The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 1096 Auchindoun [First Update]

For Yrel, Samara, who raised her since childhood, is indeed both mother and sister.

It wasn't until someone outside the door came to report the problem to her that the girl temporarily ended her brief reunion with Samara.

As the assistant of this cute new leader, Ye Ting naturally had to leave with her, while Samara had to stay and pack her bags before going with them at night.

But before leaving, Ye Ting had a thought in his mind and turned back to say a few words to Samara.

"Miss Samara, I think that instead of worrying about Yrel, you should do something yourself."

"Mr. Sander, what do you mean?"

"Just call me Xander," Ye Ting smiled slightly, "Through the contact just now, I found that Miss Samara is a very smart girl who is very sophisticated in people and the world. This is exactly where Yirel has a flaw. .Miss Samara is Yrel's sister, so her ability is probably not much worse than hers.

"If Miss Sander is willing, she can study with Yrel with me and serve as Yrel's deputy. Now that Yrel has suddenly risen to a high position, there are not many people who can be trusted. It is Samara who is needed When I was a young lady, I wonder what Miss Samara felt like?"

"So...Mr. Sander wants to trim my hooves after my sister?"

Instead of answering Ye Ting directly, Samara asked another question.

"'re kidding me, right?"

Samara's words made Ye Ting cough repeatedly.

Hoof trimming again... He didn't even know how to answer.

"Haha~, definitely, that was just a joke." Ye Ting's reaction made Samara cover her mouth and chuckle, "Okay, I agreed. I won't be disgusted if I learn from you.

Ye Ting feels that Samara is much more difficult to deal with than Yrel. They were obviously born to the same parents, so why is there such a big gap?

In short, after getting the agreed answer, Tubi left quite satisfied.

But now is not a good time for teaching. Samara wants to be Yrel's helper, at least until the troops arrive in Auchindoun.

When night came, the team headed for Auchindoun finally set off under the leadership of Yrel.

Compared with the journey from Highmaul back to Shattrath, the journey from Shattrath to Oakington is much shorter and smoother.

Although nearly 100,000 people set out from Shattrath this time, and countless old, weak, sick and disabled people greatly slowed down the team's progress, everyone arrived at Auchindoun safely before dawn.

The reason is very simple, Lio Jinton is too close to Shattrath.

As the main habitat of the Draenei, the main cities and villages of the Draenei are located in Talador, and Auchindoun is located southeast of Shattrath. There is a road built by the Draenei between the two places. Connected, this greatly increases the efficiency of personnel transfer.

If Shattrath is the bustling capital of the Draenei, then Auchindoun is the silent tomb.

Compared with Shattrath, Oakington's buildings are equally grand and beautiful, but they are a little more solemn and less popular and less prosperous than Shattrath.

After all, this is where the Draenei bury their ancestors, and it is also the only place where the Draenei have the opportunity to communicate with the souls of the dead.

Acting together with Yrel, Ye Ting met the fifth Archbishop who came to greet him at the gate of Auchindoun. He was also the chief of Auchindoun and the leader of the Auchenai organization, Mara.

Just by being close, Ye Ting could smell the strong scent of shadow power from him.

As the leader of the Auchenai, Maladar is known as the spokesperson of the dead, and is also the only person among the archbishops who has mastered the power of shadow - professionally speaking, he can be called Dark

The advance messenger arrived at Auchindoun long before Yrel and explained the situation to Maladar.

Although he is not very fond of an airborne "boss" like Yrel, Yrel is different from Velen after all. He is a rare person among the draenei who is tolerant of shadows. He originally also used the power of shadows.

Just for this reason, Maladar also wanted to welcome her.

The reason is simple. Maladar and the Auchenai Soul Priests under his command have always been too frustrated in the Draenei society that respects the Holy Light.

Unlike the orthodox Aldor priests, the Auchenai specializes in shadow and psychic spells. They are responsible for communicating with the martyrs and heroic spirits in Auchindoun, serving as a bridge between the human world and the underworld, and are responsible for passing on the memories and knowledge of the dead to prevent them from passing away with the decedent.


Their duties are very important, but in the Draenei society shrouded in the Holy Light, they will always arouse the suspicion of others, suspecting that their minds are contaminated by the shadow, and suspecting that they have desecrated the souls of their ancestors... ..

Therefore, they have always had to follow very strict rules and have to endure all kinds of discrimination - they are not even allowed to use such spells outside Auchenai.

The same goes for Maradar himself.

As the only shadow manipulator in the Council of Bishops, he is not only proficient in seance and shadow spells, but also has extensive research on the demonic spells of the Burning Legion. Although Madalar claims that it is his duty to know the magic of his enemies, there are many in the Council of Bishops who wonder whether he has become addicted to it.


Such conflicts even turned into fierce factional struggles.

Just like the conflict between rangers who love nature and technicians who are addicted to technology, and the conflict between vindicators who abide by the rules and rangers who love freedom, there is also a conflict between Asgardians who are the most loyal to the Holy Light, vindicators and soul priests. There is a conceptual contradiction, and this contradiction is much greater than the first two.

Just like now, Ye Ting noticed that Porus, the leader of the defense officers in the team, was looking at the Auchenai priests in front of him with contempt.

Because of this, many garrison officers were even deployed in Auchindoun just to monitor the behavior of the Auchenai Soul Priests.

The Maladar and Auchenai in Auchindoun have therefore been entrenched in Auchindoun for a long time, with little contact with the outside world.

Now, with great difficulty, another high-level supporter of the Shadow Way has appeared among the draenei. Just for his own sake, Maladar must take the initiative to please them.

"Your Excellency, Commander Yrel, I have been waiting for you to come here for a long time."

Seeing Yrel approaching, Maladar immediately greeted him with a smile.

When he came to Yrel, he immediately felt the powerful shadow power emanating from the opponent's body - this was deliberately revealed by Yrel.

After confirming that the other party was indeed "the same person" as herself, Maladar's smile became a little more enthusiastic.

While sending his men to settle the draenei who came from afar, he personally took Yrel to visit Auchindoun. .

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