is only the abandoned unfinished building.

"Ah, it seems that we are very unwelcome." Himejima Akeno squinted and smiled.

Rias put her right hand on her waist and stood proudly. The whole person seemed to have a strong aura. Facing this situation, she had a confident smile on her face and looked very reliable.

"It is certain that we are unwelcome. Let's go in."

She smiled and led the way to the unfinished building.

The three followed one by one and stepped into the unfinished building.

"Long Yi, it is a rare opportunity. Do you want to experience the battle of demons?"

Rias suddenly said this, which made Long Yi raise his eyebrows slightly.

"I haven't even signed a contract yet. Do you think I can handle that rogue demon?"

"Well, my strength is not good enough." Rias smiled and spread her hands.

What a straightforward evaluation...

Long Yi couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this. Although he knew that his current strength was not good, he still felt a little entangled when he heard Rias say this.

He is far inferior to Rias and others now.

This is really a sad thing...

"Hehe, then Long Yi will watch us fight carefully this time. By the way, do you remember the demon chess piece I mentioned before?"

"I remember."

Long Yi would not forget it, because he was blessed with two [Knights] and eight [Pawns] chess pieces.

"Take this opportunity to let you see the strength of Koneko and Akeno."

Before Rias finished speaking, Long Yi suddenly felt that the inexplicable chill suddenly became much heavier.

He realized that this was because the murderous aura and hostility had become stronger.

"The target is here." The kitten spoke softly.

Along with a sharp chill, Long Yi heard a faint breathing sound.

"Ah...ah~ There is a smell that smells bad, and there is also a smell that smells delicious. Is it sweet or bitter?"

It was like a voice from the depths of hell.

The cold and terrifying, weird voice filled Long Yi's mind, making people shudder.

Long Yi suddenly thought that maybe this was actually the original voice of the devil.

Rias took a step forward, her skirt flying, making her look full of spirit and aura.

"Rogue demon Baisa, we are here to attack you."

She directly announced the purpose of this trip in a very high-profile attitude.

"Giggle giggle giggle..."

An extremely strange laugh came, and it was almost possible to tell that it was not the voice of a human or a normal demon.

In a dark corner of the unfinished building, a woman slowly emerged from the darkness.

She had straight black hair and a pretty face, looking no different from a human.

Long Yi lowered his eyes and found that the woman was completely naked, with her upper body exposed to everyone without any scruples.

Uh... Demons are quite open-minded.

Long Yi thought to himself, but he watched the woman slowly rise in a floating posture, and her lower body was completely exposed.

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