After Lothar figured it out, he immediately approved Ye Ting's suggestion and asked, "How many cavalry are needed?"

Ye Ting shook his head: "The harassment tactics do not require the cavalry under your command."

"Why?" Lothar was a little confused, and even Turalyon looked puzzled.

If a mobile force does not use cavalry, what else can it use?

"Knights wearing heavy armor are actually not suitable for harassment tactics." Ye Ting explained, "Those tin cans are too heavy. If you mount a horse, you can't run for several miles. There is no way to complete my tactics." ——What I need is not to run fast in a short time, but to have troops with enough endurance.'

"So, what do you need?" Lothar looked embarrassed.

"Ranger, Griffin Knight and Paladin." Ye Ting smiled slightly, "Ranger is responsible for harassment operations, Griffin is responsible for investigation, and Paladin is responsible for healing injuries and dealing with emergencies."

After hearing this, Lothar and Turalyon exclaimed that Ye Ting's design was exquisite.

In fact, Ye Ting was referring to the Mongolian cavalry archers who swept across Europe that year.

The human society in Azeroth is similar to the European Middle Ages, and the same is true in terms of arms. In terms of cavalry, human countries advocate the spirit of chivalry, so they prefer heavy armored knights, 197 but there are few arms such as light cavalry and horse archers.

However, heavy armored knights are too restrictive and are only suitable for positional warfare. Archers and light cavalry are the units that can truly attack long distances and harass the rear.

Now that he has no horse archers, Ye Ting uses high elf rangers as substitutes. High elves are no better than humans. Their long lifespan gives them the opportunity to learn more knowledge, and riding is one of them. At least Ye Ting knows that there are still many high elf rangers who are good at riding, although few are specialized in it. They have learned horseback archery, but compared to human bows and other skills, the high elf rangers' superb archery skills make them more adaptable and faster to learn horseback archery.

As for the Griffin Knights and Paladins, the former's Flight Ability is just suitable for tactics that extremely require intelligence advantages such as harassing the rear, while the latter can also fight against the enemy. Ye Ting has always believed that no matter what kind of troops are deployed, It would be right for a few paladins to go in.

Soon, the strategy was decided, and Ye Ting began to contact the troops that needed to be mobilized.

The first is the ranger. These rangers can be selected from the high elf volunteer army and the regular army, but (bbcd) who will lead the team is still a big problem.

In the Windrunner sisters' tent, a debate started.

Alleria and Hillvanas were facing each other tit for tat. Ye Ting looked helpless next to him, and behind him, his younger sister Wen Leisa was trembling.

"Invasion of the tribe's rear? Surrender their food routes? Hit and run, right?" Alleria naturally admired Ye Ting's tactics, "This is indeed a tactic that is very suitable for our rangers... ...However, it sounds like it’s not easy to have to stay outside all the time. Forget it, as my sister, let me take on the hard work.”

After talking about it, Alleria looked at Hillvanas tenderly, showing the gentle image of an elder sister like a mother.

"As expected of Brother Sander, you are indeed resourceful. In this way, those green-skinned orcs will definitely be impressed by you." After hearing Ye Ting's plan, Hillvanas' eyes naturally lit up, "However, such hard work How can I trouble my sister with my life? As a sister, I am the one who should do more for her, so let me take on this responsibility."

The eyes of Hillvanas and Alleria intertwined, and a crackling sound seemed to be heard in the void.

Vereesa: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... Is this the momentum of my sisters? My sisters are so scary!"

As the two continued to look at each other, Alleria's face couldn't help but stiffen: "I am the sister, and I should arrange this matter. You are the sister and you should listen to me."

"Oh, really?" Looking at Alleria, who was figuring out her eldest sister's identity, Hillvanas narrowed her eyes slightly: "But, now I am the ranger general of Quel'Thalas. Speaking of which, even though you are My sister, I am your superior... You must listen to military orders from your superiors, right?"

Hillvanas mentioned the military order, which immediately made Alleria frown.

Indeed, military orders are as strong as a mountain. As a member of the army, she still has this professional quality.

After thinking for a while, she finally looked at Ye Ting.

"Really, I didn't expect that one day I would be suppressed by my sister using my status." At this point, she bit her lip unwillingly, "However, the highest officer who implements this strategy is not you, but brother Sander, so , to arrange who will be responsible for leading the rangers, they should obey her orders.

The topic suddenly returned to Ye Ting.

Unexpectedly, Hillvanas also nodded in agreement.

"That's right. Everything depends on Commander Sander's arrangements." As she said that, she looked at Ye Ting and gave him a provocative smile. "So, brother Sander, do you want to choose Hui?"

——Damn it, I finally let them make their own choice, but now it’s back to me.

Looking at the pair of pretty faces in front of him who were very similar but each was beautiful in its own way, Ye Ting felt a little dizzy.

In this way, whoever he chooses is actually suitable. The professionalism of Alleria and Hillvanas as commanders is undoubted. However, no matter who he chooses, the other one will inevitably lose his temper.

Finally, he thought about it and answered.

"I think... Sister Ollie should be responsible."

This answer immediately put a smile like a spring breeze on Alleria's face, but Hillvanas became excited.

"Why did you choose sister?" The expression on her face was a little disappointed and a little angry. "It's so confusing in your heart...Am I inferior to her in any way? Or am I not as important as her?"

————How should one answer this kind of question?

However, Ye Ting responded quickly and immediately gave an explanation.

"Actually, Sister Shiva, your position is too important, so I can't take you there," he said, pretending to sigh with regret, "You are the Ranger General, the supreme commander of the high elves. In this operation, most of the high elves will be left in the camp. You know the character of those ordinary high elves. Without you, what if they have any conflicts with humans again? In addition, propose a defensive battle plan. It’s you, and it’s reasonable for you to stay and help with the defense.”

Ye Ting's words left Hillvanas speechless.

There is no other way, who will let her get a high official position?

"Next time, I will never compete with my sister for status, and I will never do everything for myself."

Hillvanas thought this as she watched Alleria leave with Ye Ting's arm smiling, and Vereesa leaving with a look of pity at the end. .

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