The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 395: Resistance Of The Dead Souls

Can the demigods free them?

Absolutely not.

Not to mention that liberating the soul is an ability that belongs to the Val'kyr such as the soul healer. The demigods who belong to nature do not have this ability.

Even if there were, the demigods were too busy at the moment to take care of themselves. How could they have the ability to help the dead?

However, demigods are not mortal beings after all, but the gods that these dead souls once believed in.

As a god, he is qualified to be willful towards believers - definitely, such willfulness is euphemistically called "test"

Because of this, after the demigods showed their presence, Ye Ting began to deceive them.

"Dear dead souls, believers of the four Loa gods," Ye Ting loudly attracted the attention of the dead souls, and then declared to them: "The gods are already aware of your sad experience. In fact, the gods have appeared with you. This is precisely to deal with this terrible betrayer."

"Loa God! It's so wonderful."

Many dead souls began to cheer.

"Are the gods really going to save us?"

"The great Loa gods will not leave their believers alone," Ye Ting answered affirmatively, "But before that, all believers must prove their loyalty and belief to the Loa 11 gods!"

"We have great faith in the Loa gods!" Some undead shouted, "We were deceived by someone and betrayed and killed by our priests precisely because of our faith! Doesn't this serve as proof?"

"Oh, I'm sorry for what happened to you." Ye Ting said pitifully, "However, I still want to reveal the fact that you are not the only ones who were betrayed. The great Loa God had mercy on their believers and gave them powerful gifts. However, the witchcraft lord Malacath betrayed them, instigated and abused the divine power without authorization, and the god Loa came to punish him - as for you, although your beliefs are extremely pious, your death has become a You have become Malacath's accomplice in betraying the Loa, so it is necessary for the Loa to test you again."

As soon as these words came out, the dead souls exclaimed, and many devout believers even began to cry in grief and self-blame.

Some other dead souls couldn't wait to ask: "What should we do to get the gods' forgiveness?"

"Resist," Ye Ting said: "Resist the person who killed you and betrayed you, resist his shackles, and don't let you continue to be his accomplice. Although resistance will bring pain and suffering, God Loa sees it. In their eyes, they will judge you fairly."

Under Ye Ting's organization and propaganda, the dead souls began to share the same hatred.

Most of these dead souls are the lowest-level civilians among the Amani trolls, and they are also the most fanatical believers. Otherwise, Malacas would not kill them easily.

In contrast, not many of them are clear-headed and intelligent enough to see through Ye Ting's schemes.

Definitely, some dead souls also expressed doubts based on Ye Ting's identity - how could a commander from the alliance mix with their enemy, the Loa god of the city?

"In fact, there is no doubt that the Amani trolls betrayed the Loa God." Ye Ting replied disdainfully, "Although the Loa God favors the trolls, he will not support the betrayers. This is why I exist. reason."

In the end, with the endorsement of God Luo A, Ye Ting's words were recognized by all the dead souls.

The dead souls here are all believers of the Loa God. Now that Ye Ting has lowered the Oracle on behalf of the gods, how can they still not obey? So, these dead souls ignored the constraints of the shadow chains and possible punishments and began to collectively resist Malacath. Come.

Originally, the energy source of all Malacas' so-called rituals was the corpses and souls of these dead souls, and then he used part of this energy to bind the dead souls. Therefore, even some individual resisters had to bow their heads helplessly in front of the powerful shadow energy originating from tens of thousands of dead souls.

However, when all the dead souls are resisting, the situation is different.

In fact, whether it is a slave society, a feudal society, or a modern society, the essence of any ruler's rule lies in this. They use the information gap at different levels to command others. Their power comes from a part of each person, but think about it. After all, there are only a small number of people who want to resist, which makes the rulers overwhelmingly enthusiastic about the power of the rebels. However, if enough rebels can be organized, the power of the rulers will not be enough. However, the information gap exists Made this impossible.

In short, when the dead souls collectively said "no" to Malacath, the wizarding lord was in tragedy.

He had to temporarily stop the ritual and devote all his power to maintaining the bondage to the dead souls. However, since the dead souls no longer constantly provided him with shadow energy, this bondage was destined to not last long.

He must solve the problem before his energy runs out.

So, he immediately began to check the status of the dead souls, and soon he discovered the existence of Ye Haze in another dimension.

"Damn it, how did this guy get there?"

Seeing Ye Ting and thinking of Ye Ting's sleeping body, how could he not know what was going on? So the anxious witchcraft lord loudly ordered to his powerful warriors: "Don't get entangled with those nasty ants anymore. !This is all the conspiracy of these white-skinned ghosts! Go attack that magician, he is the key!"

Under Malacas' order 067, the four warriors with the power of Loa immediately wanted to break away from the battle and attack Ye Ting, who was still sleeping.

"Stop them, don't let them interrupt the commander's plan!" Upon seeing this, Alleria immediately loudly reminded her comrades, "The key to victory or defeat is here, stop them with all your strength!"

Everyone understood immediately, and they who were originally prepared to entangle slowly no longer hid, and launched an attack on the powerful warrior with all their strength.

Although the effect was very poor, the magicians still used deceleration and swamp magic on the warriors, hoping to slow them down.

The soldiers temporarily gave up dodging around and took the risk to launch a frontal attack on the powerful warriors, hoping to attract their attention.

Garona once again burst out with ghostly speed, shuttled around the powerful warriors, and the Kingslayer left them with wounds one after another.

Alleria and Hillvanas looked at each other and began to exert their full power, including the weapons in their hands.

It has to be said that each of the three Windrunner sisters is outstanding. Not only in their original history, each of the three sisters has shined with incomparable brilliance and become a great big shot that affects the course of history. The weapons in each of their hands , and none of them are simple. .

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