Having seen the corpses of the two Naaru, Keurei and Deori, Ye Ting was very familiar with the core of the Naaru.

The orb filled with terrifying shadow power in front of him only had more powerful shadow power than the Naaru core he had seen.

In other words, this is the Zereb crystal he is looking for.

"You can't find anything even if you wear iron shoes, but it takes no effort to get there!"

Looking at the Zereb Crystal in front of him, Ye Ting felt secretly happy in his heart. He never expected that he would find this thing so quickly.

Originally, he thought he would have to spend time looking for it again. Who would have thought that as soon as he arrived here, the orb would be delivered to him.

But even so, Ye Ting still resisted the idea of ​​snatching it immediately, and instead walked through the barrier along the same path, left the room, and stood guard at the door.

Until now, the cautious Ye Ting is still unwilling to let his traces be exposed in front of the orcs and the Burning Legion.

As the most powerful Titan yet to be born, Azeroth has long been targeted by the Burning Legion. Sargeras even went there in person and used Medivh's identity as an undercover agent. Kayla Zan has been doing this for a long time. In the near future, it was he who contacted Gul'dan and introduced the Horde to Azeroth.

Now, if the Burning Legion finds out that a human from Azeroth 11 appears in Draenor, it will definitely arouse their vigilance. And Ye Ting didn't want to disrupt the "future" by rashly entering the past timeline.

At the entrance of the laboratory, Ye Ting waited patiently for most of the night. There were many times when people came in and out, but he did not reveal any clues.

It wasn't until almost early in the morning that the barrier at the door changed and was lifted by the warlocks.

I saw several warlocks who were originally staying in the laboratory filing out of the room cursing. It was obvious that tonight's experiment did not have a successful result.

The warlocks who had stayed up all night finally couldn't hold on anymore and were ready to go to rest.

Seeing the warlocks leave, Ye Ting, who was waiting at the door, finally cheered up, then stared at the orc with the Zerebu crystal on his waist, and followed him slowly.

This is what Ye Ting is waiting for, when the warlocks are no longer gathered together, so that he can serve the people.

The owner of Zereb Crystal looked very sleepy, staggering towards his room.

He never imagined that at the moment, in the dark temple where they thought they were absolutely safe, an absolutely dangerous person was following him behind him.

The orc warlock led Ye Ting to the door of a room without realizing it, then opened the door and walked in.

The next moment, he felt a terrifying cold wave appear behind him without warning, sweeping across his body.

He wanted to do something, but the cold wave was too fast. His weak body seemed extremely stiff under the terrible cold air, and it was very difficult to move his fingers.

Just one second later, the orc warlock, whose name Ye Ting didn't even know, turned into an ice sculpture alive, but he himself didn't react at all. His terrifying evil energy and shadow spells had no room to use, and he had no chance to take action.

His life also faded away with this terrible low temperature.

"No matter how powerful the ability is, the body of an ordinary magician is still too fragile."

Behind the ice sculpture, Ye Ting shook his head and showed his figure. The hand that had just cast the spell reached to the warlock's waist and took out the black orb.

However, when his hand just touched the orb, the power of the shadow in the orb suddenly became stronger, eroding towards Ye Ting's hand like an infection.

This orb cannot be controlled by ordinary people.

The Zereb Crystal is indeed the core of a powerful Naaru, and the power of shadow contained in it is so terrifying. If it were not Ye Ting who held the orb at the moment, even a powerful paladin would have to hold it in this shadow. The force eroded his lower body and seriously injured him, and he even had to have his limbs amputated to keep him safe.

But Ye Ting is Ye Ting after all. Even with a human body, his physical strength is comparable to that of weaker dragons.

And the dragon's magic resistance is so powerful, this shadow power cannot cause much harm to Ye Ting for a while.

And this gave Ye Ting a chance to resist.

The sudden attack of the power of shadow did not make Ye Ting panic at all. In an instant, he made the correct response and recited the spell in a high-speed divine voice.

As he recited the incantation, arcane magic circles condensed around the Zereb crystal.

After all, the Zereb Crystal is only the core of Naaru, not the original of Naaru. Without his body, Naaru's power could not be fully displayed.

In less than five seconds, the power of Zereb's crystal was firmly sealed in the crystal.

After casually dispelling the power of shadow in his hand, Ye Ting tentatively put his spiritual power deep into the Zerebu crystal.

Sealed by his magic, the Zereb Crystal can no longer hurt him, and he wants to see if Kayla is still alive in the Zereb Crystal.

It can't be a wasted trip.

As Ye Ting's spirit was linked to the Zereb crystal, he did feel that there was a dark will in the crystal constantly struggling, trying to get rid of the magic seal.

However, this struggle is in vain. Ye Ting's seal is so powerful, how could a Naaru soul with only its core be able to break free?

But the emergence of this will also made Ye Ting relieved.

Although this will seems a little weak and does not have much reason, it is a soul after all.

This means that after all this, Kayla did not really die.

In this case, Ye Ting's 157 plan can continue.

As a result, Ye Ting couldn't help but leave.

Before leaving, Ye Miao casually pointed at the orc ice sculpture.

"Shattered to pieces—

When Ye Ting used the crushing spell from Harry Potter, its effect far exceeded its original limit.

I saw a flash of red light, and the entire "ice sculpture" that was originally complete exploded and turned into ashes all over the sky.

Although there is a reason why the ice sculpture originally had no resistance, the fact that it was shattered to this degree under the crushing curse shows how terrifying the crushing curse is in Ye Ting's hands.

As the dust either dispersed in the wind or melted into water, the orc in the field was completely destroyed.

Ye Ting believed that it would be impossible for the warlocks in the entire Dark Temple to discover his death within a few weeks, and after that, they would probably just think that he was missing.

Ye Ting himself was completely removed from this matter. In the end, it was just one more unsolved case in the Shadow Council.

Hanging the Zereb crystal on his waist at any time, Ye Ting came to the window, transformed into a bat of huge amounts, fluttered his wings and left the Dark Temple in the darkness of the remaining night.

The picture shows an orc warlock using the Zereb crystal to cast spells.

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