The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 1140 Reorganization Of The Bishops’ Council [First Update]

While the entire Draenei military system was undergoing major changes, Yrel himself was not idle either.

Not only are there reforms in the middle and lower classes of Draenei society, but as the current supreme governor of the Draenei, Yrel has also led the changes in the rights of the upper class.

Simply put, Yrel re-established the highest governing body of the Draenei - the Council of Bishops.

Definitely, now she has just become the supreme consul, and her power is not yet stable when she first arrives, so she will not offend the original bishops rashly.

What she mainly did was to expand the scale of the Bishops' Council, set up many new departments, and added many new characters.

The original bishops' council consisted of five people, namely:

Governor of Shattar, Archbishop Osar, governor of Shattrath City, and scholar leader.

Chief Ranger, Archbishop Nellie, leader of the draenei rangers.

Chief Technician, Archbishop Hataru, representative of the draenei engineers and scientists.

High-ranking Vindicator, Archbishop Akama, the supreme leader of the Vindicators (Paladin).

Speaker of the Dead, Archbishop Maladar, former Auchenai leader, now serves as the leader of the Shadow Guard (Shadow Knights).

Now Yrel has promoted three more people to become new archbishops, namely:

High Priestess, Archbishop Isanna, leader of Aldor, leader of the Priests of the Light.

High Priestess, Archbishop Samara, new leader of the Auchenai, leader of the Shadow Priests (Soul Priests).

Leader of the Heroic Spirits, Archbishop As Kayla, leader of the Immortals.

Among the three newly promoted people, only Isanna has always held a high position among the draenei. She has always served as Velen's deputy and is responsible for leading the draenei priests. "She is a very trusted junior of Wei Jing.

When Velen entrusted Auchindoun to Yrel, Velen gave her the task of assisting Zoer, which shows her ability and Velen's trust in her. In Auchindoun, Isanna did not let Yrel down, and worked conscientiously to help her establish her leadership position in Auchindoun. She can be said to be Yrel's direct descendant.

As for the new Auchenai leader Samara, she is Yrel's sister and has the same special ability as Yrel. She was once known for her excellent ability in the Kayla Bo Temple, but in order to raise Yirel, Samara resolutely gave up her job as a priest after graduation and became a businessman while raising Yirel. you.

All this time, Samara has been just an ordinary civilian in Ambori Village, but this does not mean that Samara's ability and ability are worse than other bishops - in the "parallel world of Draenor, Samara was Ner'zhul, chieftain of the Shadowmoon Clan, captured.

According to Ner'zhul's opinion, Samara's blood can summon the Dark Star - this is enough to reflect Samara's affinity for the power of shadow, even more than the power of the Holy Light.

This is indeed the case. After this period of training, coupled with Yirel and Ye Ting's frequent efforts to help Samara [now Samara's achievements in the power of shadow have surpassed all soul priests.

With the rise of the Way of Balance, professions such as Shadow Knight and Shadow Priest gradually began to rise among the Draenei. In particular, the emergence of the Shadow Knight, a melee profession that controls the power of shadow, greatly increased the number of Draenei. Ability to kill people head-on.

However, considering that the conflict between Holy Light and Shadow users still existed, Yrel decided to establish a "Shadow Vindicator" system modeled on the "Defender" and asked the veteran Archbishop Maladar to be responsible for establishing this system. and lead the emerging "Shadow Wardens".

As for the original Auchenai and Shadow Priests, Yrel promoted Samara to take charge. Firstly, Samara is her sister and can be regarded as her absolute direct descendant. Secondly, Auchenai originally belonged to Archbishop Maladar, who recognized her the most. There would be no trouble if he and Samara handed over.

Among the three new archbishops, the one with the most special status is Kayla.

Unlike others, As Kayla is not an ordinary draenei. In fact, she is not even a living person.

Her identity is that of a heroic spirit—or, to put it mildly, an undead spirit.

Yes, Kayla is nothing more than the spirit of a dead draenei.

However, her status during her lifetime was not ordinary.

Kayla is an Eredar native of the planet Argus. Because of the Burning Legion, she and other Draenei, led by Velen, boarded the space fortress Guinidal, crossed the star sea, and began to escape.

The escape was not smooth sailing. The threat of being hunted always haunted their dreams, making it impossible for them to sleep peacefully. Along the way, they visited many different worlds, seeking safe havens - Draenor was just their latest choice - but they could not stay longer because the Burning Legion would soon know their next

Before the demon arrives, Delaney must board Guinidal and disappear into the star sea again.

During this long period of escape, many heroes emerged among the Draenei, and the archbishops of the Council of Bishops were one of them. That is why they were entrusted with the leadership role by Velen after arriving in Draenor.

And As Kayla is also one of those heroes.

Kayla does not have strong physical strength or blacksmithing skills, but she also has skills that she is good at - among the draenei, she is known as the strongest healer in history.

Because of her ability in the Holy Light Spell, Velen even handed her an artifact—a priest's staff named [Ture, Naaru Beacon].

With her powerful Holy Light spells and kind heart, Kayla has established huge amounts of reputation among the draenei. That holy object will reflect a sacred magical aura on her body. In the eyes of many draenei, it is the light of hope.

However, she did not survive until the spaceship landed on Draenor.

During its ten thousand years of escape, the spaceship Genidal once came to a planet named Shagall. The Draenei people thought they had found a place where they could settle, a place where they could start over.

But they were wrong.

The Burning Legion ambushed them, and a large number of demons surrounded them, cutting off their retreat to Guinidal.

When the draenei people were desperate, Kayla stood up.

She held Turre high and unleashed a terrifying storm of holy light, temporarily blocking the demons and giving the Draenei a chance to return to the ship.

Her light is so bright, as if she is the second sun of True Gael.

Then, As Kayla volunteered and led seventy Draenei warriors to voluntarily divert the Burning Legion away, leaving time for others to escape.

She died in that battle, but she also became a legend.

Holding the Staff of Ture, Kayla showed the powerful power of a top healer. Under her hands, despite the siege of countless demons, the seventy warriors never lost their lives. Whenever someone is close to death in battle, Kayla's holy light will bring him back to his feet.

…Please give me flowers…………

Unfortunately, no matter how powerful she is, Kayla is just a mortal. Eventually she died of exhaustion.

But now, she has been summoned again to serve her race again in the form of a heroic spirit.

With Kayla's prestige, the position of a mere archbishop is simply overqualified.

By reorganizing the Council of Bishops, Yrel successfully adjusted the organizational structure of the entire Draenei clan, making it more suitable for the new Draenei society.

At the same time, she also used this method to truly take Delaney's power into her own hands.

Even with such great achievements, she is still too young after all.

She could see clearly that among the original bishops' council, only Osar and Maladar were truly convinced by her. Although Hataru was convinced by Ye Ting because of his skills, there were few "technical geeks" Really take care of things.

The other two archbishops, Nellie and Akama, still have some opinions about her.

However, as a newcomer to the top, she cannot rashly weaken the old man's power and cause turmoil.

At Ye Ting's suggestion, she adopted this method - expanding the size of the parliament, introducing new people to balance the old people, and expand her power.

Definitely, the purpose of this plan is not hard to see. Therefore, there are ways to introduce new people.

Yrel did a great job in this regard. The newly introduced three people made it impossible for the old man to find fault.

Among the three newly introduced players, Kayla's qualifications are naturally unquestionable. Isana is a direct descendant of Velen, and her hard work and achievements are seen by others, and no one will object.

As for Samara, although she is Yrel's sister, her duty is to take over as the leader of Maladar Auchenai. She has not touched anyone else's plate at all, so naturally there is nothing to find fault with. Secondly, after all, Yrel has a new official taking office, so it is only natural that he forcibly promote one or two of his direct descendants to help out. No one could say anything when she only promoted Samara.

But what is the actual situation?

Among the three new bishops, Samara basically supports Yrel unconditionally;

Kayla was able to be re-summoned because of the efforts of Ye Ting and Kayla. She completely obeyed Kayla's opinions, and Kayla obeyed Ye Ting's opinions, so in fact she can be regarded as Yirel's loyal supporter;

As for Isana, on the one hand, she has been Yrel's subordinate for some time, and the two have a close relationship. On the other hand, she listens to Velen's opinions more than Nellie and Akama. And the old guy Velen is the wisest - he was the one who originally pushed Yrel to the throne, and he has no idea of ​​being a "Top Emperor" at all.

As a result, among the eight archbishops, Samara and Kayla are the two who unconditionally support Yrel. Maladar and Osar are also very biased towards Yrel, Isana and Ha because of their opinions. Tarrou is neutral, but will not oppose Yrel's opinions.

In this case, no matter how dissatisfied Nellie and Akama are with Yrel, Yrel's will can still be strongly enforced in the Council of Bishops.

I went to watch a movie today, "The Eight Hundred", and it was pretty good.

So I can only update it once, a 3000-word chapter. .

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