The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 1123 The Smoke Rises Again [First Update]

While the Draenei of the Auchindoun Balance Faction were vigorously launching large-scale production, training troops, and actively preparing for war with the Horde, the Horde was also licking its wounds, sharpening its knives, and preparing for revenge at any time.

Although the huge casualties from the Dark Star hurt the vitality of the orcs, it did not really make this race with a population far more than ten times that of the draenei crippled.

On the contrary, such casualties almost angered this brutal and bloody race, and at the same time further eliminated the last possibility of peace.

If in the past, it was only the orcs who owed blood debts unilaterally between the two parties, then now both parties have reached the point of fighting each other to the death.

If Blackhand hadn't spent time appeasing the chiefs who were dissatisfied with the results of the war and expressed doubts about him, the war of revenge would have begun long ago.

From this perspective, the shortcomings of backward tribal political systems and organizational capabilities are gradually revealed.

Even a "warchief" needs constant victories to maintain his prestige.

Fortunately, a month's time was not in vain.

Now that Blackhand has regained the trust of the clans, the orcs can finally start a decisive battle with the draenei again.

However, this time, the orcs were much more cautious than before, and no longer dared to underestimate the power of the draenei - even though in the past they always felt that the draenei were too weak.

At the same time, they also realized the existence of Oakington and the threat it posed to them from the "Dark Star".

The distance between Auchindoun and Shattrath is too close.

The Draenei's move to divide their forces did pose a huge amount of threat to the tribe.

It can be said that the two cities of Shattrath and Auchindoun are now strategically like horns. They echo each other and can support each other at any time. This puts the tribe's army into an embarrassing situation even though they are clearly approaching the city.

No matter which city they choose to attack, the other city can provide timely support, which prevents the orcs from thinking about being attacked from both sides at any time. The outcome of Feng Er's last siege battle is evidence of this.

To take a step back, even if they deploy heavy troops to defend their rear while attacking, they will be unbearable as long as another city sends mobile forces to harass their food routes.

Some people say that the orcs can attack two cities at the same time.

But they couldn't.

In other words, I can't be so cruel.

Whether it is Shattrath or Auchindoun, as the two most important cities of the Draenei, their city defenses are extremely strong. Just attacking one Shattrath cost the orcs so many lives.

If we attack two cities at the same time...

The orcs simply don't have the ability to capture two cities at the same time while losing all their troops.

If they had to do this, their casualties would be at least ten times greater, which they couldn't bear.

As a result, the orcs were in an embarrassing situation.

However, what's more important is that the current orcs can't afford it at all.

In this attack on Shattrath, the tribe gathered almost all the major clans of the orcs, which was quite brilliant. But at the same time, such a large-scale gathering consumes astronomical amounts of food.

If everyone is at home, the soldiers can still go hunting and gain something.

Now everyone is gathered under the city of Shattrath. Hundreds of thousands of people are piled together. People eat and horses chew like huge amounts of black holes. No matter how much food they have, they can't fill it. The ecosystem nearby cannot support so many orcs. It can be said that the nearby forests and grasslands have been hunted out long ago. Now everyone has no income at all and can only consume the tribe's food reserves.

Definitely, the most important thing is the food reserves of the seven clans - after all, they are the leaders of the tribe.

However, even the seven major clans cannot help but eat this way.

On the other hand, the environment of Draenor is not as rich as Azeroth, and the evil energy transmitted from the Burning Legion is constantly damaging the environment. In the future, the orcs will attack Azeroth and take over Draenor for themselves. It was ruined.

It can be said that the landlords have no surplus food these days.

Therefore, compared to the draenei who have a smaller population and have a strong city to rely on, the orcs cannot afford to drag them down.

Both Blackhand and Gul'dan realized that this war must be fought as soon as possible.

Their choice was to concentrate their efforts and attack Shattrath again, and they must fight to the death.

So, what should Oakington do?

At a loss, Gul'dan found Kil'jaeden.

Since hunting down the draenei has always been Kil'jaeden's private matter, he has rarely taken action personally, and rarely actively uses the main force of the Burning Legion.

But when things got to this point, he couldn't help it anymore.

After understanding the plight of the orcs, Kil'jaeden became cruel and recruited an army of demons.

However, he finally did not want to go too far. The purpose of this army was not to assist the orcs in attacking Auchindoun, but simply for surveillance and deterrence.

Kil'jaeden, a secret weapon like the Dark Star, believed that not even the Draenei had many left.

Therefore, if Auchinton wanted to support Shattrath, the only way left was to send reinforcements.

And he deployed the demon army openly and openly between the two cities. While monitoring Auchindoun, he also clearly told the draenei in Auchindoun that someone was guarding them here, dispelling their idea of ​​supporting Shattrath. .

He believed that with the intelligence of the Draenei people in Auchindoun, they would not do anything stupid.

This can be regarded as subduing the enemy without fighting.

Therefore, in Shattrath, Velen could only watch in despair as a large number of demons were constantly being summoned, blocking their only way to survive.

On the other side, the orcs also gathered constantly, and a sea of ​​green emerged under Shattrath City again.

“..This time, it’s really over︾

He said to Archbishop Karma beside him.

"Yes, but we have no choice."

Karma persuaded, his face at this moment showed fearless perseverance.

"If a sufficient number of Delaney are not slaughtered," Nellie also said on the other side, her face lowered, full of disgust for herself for having such thoughts, "then the desire to control them will not be achieved. Even temporary satisfaction. They will eagerly follow fresh trails to find us. Those who escape will be killed. They must believe that they killed the vast majority of us. And in order for them to believe this... ….This has to become a reality.”

"Yes, that's exactly it."

Velen let out a long breath. He still can't let go of the fact that he took the initiative to let his compatriots die.

"All but a few of us know what we escaped from Argus."

Nellie said consolingly. She is not only persuading Wei Lun, but also persuading herself:

"Someone will remember this. Someone will remember what Kil'jaeden did, what happened to our people. We were willing - and we are willing - to keep even one member of our race alive. A small number will not decline and die happily.”

What follows is a tragic farewell.

Velen speaks to everyone who decides to die.

He embraced them and blessed them.

He collected objects that had special significance to them and buried them underground.

He watched stoically as the dying men repaired their armor and sharpened their blades, as if the outcome was not yet clear.

He also watched them set off, singing ancient songs, into the city walls, waiting for the hammer or ax or spear to end their lives.

They decided to use a tragic battle to bury themselves with as much orc blood as possible. .

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