The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 1146 The Power Of Azeroth [Second Update]

Yrel's words made many people feel uncomfortable for a while.

By saying this in such a hurry, are you hoping that others will not accept the Draenei?

However, due to the noble nature of the draenei people, no one really felt that Yrel's reminder was wrong. Instead, they felt that it was completely natural for her to take the initiative to speak out.

After Ye Ting heard Yrel's words, he was moved in his heart. He felt that he had not hurt this little naughty boy in vain.

But he still comforted him: "Don't worry, my planet will not be afraid of the Burning Legion."

But his comfort was not recognized by Yrel: "How is it possible? You can't even imagine how powerful the Burning Legion is. Maybe you think your race and your planet are strong enough to resist the Burning Legion, but the universe has been destroyed by They destroyed more than one or two planets, and many of them were planets with powerful races. No matter how powerful the races on those planets were, they were still the same. Many powerful races were even conquered by them in one fell swoop [and became their thugs] .What makes you think your planet would be an exception?"

Yrel's words make sense. The Burning Legion was not of this "four, six, three" scale at the beginning. Instead, it conquered countless planets, incorporated countless races, and eventually became so powerful.

In the Burning Legion, races such as the Draenei (that is, the Eredar), Alanas (the spider demon), the Destroyer (Siva, the six-handed female demon), and the Eye Demon are not originally from the Burning Legion. Residents, but a race that joined the Burning Legion after being conquered by Sargeras.

In addition, there are also powerful races like the Aldachi who, despite slaughtering millions of demons from the Burning Legion, are still inevitably annihilated by the Legion.

Ye Ting definitely knew that Yirel was right, but he just shook his head:

"It's different. Azeroth is different from other planets. Her power and potential are far stronger than those of other planets, including Draenor. In fact, as early as

The Burning Legion tried to enter my planet before, but they were undoubtedly defeated and driven away by the power of the planet. This is proof that we are not afraid of the Burning Legion. And I believe even more that we can still defeat the Burning Legion in the future.

Ye Ting's words are so unbelievable.

The powerful Burning Legion was actually defeated. How is this possible?

But Ye Ting didn't look like he was lying. Judging from his appearance, it seems that there is something happening.

In fact, what Ye Ting said about the potential and power of Azeroth is true.

Not to mention that in the minds of the Titans, Azeroth's Star Soul has full potential and will become the most powerful Titan once it Awakens.

Judging from the performance of Azeroth alone, it is not comparable to Draenor.

Take the opening of the Dark Door:

If you want to open the Dark Door, apart from the person who provides the coordinates and casts the spell, the most important thing is a sufficient energy source.

According to the theory of space magic, the farther the space is to be crossed and the more things that cross the space, the greater the energy required to open the portal.

From this point of view, to build a portal that allows millions of orcs to cross the distance between planets, the energy source required is naturally an astronomical number.

The Dark Portal was established by Medivh and Gul'dan at the same time on both sides of Azeroth and Draenor respectively.

Looking at Azeroth, the reason why the Dark Portal was opened in the original Dark Swamp and later the Cursed Land is because the Cursed Land is close to Kayla!

In this way, Kaylazan can provide energy to the Dark Portal.

As the strongest magician in the world, Medivh's Magician Tower, Kayla Zan was originally at a very important node in the Magic Network, possessing constant energy to maintain the Dark Portal.

If you want to maintain the existence of the Dark Door, its huge energy source is not only needed at the moment of opening the door, but also constantly maintained.

This kind of intensity of energy cannot be supported and maintained even by ordinary artifacts.

Such a portal of darkness, even with the energy provided by Kayla, still completely absorbed the life energy of the original green trees and the swamp into a dark swamp. As a result, hundreds of miles around turned into a desolate and cursed place.

But that's all.

Looking at Azeroth and its magic network, there are quite a few places that can be compared with Kayla Zan and can provide the energy needed to keep the Dark Portal open for a long time.

Kayla Zan is just one of them.

In addition, the locations of Titan ruins such as Uldum, Ulduar, and Uldaman naturally also count. Not to mention that it is the residence of Titan Asgardian. The "Creator Engine" and other Titan creations there alone are enough to provide Enough energy.

Un'Goro Crater is definitely one of them. It is suspected to be above the heart of Azeroth. The trees here are taller than other places and the animals are larger than other places. It is a testing ground for Titans.

And in the Zandalar Islands, in the middle of Nazmir, the trolls' former holy city is now the Heart of Darkness, a place called Uldir.

That's Titan's biovirus laboratory!

This place also has enough energy sources and magic veins to afford a Dark Portal.

In addition to places directly related to Titan, throughout the various continents and islands of Azeroth, there are still many places that can serve as the energy source of the Dark Portal.

In Northrend, there must also be enough energy in the Soraza Basin in Northrend, where the Titan Asgardian Freya sows the seeds of life. And can be used to scatter the seeds of life

Soraza's life energy is naturally quite abundant.

There is no problem with Crystal Song Forest. The Crystal Forest there is full of magical energy, and even the floating city of Dalaran will be stationed nearby in the future.

There is definitely no problem in the Borean Tundra, where the Blue Dragon Clan's headquarters "Demon Hub" is located. The blue dragon is the Asgardian of magic, and the "Magic Nexus" is the control center of the entire Azeroth Magic Network.

Dragonblight is no problem. There is the headquarters of the Dragon Legion, where the Dragon Clan's holy land, the Longmian Temple, is being built. There is also the Dragon Clan's cemetery and hatchery.

If it is after the rise of the Lich King, the Ice Crown Glacier will naturally be no problem. It is not only the home of the Undead Scourge and the hiding place of the Lich King, but also the intersection of the real world and the Shadow Realm.

In Pandaria, there is no problem in the Valley of the Four Winds. The life energy there is so abundant that crops can be harvested one day at a time.

Mogu'shan and Thor's Island are no problem either. The former has the Titan's Nalak'sha engine, which can constantly create armies, and the latter is the home of Thor and the great Asgardian Raiden.

There are several places in the Broken Islands in the ocean that can provide energy sources:

The world tree of Val'sharah; Suramar; the Soul castle of Stormheim and Hela's Abyss; the Tomb of Sargeras is naturally no problem; Azsuna has the Heart of Azshara, and it is naturally no problem.

Almost all of Titan's Pillars of Creation are in the Broken Islands.

In the Eastern Kingdom, there is no problem in Quel'Thalas, where the Sunwell constantly produces arcane energy.

In Kalimdor, Noda Hill, the residence of the Proxima Midnight elves, is even more problematic - this is the legendary World Tree, and it was planted on the new Well of Eternity created by Illidan.

As for the Cave of Time in the Tanaris Desert, there is no problem. It is the lair of the bronze dragon. Where the timelines intersect, there is naturally no shortage of energy.

If the time goes back ten thousand years ago, when Azeroth still only had the continent of Kalimdor, the Well of Eternity in the center of the continent would naturally be one too - in fact, a "Dark Portal" was indeed built based on the Well of Dao. ", but that "Dark Portal" does not lead to Draenor, but directly to the lair of the Burning Legion. Its strength even made Sargeras himself almost pass through.

In this way, there are more than twenty named places in Azeroth where the Dark Portal can be established, and the actual number can only be more.

This is enough to prove that Azeroth is so powerful that there are many places in the body with powerful energy that can be used to open doors.

But it won't work if you switch to Draenor.

Looking at the entire Draenor, only the current Tanaan Jungle and the future Hellfire Peninsula have enough life force to maintain the 2.3 Gate of Darkness.

As a result, after the door was opened, the entire Tanaan Jungle turned into the desolate Hellfire Peninsula - which accounted for one-tenth of the entire land of Draenor, far larger than the entire Cursed State.

This alone was not enough, Gul'dan also sacrificed a large number of draenei as sacrifices--that is, batteries of evil energy--to open the door.

It can also be seen from this that Azeroth's potential crushes Draenor.

" there a planet that can defeat the Burning Legion?" Yrel murmured.

"That's definitely." Ye Ting's tone was decisive, "So you don't have to worry too much about complicity with us. In fact, even if you don't come, our planet has long been targeted by the Burning Legion. Sooner or later, there will be a conflict between us and the Legion. War. The reason why I invite you is to win over allies who will fight against the Burning Legion together."

When Ye Ting said this, Yirel had no choice but to agree.

"Definitely, whether it is to thank you for your acceptance or because of the common enemy, we, the Draenei family, will naturally fight side by side with you.

"That's great." Seeing Yirel agree, Ye Ting also smiled. .

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