Looking at the shadow energy surrounding Malacas in front of him, Ye Ting was a little helpless.

Just now, he tried every method he could: flame, ice, storm, rock and other elemental magic, but none of them had any obvious effect.

He even used light magic, but such magic can only create strong light, and cannot make this light purify evil and fight against shadows like holy light.

Dispersion spells have little effect on the shadow barrier. Anti-magic spells lose their effect in the face of such huge shadow energy. Spells that directly damage the soul cannot break through this barrier. Forcibly attacking will only destroy your soul. Hurt.

While Ye Ting was thinking about how to deal with it, a figure suddenly jumped out from a corner next to the temple and rushed straight towards the shadow barrier at a ghostly speed.

It was Garona. As an assassin, he was really not helpful in fighting giant creatures, so she never showed up and focused on Malacas.

Unfortunately, even the pair of regicides in her hands could not shake the shadow barrier.

However, after the regicide passed by, Ye Ting could hear the wail from his soul.

These souls are the wronged souls of the sacrificed troll warriors. Under the dagger of the Kingkiller full of destructive power, even these lingering souls will inevitably face the end of destruction.

In this way, the barrier seems to be weakened a bit.

But it was not enough. There were too many dead troll warriors. Even if Garona was allowed to attack constantly, she would not be able to consume all the power of the barrier in a short period of time.

Moreover, will Malacath let Garona attack wantonly?

Looking at the dagger in Garona's hand with fear, Malakas reluctantly knocked the totem staff in his hand.

Several shadow tentacles immediately appeared on the ground on both sides of Garona, and they rolled towards the orcs crazily.

————How can it be repaired! How can my sister be touched by these tentacles?

These shadow tentacles are definitely not the evil tentacles in magical girls, and the women caught by them will not have any special encounters. However, Ye Ting always had a strange sense of familiarity with these tentacles, so he decisively used tactics against Garona. Teleport and call the female assassin back to you.

"Forget it, let me do it." "Ye Ting said to Garona, "You'd better help them deal with the powerful warriors. Malakas's shadow power is too dangerous and cannot be dealt with by you. "

"I'm sorry, Lev, it's me who's dragging you down." Garona's mood was obviously a little low, "I'm too weak."

"What are you talking about?" Ye Ting patted her shoulder and consoled her, "Spells have specializations, and everyone has their own weaknesses. Spell casters should be left to the spell casters to deal with them, right? "

"But... aren't assassins used to assassinate unsuspecting spellcasters?" Garona obviously didn't agree with Ye Ting's words and looked at him stubbornly.

"You talk about specializing in magic, but you deal with all situations by yourself... So, let me help you contain that witchcraft lord. I also want to help you."

Feeling the half-orc girl's deep guilt and strong desire to help him, Ye Ting could only sigh quietly.

"Yes, you also said that it was a 'defenseless' spell caster. The Malacas in front of you is not defenseless."

After thinking about it, he continued: "If you really want to gain stronger power and help me in more places, I will find a way for you later, but now...obediently, you should The opponents we face are not wizard lords, they are still waiting for your help."

After Ye Ting's repeated insistence, Garona finally gave up her unrealistic idea temporarily.

However, before leaving, she still woke up seriously.

"Lord Lev, remember, when you go back, you have to think about how to make me stronger! Any method will do, and I am willing to pay any price."

"I know, I know!"

Ye Ting was touched by the half-orc girl's sincere desire to help him, but he still hurriedly urged: "Hurry up and complete your mission."

After taking away Garona, Ye Ting still had to think about ways to break through the shadow barrier.

At this moment, he suddenly regretted. Why didn't he study the power of the Holy Light in the past? Was it because he cared about the views of the Holy Light Church? But if he could understand the power of the Holy Light, maybe the shadow barrier in front of him...

Sure enough, it was indeed a good decision to make Liadrin the first-generation Paladin, but it was a pity that it was too slow.

Thinking of this, he set his sights on another powerful high elf warrior. Not only was this warrior originally powerful in combat, but he also had a low position. In the original work, he also showed the ability of a paladin.

Before Ye Ting's magic truly reaches the level of being close to a god, power like holy light is still indispensable to him.

Definitely, now is not the time to think about that.

Since the method of frontal breakthrough could not be thought of for the time being, Ye Dian began to think about a return strategy.

How can we bypass the power of the shadow barrier and directly disable the ritual? Or we can disable the barrier itself.

After thinking about it, Ye Ting suddenly looked at the powerful warriors who were fighting with his teammates.

I saw four behemoths frantically attacking the "little bugs" around them. The huge power smashed the entire battlefield to pieces, leaving a mess everywhere.

However, these warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles and are highly skilled, under Ye Ting's buff magic, have pushed their skills to the limit, constantly shuttling and dodging the deadly attacks of the powerful warriors. Although they are now a little embarrassed, they But he never suffered much damage.

And Garona, who had just joined, showed off her agility. "Even Harraz, the Lynx God, was thrown around by her ghostly movements.

As for the deadly regicide in her hand, although she failed to break through the shadow barrier just now, it was just because she didn't swing the sword enough times. Now when it is applied to these divine warriors, their powerful armor, which was originally able to withstand the arrows of the Windrunner sisters and the heavy hammers and sharp blades of the warriors, is like paper in front of the Kingslayer. Often the Blade will cut a hole as soon as it passes by. .

It's a pity that Loa's energy representing life and nature came into play. Even though Garona continued to inflict wounds on Harraz at extremely high speeds, his powerful recovery ability still offset the damage effect of the Kingslayer, and finally another The Regicide couldn't really bring out its deadly side.

However, seeing the powerful Loa power of these magical warriors, Ye Ting suddenly became concerned.

Since these Loa gods are so powerful, why can't he make use of them?

Although he doesn't know how to sacrifice to the Loa, and he doesn't have the trolls' faith in the Loa, he does know that these Loa are not easy to open, and they voluntarily had their power extracted from them by Malacath and these trolls. .

In the original history of World of Warcraft, during Zandalar's series of plans to revive the troll empire, Zandalari's envoys visited the declining troll empires across Azeroth, including Zul'Aman, Zul'Drak, and Zul'Gurub. descendants of Zandalari and taught them various techniques and voodoo spells from Zandalari in order to help them revive.

As a result, it became common for the Loa to be enslaved, controlled or even killed by his followers, and it was not uncommon for the Loa to resist.

From this point of view, this betrayal of the Loa gods and the wanton use of their divine power are what the Loa gods reject.

This is exactly where Ye Ting thought of starting.

On this wonderful Christmas Eve, everyone went out to enjoy life, and I was the only one who had to work hard in front of the computer to code for you.

Seeing how miserable I am, why don’t you give me flowers for monthly tickets?

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