The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 1103 Hellfire And Rising Black Star [First Update]

These burning rock giants are called "Hellfires" and are the signature war unit of the Burning Legion.

Speaking of which, hellfire and earth elements are somewhat similar, but they are essentially different - they were born from pure chaotic energy and are one of the most powerful fortification weapons created by legion technicians. These fel-driven constructs have no intelligence. They will obey whoever controls them, and will wreak havoc when left alone.

This is the war weapon summoned by the orc warlocks through Kil'jaeden's spells.

They pounded the walls together with the ordinary stones thrown by the catapults. They uprooted nearby trees and struck huge amounts of the city gate with their thick trunks. At the same time, the two ogres also banged on the city gate with their clubs.

The city gates were shaking, and screams of anger and fear came from the city walls. The Draenei knew that they must deal with these monsters first, otherwise the city walls would not be able to withstand the attack of these behemoths for too long.

But as a war weapon, Hellfire is almost invulnerable except that it is too bulky.

As a product of pure chaos, Hellfire has strong magic resistance. Ordinary magic cannot harm it. And like the earth element, it has considerable physical strength. Ordinary melee physical attacks cannot hurt it at all.

The most terrifying thing about 11 is the flame of evil energy that continues to burn on his body.

Hellfire is burning with chaotic flames everywhere, and any existence that approaches it will face the scorching flames. The most terrifying thing is that the flames originating from evil energy are often like gangrene attached to the bones of life, until they are burned to ashes.

Among Shattrath's defensive weapons, only heavy artillery fire can kill the Hellfire. As for the Draenei, only the most elite defenders can risk approaching the Hellfire against the defense of the Holy Light and cause damage to it. .

"Devil, Yinwu harmed my people!"

Facing the threat of Hellfire, the leader of the Draenei, Velen, finally stepped forward.

The powerful power of holy light condensed in front of him, and then poured into a hellfire.


The holy light entered the body, and the giant who was destroying the city wall suddenly roared and raised his head.


Hellfire's originally solid body surface was covered with cracks, and golden holy light penetrated from the cracks.

As the hellfire roared needlessly, the cracks on its rock-like body became more and more dense, and finally the entire body exploded under the influence of the holy light.

As expected of Velen, he killed a Hellfire with just one move [Holy Light Bomb].

Under the explosion, the hellfire burned with chaotic flames and fragments scattered everywhere. Many unlucky orcs were unfortunately caught in the flames, and were burned to ashes while wailing without even being touched by the draenei.

Around Velen, masters such as Akama, Nellie, and Maraad also attacked to help the soldiers deal with the most difficult enemies.

However, there were so many attacking enemies that they were overwhelmed by the hellfire that fell from time to time. Even if Velen and others went all out, there would inevitably be areas that they could not take into account.

Under such an attack, even Shattrath could not hold out for long.

Finally, with a loud noise, a section of the city wall collapsed under the continuous blows of Hellfire, revealing a gap of huge amounts.

The Draenei who originally stood on that wall suffered heavy casualties when the wall collapsed.

Although Velen finally noticed and killed the hellfire, everything was irreversible.

The collapsed wall gave the orcs a clear breakthrough.

As a result, a tide of crazy orcs and roaring ogres swarmed into the gap, waving their weapons, but the draenei on the other side did not give in at all.

One party desperately wanted to rush in, and the other party refused to retreat and wanted to stop the intruder, so a bloody battle began at this gap.

This several-meter-long gap became a life-devouring abyss.

Even Velen, who had been accustomed to wars for thousands of years, was stunned when he saw this scene. 【

The fury he had seen before from any orcs in the heat of battle was incomparable to what he saw before him.

These orcs have no tactics and no defense. They do not retreat when they should. No amount of casualties can stop these killing machines from throwing themselves into this terrible meat grinder.

They were just killing, sowing death and receiving death, foolishly charging into a dead end where traps were laid.

This was how it was supposed to be for the orcs, they fell hard, blood pouring from their bodies, but Velen did not mourn this. But the draenei...

Even the Draenei were infected by this horrific killing and became one of them. The noble beings who used to live for tens of thousands of years are now no different from the short-lived and wildly reproducing indigenous races in front of them. They simply devote their lives to this space that is only a few meters long and wide, and then simply Shan's death was almost meaningless.

However, no one on both sides of the battlefield cares about the so-called meaning.

They no longer pay attention to anything. All that can affect them is the screaming impulse in their blood and the battle roar pouring out of their throats.

Dozens and hundreds... No, no, thousands of people died in this small gap. Blue and green corpses filled the gap. In this Shura field, there was only massacre and chaos, and endless crazy.

At this moment, Wei Lun seemed very powerless.

He wanted to stop all this, he wanted to stop this senseless death, he didn't want his people to join this penniless battle for a stupid reason like "fighting for a gap of more than ten square meters", and eventually die penniless.

But he couldn't do it.

Because if you don't fight, you will die, and even now, even if he knows that his people are on the road to death, he can't stop 483 them from fighting.

Just when he suppressed the powerlessness and sorrow in his heart and wanted to do something, a bright light in the distance attracted his attention.

The light was so dazzling that many draenei and orcs on the battlefield couldn't help but turn their heads to look.

Even the fierce fighting in the gap in the city wall stopped for a second or two.

In the southeastern sky, a black star shining with dazzling light was rising. On the surface of the dark stars, terrible energy is constantly condensing, instigating, expanding and compressing, as if some terrible change is about to happen.

Then, from among the stars, huge amounts of black beams shot out suddenly, in the direction exactly where they were.

He had seen such a scene once.

That time, it was still the orcs who attacked and the draenei who defended.

That time, the place where the black star rose was Shadowmoon Valley, and finally destroyed the draenei's holy place - the Temple of Kayla Wave.

This time, the orcs still attacked and the draenei defended.

This time, the place where the black star rises is Talador, and the draenei are defending their main city, Shattrath.

Familiar scenes, familiar plots, and familiar characters are just like the reappearance of the Kayla wave battle.

Pictured is Hellfire.

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