Although in past history, there were also incidents where magicians used powerful magic to influence wars, in most cases, magic was still used on small battlefields or caused damage to individuals.

The last time such a grand scene in which magic changed the entire war situation occurred was when humans and high elves joined forces to bring down heavenly fire and destroy the Amani Troll Empire in the Troll War.

The last time that magic had a large-scale impact on the fate of a city happened hundreds of years ago, when the ancestors of the Wildhammer dwarf abandoned Grim Batol due to the curse of magic.

After that, there was no large-scale war in the Eastern Kingdom, and magicians were no longer involved in wars in large numbers.

until now…………

Under Ye Ting's design, the horror of magic was finally revealed to everyone again:

A city was completely destroyed within a few minutes under the influence of magic.

However, in the minds of all rulers and generals, the greatest significance of Ye Ting's deed of using the earthquake technique to bury Sinsaro did not lie in the terrible consequences.

If we talk about the effects of magic alone, the effect of Ye Ting's earthquake spell this time is completely incomparable to the previous two.

However, this is not the case for these rulers and generals.

This magic is cast too easily.

It neither concentrates a large number of magicians nor prepares a large amount of spellcasting materials. The only thing he needs is that after some specific calculations, less than ten magicians can prepare some casting materials and find a place to cast them.

Magic such as Skyfire and Grim Batol's Curse in the Troll War, although their effects are terrifying, are undoubtedly unavailable to the rulers.

But like Ye Ting, with precise calculations, he gave full play to the effects of magic and used low-cost spells to create terrible effects in a way that weighed a thousand pounds.

This is what they admire most about Ye Ting and what they admire most.

From a certain perspective, war is fought with money and resources. Those who can accomplish the most things with the least resources are the top talents - the so-called most brilliant strategists, military strategists, businessmen, etc. If so.

It is estimated that Ye Ting can now be honored as a military strategist in the alliance.

And he is the rarest military strategist who is good at using war magic.

You know, the magicians in World of Warcraft are actually equivalent to scientists on Earth. Compared with ordinary fame and fortune, magicians are more willing to pursue the improvement of magic ability.

and the accumulation of arcane knowledge.

This has led to most magicians being isolated from ordinary people's society and political power. When it comes to the study of arcana and alchemy, or even their understanding of mathematics, natural history, astronomy, geography, linguistics, and archeology, magicians are basically More or less can be said clearly.

However, most magicians are at a loss when it comes to knowledge in the humanities such as military, politics, and economics - after all, it has nothing to do with their pursuits.

Definitely, there are some magicians who only regard magic as a tool to gain power. These magicians will participate extensively in various adventures, explorations, or as mercenaries, etc.

But this type of magician is in the minority after all, and it is often impossible for such magicians to reach a relatively high level. Most of the magic they are good at is the magic oil that solves daily troubles and is used to fight alone. It is almost impossible for such a magician to learn large-scale spells with a huge range of influence and terrifying effects.

By the way, in fact, in the real Western fantasy world-including DND-it is basically impossible for a magician to become a mercenary or adventurer. Low-level magicians are too fragile and not suitable for taking risks. High-level magicians are too rare and too difficult to achieve. Such magicians often come from various big families and colleges. They are either rich or noble, so there is no need to take risks.

In other words, if a magician wants to become a military strategist like Ye Ting, he must either live long enough like a high elf and have enough energy to learn knowledge unrelated to magic, or he must be expected to be a genius.

In the original history of World of Warcraft, such people did exist. The former were often born from high elves, Proxima Midnight elves, and the latter were the "chosen ones" like the future Jaina.

In short, Ye Ting's status in the alliance rose a few points without even realizing it.

At the moment, he did not arrange the army to search the ruins because the earthquake spell ended, but cast another earthquake spell on the ruins of Sinsaro.

This time, he did not unite with others and did not use all his strength for the earthquake technique, which resulted in the effect of the earthquake technique being very average.

But this is in line with his own requirements.

When other magicians asked curious questions, he responded like this.

"Before sending people into the ruins, we need to confirm that the ruins are relatively safe. If during the search of the ruins, the earth and rocks collapse due to structural instability, it would be bad. Now I use the earthquake technique to shake it slightly , if there is any structural instability in the ruins, it will collapse under a small earthquake, otherwise it is definitely safe."

Such careful and thoughtful thoughts made others think more highly of him.

Sure enough, after the second earthquake spell, several buildings in the ruins that had not been completely buried suddenly collapsed, and there were also several piles of rubble that may have been hollow and collapsed during the earthquake.

After the security risks were completely eliminated, the alliance's army entered Sinsaro.

Although when landslides and mudslides occurred, the Alliance soldiers thought it was spectacular from a distance, but only by observing on the spot did they truly realize how much damage magic had caused to the city.

Among the rubble of broken walls, they could often see the hands and feet of the trolls that were not completely buried stretching out of the cracks. Due to the strong vitality of the trolls, some of these hands and feet could still move.

However, there are more corpses buried in the ground among the gaps.

The army searched Sinsaro for a whole day before finding dozens of lucky people who were not affected by the disaster. However, although these trolls were unscathed, most of them fell into madness. The sudden destruction of Xinsaro and the total annihilation of their tribe were a huge amount of blow to them.

After confirming the complete destruction of the Evil Branch troll tribe, the encirclement and suppression war against Zul'Aman and the Hinterlands trolls organized by Ye Ting was finally concluded.

In this war, the Alliance not only completely eliminated the Amani trolls that had been fighting with them for thousands of years, eliminating future troubles for the orc war, but also liberated Quel'Thalas' forces and brought humans and high elves closer. relationship between.

At the same time, this war also opened up land for Eagle's Nest Mountain, the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and Quel'Thalas. It was also a qualified training and training for the joint operations of humans, elves, and dwarf tribes.

In short, for the Alliance, this war to encircle and suppress the trolls has huge amounts of significance, and it has indeed fully achieved its purpose.

As the organizer of the war, Grand Magician Ye Ting, in addition to being a Magician, now also has great reputation and a position that cannot be ignored in the alliance as a strategist and politician. .

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