The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 1148 Three Battles With Shattrath [Second Update]

People never feel the passage of time when they are in a happy mood, but when suffering comes, people can truly appreciate the length of time.

Guinidal, the draenei's Ark, is their last hope for the Jedi, and its restoration work has been going on for less than half a year.

In these six months, the tribe of savage orcs finally unified Draenor and became the masters of all the peoples on this planet.

In Flanlon, the orc warlocks used evil spells to absorb the vitality of the local beasts, and used the stolen power to ignite the entire forest. In the light of the sky, Kilrogg led the army to kill all the wood spirits and primitive thorn beasts they found.

In Nagrand and Frostfire Ridge, the remaining ogre tribes either surrendered to the iron hoof of the tribe, or became the souls killed by their swords. Ever since the last descendant of the Kingdom of Goria, the head of state Mark Goyle, died on the throne of Highmaul, the race that once enslaved the orcs has become the slaves of their former slaves.

Feng shui takes turns, but this is the case.

In Talador, even the most powerful Grongrull could only hide in a remote mountain lair, not daring to confront the Horde's troops head-on.

In the Aklan Peak Forest, Tongtian Peak has fallen. The fallen arakkoa exiles betrayed their former compatriots, and the Breath of Rukhmar was detonated. With a deafening explosion, flames shot into the sky, and the sky was ablaze with flames. The glorious arakkoa civilization was finally ended by the barbaric orcs.

And these arakkoa exiles didn't get a good end either. The orcs knew that these wingless arakkoa were cunning and wise, so they betrayed them after defeating the high-ranking arakkoa and executed them all - just as they had betrayed their own compatriots.

As a result, the entire Draenor became the territory of the Horde. The originally vibrant planet began to die under the influence of evil energy. The evil energy was twisting most of Draenor into a barren wasteland. Among them, the changes in the Tanaan Jungle The most obvious. The dense forest land of the past has long been filled with cracks and is covered with red dust and white bones.

In addition to Talador, and the Draenei people living here.

Although the desolation has still not spared the last pure land of this planet, at this moment, the place where Kayla's light can shine is slightly comfortable.

It was the heroic draenei who fought hard that prevented the Horde from spreading barrenness and desolation to every corner of Draenor.

However, now, the draenei people who once regarded Draenor as their second home have begun to accept the fact that they will lose this planet.

Countless draenei were struggling with how to resist the horde's overwhelming attacks. The return of Kayla and the rise of Yrel gave the Draenei, who should have collapsed long ago, the strength to fight again. They defeated the tribe twice and gave their compatriots a chance to breathe.

But now, the tribe's eyes are once again on the Draenei.

It seems that Shattrath and Auchindoun are destined to suffer a disaster. What is even more tragic is that in order to severely suppress these only nails on the continent of Draenor, the Burning Legion has also begun to personally die.

Although the Draenei won two games under the leadership of Yrel, everyone in Auchindoun knew that they could no longer resist the powerful demons. Warriors with lofty will and never flinching from the enemy also began to look for retreat routes.

In this case, even a stubborn guy like Akama had to accept the help of the shadow power to the draenei - without this powerful force, the holy light would not be able to defeat those demons quickly. . The war accelerated the Draenei's understanding of the way of balance, allowing them to admire the goodness of the Holy Light while also accepting the ruthless Shadow.

But as the tribes continued to approach and a large number of outposts fell around the twin cities, despair gradually fell into everyone's hearts.

But the new consul Yrel was not discouraged. She is young, energetic and confident about the future. She firmly believed that she could bring the Draenei to persevere, and she also believed that Ye Ting would not let her down.

The defense began. After a long period of preparation, the draenei rebuilt the defense system of the twin cities. The energy of the defensive shield has long been filled, and a large number of photon turrets and crystal towers cover the city walls. Draenei warriors and immortals armed with new equipment must find a way out for the Draenei under the leadership of Yrel—— ——Stay there until Guinedal’s restoration is complete!

After several wars, Yrel has already gained the absolute trust of the Draenei people, even though she was just a mediocre trainee priest a few years ago.

When she first came to Shattrath, the vast majority of the draenei had nothing but disdain for an unknown little girl, and were extremely suspicious of the power of shadow.

But now, even Akama sometimes begins to regret why he didn't learn this kind of power in the first place, this kind of power that can seriously hurt even demons.

When fighting against demons, the Holy Light can resist the evil attacks of demons, but when it comes to causing harm to demons, it also needs the terrifying power of shadow.

At the top of the city of Shattrath, the Horde's offensive was almost never-ending. Even at night, there would still be many orcs rushing to the city under the leadership of the Demon Guard, causing great trouble to the Draenei.

Everyone knows that this is just a tired tactic, but the Draenei still have nothing to do about it.

The tribe had far more troops than they did, not to mention that in the process of conquering Draenor, they captured a large number of slaves as cannon fodder.

Although there is no strong person leading the team, the cruel demons and the orcs affected by the corrupted blood are almost always fierce and bloodthirsty.

Another wave of night siege begins. This time in addition to the orcs and demon guards, there are also several hell (De Ji Zhao) fires falling from the sky.

Yrel would not leave this kind of thing in her sight. The photon turret roared, shooting out fatal rays to kill the orcs one after another, and the draenei wearing golden armor also rushed forward.

Although the orcs attacking the city were bloodthirsty and violent, they had no sense at all. They only knew how to fight on their own and had no tactics at all. This was also a side effect of the fallen blood. Besides, the few orc soldiers couldn't be in the attack. There is something to be done in front of a strong man like Yrel.

By the time Hellfire crashed to the ground, the demons and orcs at the front had already turned into a pool of blood. Hellfire, who was alone and had no accomplices to attract firepower, could only instinctively retreat and escape the Immortal's volley as quickly as possible. .

However, soon, at the other end of the horizon, another long green line turned into a wave and surged towards the city.

Naturally, another attack began. .

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