The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 1143: Delano Environmental Investigation Report Of The Past Ten Years [First Update]

After Ye Ting finished speaking, everyone present looked at him in surprise.

There is no way, his words are really too extreme, even more extreme than Akama before.

If you don't leave a place in Draenor, isn't it just waiting for death?

In fact, everyone present had considered Akama's idea.

Indeed, if the Horde is allowed to conquer other races in Draenor, in the end the entire Draenor will become the territory of the Horde. Delaney could only defend the Twin Cities.

At that time, the Horde will use the entire resources of Draenor to crush half of Talador. With the huge amounts of population and abundant resources of the Horde, no matter how powerful the Draenei are, they will be killed by them.

It seems that they have not considered supporting the arakkoa and the original beasts who are suffering from the orcs, and uniting all the tribes to overthrow the bloody rule of the tribe.

But the reality is that they currently don't have the extra power, nor the Ability.

In fact, since the arrival of the Burning Legion, the rise of the Horde has been irresistible. If it weren't for Ye Ting's appearance, the Delaney's situation today would be even worse than those of those races.

Compared with the prosperous tribes, those old races have now declined so much that the tribes do not need to concentrate their forces at all. They can deal with them by arranging one or two big clans plus a few small clans.

In this case, even if they are contacted, the strength of the Delaney side will not be much stronger. Instead of wasting manpower and material resources, it is better to develop itself.

But the situation mentioned by Akama exists objectively.

When Ye Ting opened his mouth, they thought he had some solution.

Now when I heard it, I realized that it was not feasible at all.

Facing the surprised people, Ye Ting shrugged and asked:

"I wonder if you have noticed what changes have taken place in the environment of the world of Draenor after the Horde rose with the support of the Burning Legion?"



Ye Ting's speech seemed to have nothing to do with what he just said. He suddenly mentioned the so-called environmental changes, which made everyone look at each other. They didn't know what his purpose was.

However, Ye Ting didn't seem to want to explain, but looked at Samara beside him.

In the discussion just now, the intelligence chief said nothing except reading out the intelligence. Now that she got Ye Ting's hint, she skillfully found a few pieces of information from the pile of information on the table, then stood up gracefully and started reading.

"According to Mr. Sander's request, as early as a week ago, the tracker launched a survey on the current environmental conditions in various areas of Delano, and analyzed it based on the environmental data from previous years in the database. The results were beyond our expectations.

"As we all know, according to sociological theory, intelligent races that have broken away from barbarism are often accompanied by the transformation of the natural environment in their production and life, and the impact of such transformation on the environment is usually much greater than that of ordinary species.

“When this transformation becomes extreme, it often causes devastating damage to the natural environment:

"For example, large-scale hunting caused the collapse of the food chain in the environment, and excessive reclamation and grazing caused serious damage to forests and grasslands, causing serious consequences such as soil erosion and desertification. The use of minerals by intelligent races and excessive burning have also It will cause certain pollution to the environment.

"As the most numerous race on the continent of Draenor today, it has a considerable impact on the natural environment of Draenor. Draenei's records of Draenor over the past three hundred years show this. The main reason is the orc population. continues to grow. However, this impact has always been subtle.

“However, according to the latest data, since the Horde colluded with the Burning Legion and a large number of orcs became warlocks, this data has undergone earth-shaking changes:

"In the past three hundred years, due to the continuous development of the Warsong clan and other orc tribes, the area of ​​the Nagrand prairie has been shrinking at an average rate of 0.03% per year. This is the desertification caused by the orcs' grazing and hunting. As of ten years ago, the desertification area of ​​Nagrand Grassland reached 8.5%

“However, in the past ten years, the rate of desertification in the Nagrand Grassland has increased significantly. As of this year, the desertification area in the Nagrand Grassland has reached an astonishing 17.6%.

In other words, the average annual desertification rate is conservatively estimated to have increased by thirty times, and this rate is still increasing.

"In addition, the vast Tanaan Jungle, and even the Terokkar Forest around Shattrath, have similar phenomena. Among them, everyone should know the changes in Terokkar Forest in recent years, and the Tanaan Jungle It was originally the habitat of the orc clan headed by the Bleeding Ring clan. In the past three hundred years, the area of ​​​​Tanaan Forest has been decreasing at an average rate of only 0.05% per year, but this number has also increased forty times in the past ten years. above.

"Among them, the forests have been reduced, and the most serious desertification is in the tribal fortresses: the worst is near Hellfire Fortress. The terrain nearby has completely broken away from the category of forest and is enough to be called a desert. Our trackers saw only The land is dry and cracked, covered with red dust and bones, and this terrain is still spreading rapidly.

"According to our estimates, within ten years, the entire Tanaan Jungle will disappear and be replaced by a red desert.

"What's even more frightening is that the Tanaan Jungle, which was originally a tropical environment with perennial hot and humid conditions, has experienced sudden climate changes in the past ten years, resulting in extreme drought and severe cold weather.

There was even a snowstorm. In Tanaan Jungle, weather like this has never happened before.

"In the past ten years, Gorgrond in the north has also faced sudden changes in the environment. For a long time, Gorgrond has been just a vast desert in the north, with a perennially dry climate and an annual precipitation of less than 200mm.

"..But in the past ten years, the precipitation in Gorgrond has undergone great changes. The annual precipitation has increased almost hundreds of times, but the precipitation time is often too concentrated, which has led to the perennial drought in Gorgrond. Floods occur almost every few years, and floods even affect parts of the desert in Nagrand.

"The next one is Frostfire Ridge...

"Shadowmoon Valley...

This investigation report was very long, but the contents revealed in it were all shocking. It took Samara ten minutes to read it out, and during this process, the scene was completely silent, and no one tried to interrupt her.

Because the contents of the investigation report are really shocking.

In fact, as one of the races living in Draenor, the Draenei have personally experienced these environmental changes. As far as Terokkar Forest is concerned, many people present have noticed the desolation of this forest surrounding Shattrath and Auchindoun in recent years, but no one is aware of the crisis behind it, and no one is aware of it. Realizing this was a drastic change for the entire Draenor world.

Until now revealed by Samara.

After reading (good money) a long list of statistical data on abnormal environmental changes in various areas of Draenor, Samara finally began to come to a conclusion.

"According to our analysis, the places with the greatest degree of environmental anomalies and the most serious desertification in the entire Draenor are often the places where the orcs have the largest number and are the most active, and the degree of desertification is directly proportional to the power of the orcs.

"Areas with less orc distribution, such as the Aklan Peaks and Falalon Islands, rarely see such abnormal changes. Therefore, we have reason to suspect that the abnormal changes and rapid desertification of these environments are related to the tribes and the Burning Legion. direct contact.

"More concrete evidence is that the most severely desertified place in Draenor is the tribe's base camp, Hellfire Citadel [followed by Kil'jaeden's Throne]. And recently, the Kayla Bo Temple ruins (Dark Temple) have also begun to Rapid desertification. These areas are the areas where demons and warlocks are most active.

"We believe that it is the use of evil energy that directly leads to the spread of abnormal climate and desertification.

"Evil energy is destroying Delanobar!".

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