The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 283 Voldemort And Death Eaters (1/3)

Voldemort was now very proud. Under the plan of the Death Eaters, he not only regained his body, but also brought his greatest enemy before him.

Now, Voldemort was purely treating Harry like a cat and mouse, and he even had the mood to talk to Harry about his father.

…You are standing over my father’s bones. "He was a Muggle and a fool," he hissed softly, "just like your mother." But they all have their uses, right? When you were young, your mother died to protect you, and I killed my father. You see, how useful he was after his death..."

He recounted the experiences of his parents and his own birth, and continued to pace as he spoke, his red eyes scanning back and forth between the graves.

"...Listen to me, listen to me recall my family history..." he said softly, "Ah, I'm a little sad...but look, Harry! I really The family is back..."

The air was suddenly filled with the clatter of cloaks. Between the graves, behind the cedar trees, and in every dark place, necromancers apparated.

They all wore hoods and covered their faces.

Nowadays, the only people who still maintain this costume are Death Eaters.

They walked over one by one...walking slowly and cautiously, as if they couldn't believe their eyes.

Voldemort stood silently waiting. One of the Death Eaters fell to his knees, crawled over to Voldemort, and kissed the hem of his black robes.

"Master...Master..." he called in a low voice.

The Death Eaters behind him did the same, each crawling to Voldemort on their knees, kissing his robes, then stepped aside, stood up, and silently formed a circle, covering Tom Riddle's grave, Harry, Voldemort, and Surrounded by Peter Pettigrew, who was lying on the ground sobbing and convulsing. But there are still some gaps in the circle, as if waiting for others to join.

Hermione and Fleur no longer bothered to ask Ye Ting about the shocking words he just said. They covered their mouths nervously and carefully stared at the faces of the Death Eaters under their hoods, trying their best to identify their true identities.

However, Voldemort no longer seemed to expect anyone to come. He looked around at the hooded faces. Although there was no wind, there seemed to be a slight rustling sound in the circle, as if the circle was trembling.

"Welcome, Death Eaters," Voldemort said calmly, "Thirteen years... Thirteen years have passed since our last meeting. But you still responded to my call just like yesterday... ..that is to say, we are still united under the Dark Mark! Is that right?”

"I smell guilt," said Voldemort. "There is a stink of guilt in the air."

The Death Eaters in the circle trembled again. It seemed that everyone wanted to step back, but did not dare to move.

"I see you, healthy and sound, with the same magic as before - arriving so quickly! - and I ask myself...why these necromancers never come to their master's aid

To help the person they swore eternal allegiance to?"

Obviously, Voldemort was quite angry at what the Death Eaters had done over the years. He was furious at the Death Eaters, causing them to tremble.

One of them immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, but what was waiting for him was a Cruciatus Curse.

Then, he finally gave Peter Pettigrew a reward for resurrecting him - he raised his wand and danced it in the air. A strip of light like molten silver was drawn on the head of the wand. It had no shape at first, and then the strip of light twisted, It turned into a shining human hand, as bright as moonlight. It flew down on its own and settled on Peter's bleeding wrist.

Seeing this scene, Ye Ting shook his head in admiration.

It seems that Voldemort is not a fool who rules everything purely with fear, but he still has some leadership skills.

After returning, he summoned his former subordinates and became furious with those present.

However, although he was very angry, he actually just picked up these Death Eaters, put them down gently, and only punished one of them with the Cruciatus Curse. He did not really kill them out of anger, but appropriately. Showing off his belly.

After all, he still needs people to do things for him. "This threat is enough to make these Death Eaters obey.

However, the Death Eaters who didn't come were different. The Death Eaters who responded to the call can be forgiven, but those who didn't come, haha...

In addition, his reward for Peter was precisely to show that rewards and punishments were clear--it was clear that Peter resurrected Voldemort out of fear of old friends such as Lupine and Black, rather than hiding.

After paying Peter back, Voldemort walked towards a man to his right.

"Lucius, my cunning friend," he whispered, stopping before the man, "I hear that you have not renounced your past conduct, even though you put on a sanctimonious face before the world. I believe it. You're still willing to take the lead in torturing Muggles, right? But you never went looking for me, Lucius... Your behavior at the Quidditch World Cup was quite interesting... But if you spent your energy searching Wouldn't it be better to help your master?"

"Master, I have always been very careful," Lucius Malfoy's voice quickly came from under the hood. "As long as there is any signal from you, as long as there are any rumors about your whereabouts, I will rush to you immediately. , nothing can stop me——"

"But last summer when a loyal Death Eater launched my mark into the air, you escaped." Voldemort said lazily - Mr. Malfoy suddenly shut up. Yes, I know it, Lu disappoint me...I hope you will serve me more faithfully in the future. "

"Definitely, Master, definitely... You are so generous, thank you..."

Lucius Malfoy was the representative of the pure-blood family who had taken refuge with Voldemort. Voldemort's words meant that he would no longer hold these people accountable, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Voldemort took two steps, stopped, and looked at the gap between Malfoy and the person next to him - this gap was enough for two people to stand.

This was originally the location of the Leicesters, but the loser loyal to Voldemort was still in Azkaban.

Voldemort loudly announced that he would rescue the couple and offer them huge amounts of reward. He also announced that the dementors from Azkaban would join them.

Finally, he stood in front of a guy dressed funny.

The man in front of him looked quite young, but he was wearing a set of tattered old-fashioned clothes, with a magic eye tied to his head, one foot bare, and a prosthetic leg placed beside his foot.

"That's that guy. He's wearing Professor Moody's clothes, but he has changed back to his original form." Hermione whispered.

This is Barty Crouch Jr., who used Polyjuice Potion to impersonate Moody.

"Ah, Barty Crouch," Voldemort looked at him with empty red eyes, "I know that you are my most loyal servant and have been working for me. You sneaked into Hogwarts alone. Damn Thanks to your efforts, our children will be here tonight..."

Barty Crouch Jr. bowed to Voldemort with pride, and there was a small commotion among the Death Eaters, who secretly exchanged glances. .

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