The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 1119 Materialization Of Soul·Creation Of Heroic Spirit [First Update]

After organizing his language a little, Ye Ting gave the answer:

"Your name is Kayla, and you are a powerful being who possesses the energy of Holy Light and Shadow. As a born strong person, you are not only powerful, but also kind-hearted. After hearing that a race named Delaney is facing the Burning Legion, After the threat, you voluntarily stood up and went to help them.

"With your help, the Draenei have escaped from the clutches of the Burning Legion for tens of thousands of years. In the process, you have also forged a deep friendship with the Draenei.

"However, the good times did not last long. The long space travel exhausted your strength, and you were almost swallowed by the shadow. In order to avoid involving the draenei, you left the spaceship when it crash-landed in Draenor and wandered. To a remote corner of Draenor.

"Hundreds of years later, the Burning Legion finally found Draenor. You were discovered by the new minions of the Burning Legion. Your power, trapped in darkness, was extracted by them to deal with your past friends.

"Then, after all your strength was exhausted, you were left with only your core, and I found you and rescued you together with the new leader of the Draenei. But at the moment, the Draenei still faced the Burning Legion. Threat. We hope that after you regain your strength, you can stand with us as before, sign a contract with us, and raise the battle flag with the Burning Legion.

Kayla, who had lost her memory and forgotten her own Naru nature, hesitated for a moment after listening to it, and quickly expressed her agreement, making Ye Ting breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that it is a true 910 amnesia, otherwise it would not have noticed the flaw in Ye Ting's words and believed Ye Ting.

In fact, Ye Ting's words are called deception, and there is actually not a single lie - it is very difficult to lie when there is a spiritual connection.

But even so, Ye Ting still misled Kayla.

For ordinary people, half-truths and half-falsehoods, or even lies that are half true and half false, are the easiest lies to deceive others. But in fact, the most brilliant lie is that there is no lie, but like Ye Ting, he selectively states the facts and guides the other party to make the judgment he wants.

For example, what Ye Ting said, Kayla "masters the energy of Holy Light and Shadow" is definitely true, but he did not mention the specific mode, which inadvertently caused Kayla to abandon her identity as Naru, the Messenger of Holy Light. Think of yourself as an existence between the Holy Light and the Shadow.

This planted the seeds (bbaj) to instill the "way of balance" into Kayla.

At the moment Kayla completely believed Ye Ting's words, which naturally made Ye Ting relieved. What he was most afraid of was that Kayla did not really have amnesia, but only temporarily lost her impression of the past.

But just when Ye Ting was rejoicing, Kayla faintly felt a glimmer of consciousness.

"I...I really want to fight with you, but...although I have consciousness now, I don't have any power. I'm really sorry.

Although Kayla at the moment was not affected by the Holy Light, perhaps she was originally kind-hearted. In addition, she believed Ye Ting's statement and set herself up as a "helpful person".

"Friends of the Draenei" and other characters were filled with apologies when they realized that they could not help Ye Ting and the Draenei.

Such innocence and apology even made Ye Ting think, "Isn't it good for me to lie to children like this?"

But he suppressed his guilt and continued to fool Kayla.

"It doesn't matter," Ye Ting comforted: "Actually, I have expected this a long time ago. It is not without a solution."

"Really?" Kayla was delighted after hearing this, and then urged, "Tell me what to do, I can't wait to fight side by side with you!

He is a kind-hearted guy.

Ye Ting sighed inwardly, and then replied: "It's actually very simple. You sign a contract with me first, and then I can use my power to strengthen your spiritual power. With enough spiritual power, I will teach you the Holy Light and With the power of shadow, you can quickly regain your past strength."

"Okay, okay, let's sign the contract."

After hearing this, Kayla didn't care whether Ye Ting had bad intentions or not, she agreed without hesitation, and even took the initiative to relax for Ye Ting.

Such trust.........Ye Ting almost couldn't bear to take action.

But in the end, Ye Ting finally made up his mind and signed a master-slave contract with Kayla, taking full control of her.

Then, Ye Ting directly cast [Third Method·Soul Materialization] on him without hesitation.

When casting this magic, Ye Ting used a whimsical idea. He did not use ordinary soul materialization spells, but a ritual that gave the living the power of heroic spirits in the world of Xingyue.

[Third Method·Soul Materialization·Creation of Heroic Spirits]

In the world of Xingyue, Ye Ting can communicate with the spells he mastered after the realm recording tape, and can transform the information about someone recorded in the realm recording tape into a spirit, and give it to someone, making him a living heroic spirit. "It can be described as a miraculous strengthening magic.

The power that this magic can give is composed of the history that someone has experienced, the rumors, myths, legends, and even the descriptions that exist in various works. The more earth-shattering deeds are done, the more The person who is widely known and famous in his life, the more powerful the power given by this magic is.

However, there is no so-called realm record tape in World of Warcraft. Without a realm record tape, heroic spirits have no foundation for their existence at all.

When Ye Ting cast this magic on Kayla, he just wanted to give it a try while strengthening her spirit.

However, the result was beyond his expectation.

Under the influence of the third method, the Zerebu crystal shines brightly.

As a naaru, her powerful soul instantly became like a substance, and a steady stream of magic power was born from it. Kayla, who was originally weak and had only a soul, instantly became like a god again.

Outside the Zereb crystal, a huge and magnificent shadow appeared. The familiar geometric shape was like the wings of an angel, and sweet music sounded from it all the time.

This is the material body given to Kayla by the third method.

However, the power generated by this material body is not holy light, but pure magic power.

In this way, Kayla, who was obviously a creature of holy light, was transformed alive by Ye Ting into an arcane creature [even having a similar structure to some "arcane puppets" and "arcane anomalies".

Yirel on the side was dumbfounded. She didn't expect that Ye Ting actually had such a skill.

But Ye Ting himself shook his head in disappointment.

"Alas, this universe is still too restrictive for the third method."

If it were in the Xingyue World and the third method could be fully effective, Kayla's soul after materialization would definitely be much stronger than it is now - even able to surpass herself in her prime.

But the Kayla in front of her looks powerful, but in real terms she is not even as good as K'urei or Deori. She is basically at the level of an ordinary Loa god - she can be higher than the average legendary professional, but she is also That's all.

However, after observing more carefully, Ye Ting felt pleasantly surprised.

Because in Kayla, whose soul was materialized, he saw the seeds of "holy light" and "shadow".

[Heroic Spirit Creation] actually works!?

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