But in the next second, Long Yi's pupils suddenly condensed, and something unexpected happened.

Under the gaze of everyone, Long Yi's body suddenly appeared a phantom, and then in full view of everyone, another "Long Yi" separated from Long Yi's body...

Everyone: "!!!"


93, Tian Ji Horse Racing

In the broadcast room, in addition to Gurefia, the student council's Zhidu Canna and Zhenluo Chunji were also there.

"President, is there really hope for Rias? No matter how you look at it, the battle power is too far behind."

Zhenluo Chunji adjusted her glasses and was very pessimistic about Rias.

Zhiqu Cangna naturally understood this and could only sigh softly:

"There is no way, Rias has no way out, she can only choose to fight."

"President Rias's followers are very good. That Long Yi occupies two [Knight] positions, so he should be a bit capable, but if this continues, their number is too different. There is not even a [Soldier], and there is only one Bishop and one Chariot..."

Shinra Tsubaki continued to analyze:

"If Raisa's eight soldiers are allowed to attack the base camp, and all eight soldiers are [upgraded] to become [Queens], then the battle can be ended directly."

"We can't underestimate Rias either. Let's see how far she can command..." Zhiqu Cangna said.

She glanced at the club activity room where Rias was, and suddenly her expression was startled. She couldn't help but stand up with her hands on the table!

"What? This is..."

The student union president looked at the broadcast screen formed by magic at this time, with a look of surprise on his face.

Shinra Tsubaki also looked over, and her eyes widened, muttering:

"What's going on? How did Rias's [Knight]... become two?"

Not to mention Chito Sona and the others, even the various forces watching this [Ranking Game] behind the scenes narrowed their eyes slightly in surprise and stared at Long Yi.

Another space, old school building.

Long Yi, who had just understood what the replica of [Kou Gakuen] meant, suddenly split another self from his body in the next second.

This situation made him stunned for a moment.

At this time, he felt quite strange, as if he had an extra clone, but Long Yi was very clear that both of them were himself, both were the original body!

"What's going on?" Asia rubbed her eyes, looking at the two identical Long Yi in front of her, thinking that she had seen it wrong.

Himejima Akeno and Tajo Koneko were also confused.

Only Rias looked thoughtful.

"Could it be... because of the dual class?"

Long Yi also carefully sensed his own situation and found that his combat power had not been reduced at all. On the contrary, he now had twice as much combat power!

"It seems that I have discovered an incredible secret." Long Yi couldn't help but smile slightly.

Rias couldn't help showing her excitement:

"Long Yi's job is [Knight] + [Soldier]. I always thought this was a very incredible situation, but I didn't expect such an incredible change to happen..."

Himejima Akeno also understood:

"Because Long Yi has two jobs, but the [Ranking Game] is divided into jobs, so after entering the game, there are two 'Long Yi', one as a [Knight] and one as a [Soldier]?"

"There is no precedent for this, but this is the most intuitive explanation at the moment!" Rias was extremely excited, this is simply double the happiness...

Long Yi whispered at this time: "And it seems that there is more than that..."

He clenched his fists and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth:

"Although the job is divided into two, my two bodies seem to still be able to use the power of two [jobs]... and, artifacts."

Everyone's eyes lit up!

"That is to say... no matter which [Long Yi], he has the effects of [Knight] and [Upgrade]!?" Rias was surprised again!

This is too scary, it's simply cheating!

"Ah, it seems to be really amazing..." Himejima Akeno laughed.


"So awesome!!"

Tacheng Koneko and Asia were very happy. Long Yi really gave everyone a big surprise.

In the broadcasting room, Zhiqu Cangna slowly sat down, with a look of disbelief.

"It turns out... Rias already has her own [Soldier]? There is even a demon chess piece with dual job classes?"

"This... So that Long Yi actually used two [Knights] and eight [Soldiers] to reincarnate as a demon?"

Zhiqu Cangna and Shinra Tsubaki were both shocked by the news!

At this time, all the forces watching the battle behind the scenes were dumbfounded.

Rias had been hiding Long Yi's job class, so people thought she had not found a suitable [Soldier]. Even her brother, the dignified Demon King, didn't know about it!

It was fine that she found her own soldiers, and it was acceptable that she used eight [Soldiers] in one go, but the [Knight] and [Soldier] were actually the same person, and such an important thing was not reported!

Now that they were on the battlefield, the secret could no longer be kept secret. Rias and Long Yi quietly gave everyone a big surprise, which shocked everyone.

"Gurefia, this Long Yi, you must protect him in the battle, don't let him get into any accidents."

Sirzechs Lucifer, one of the four demon kings of the underworld, immediately secretly conveyed instructions to his wife, his [Queen] Gurefia.

In [Ranking Game], although serious injuries will be immediately transferred away, there have been accidents, such as the situation where two parties failed to stop their hands while fighting, and one party died directly.

And now, the appearance of Long Yi can be regarded as a subversion of the rules, and Sirzechs will definitely take it seriously.

"Okay! Let's arrange the tactics next! Long Yi, I will direct the battle. You tell me your original plan first, so that I can cooperate with your actions!"

Rias looked a little more confident.

Long Yi smiled slightly and reached out to click on the school map on the table.

"Originally, my battle plan was very simple. I just needed you to stick to it, and I would break through, carry out upgrades, and then perform beheadings. This is the only way for the weak to defeat the strong, but there is no doubt that the pressure on us will be very great.

However, now that we have a clone, it seems to be much simpler, and the plan can also be changed... The core point is-exchange positions!

Rias, I need you and Asia to hold back Lysa's [Queen] without you even having to defeat her. "

As soon as the words came out, everyone was stunned.

"Wait, Rias is the [King]!" Himejima Akeno said: "Let her deal with the [Queen]?"

This should have been Himejima Akeno's duty.

"That's right, and if Long Yi and Lysa's eight [soldiers] break through and enter our base camp, they will all be [promoted] and become [Queens], so this place must be defended." Rias reminded .

"That's true." Long Yi smiled and said, "So, before changing positions, you must cooperate with me from behind and find a way to get rid of all eight soldiers first."

Everyone: "..."

It is true that if there are no more [soldiers], then there is no one left to defend this base camp. If it is given to Lessa, he can only stare at it.

Long Yi’s tactical plan was Tian Ji’s horse racing;

But the question is, can it really be that simple?

94, blow it up with one punch

According to Long Yi's current arrangement, the premise is that eight soldiers need to be eliminated first.

Then, you can safely let Rias hold the [Queen], and let Himejima Akeno, the powerful [Queen], and Koneko work together to deal with the enemy's bishop, chariot, and knight.

As for the [King] Lysa on the opposite side, of course it is up to Long Yi, the lowly horse, to face him!

However, Long Yi's inferior horse may not be able to outrun Laisana's superior horse!

After weighing the situation, Rias agreed with Long Yi's tactics. As long as she could deal with the other eight soldiers first, she would deal with Lysa's [Queen] and leave Lysa to Long Yi to deal with.

As for Long Yi, because he has two bodies, Long Yi can do more things.

First of all, in order to facilitate the distinction between Rias and the others, Long Yi still regarded the body before separation as the main body, and the body that was separated later as the clone.

And there is a plan that he must do now, and that is to carry out [upgrade].

This is free power, and it would be a pity to waste it.

Anyway, the power between him and the clone is completely connected, so both bodies can undergo [transformation], so he only needs to choose any body to lurk and act accordingly.

Before waiting for the opportunity to [upgrade], the other body can also take time to help a bunch of Himejima Akeno and Tashiro Koneko, reducing their pressure.

Rias quickly arranged the battle situation and arranged for Long Yi, Himejima Akeno and Tacheng Koneko to all go out.

Long Yi let the clone lurk, while the main body walked towards the central area of ​​the school with Tacheng Maomao.

Jiu Wu Ling Yi Ba Ling corrects another one

There is a stadium there. Since there are no obstructions at both ends, the base camps of both sides can clearly observe it.


This central area is almost a battleground between the two families.

Therefore, Long Yi and Tacheng Maomao came. No matter what, they could not let Lessa occupy this location so easily and gain the upper hand.

Akeno Himejima flew high into the sky, and on Rias's orders, he deployed powerful illusions throughout the base camp, so that he would not be afraid of the other party's soldiers sneaking up on them. If they got close like that, they would be easily discovered.

Long Yi and Tacheng Maomao came to the stadium together.

"It smells like an enemy."

Before he got too close, Tacheng Kitten smelled the enemy in the stadium and warned him softly.

Long Yi nodded lightly and took the lead in walking calmly.

"Haha, here it comes, Gremory's servant."

In the stadium, there were four beautiful girls standing. There was a sister wearing a cheongsam, a pair of twins who looked exactly the same, and a petite loli. She was Mira who was defeated by Long Yi before. .

After seeing Long Yi, Mira suddenly showed an unhappy look, staring at Long Yi angrily, obviously still brooding about her previous defeat by Long Yi.

The enemy's lineup consists of one [Chariot] and three [Soldiers]. The beautiful girl devil wearing a cheongsam is of the [Chariot] class, the same as the Tacheng kitten.

"Leave the chariot to me, and leave all the soldiers to you." Tacheng Kitty directly assigned the opponent.

As the saying goes, every profession has its own specialty. In a [ranking game], chess pieces generally like to fight against each other in the same class. After all, this can intuitively analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the chess pieces' potential and prove themselves well.

Of course, there are also teams that are commanded by the [King] and pay attention to tactical coordination. The tactics of ranking games can be said to be diverse.

The chariot took a boxing stance, and the Tacheng kitten took the initiative to attack with gloves on his hands.

On Long Yi's side, he was directly surrounded by three soldiers.

The twins took out a pair of chainsaws from nowhere!

Sizzle, beep, beep...

The chainsaws spun wildly, and Long Yi raised his eyebrows slightly.

She looks quite cute, and she actually likes to play with chainsaws.

"Dismember you!"

The two sisters spoke at the same time, and their tone seemed quite excited.

Without saying a word, Long Yi summoned the King's Sword, a divine weapon, and fiercely lifted it from bottom to top, blocking the first electric saw that attacked head-on. Sparks flew continuously as the golden blades collided.


The girl who was fighting with Long Yi screamed, and felt a pain in her palm and numbness in her hands.

She didn't expect that Long Yi's simple sword would be so powerful, and the electric saw in her hand almost fell out of her hand.

Long Yi spun around and kicked on the spot, and his movement was faster than the girl's reaction speed, and he kicked the girl out directly.

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