I am really happy that my first online novel is now on the shelves.

The author: I am an old bookworm. Internet novels have had a great impact on my life, definitely. In the past, most of them had negative impacts.

I started reading online novels during the summer vacation of my third year of junior high school, and I was addicted to them throughout high school. If I hadn’t finally broken free in time, I probably wouldn’t have been able to read even one book. But in fact, online novels had a great influence on my study in high school. When I entered school, my grades were among the top 20 in the school. The school was ranked first in the city and top five in the province. If I could graduate with this ranking, I would probably be able to go to school. Qingbei, although he still went to a prestigious school, it was only ranked among the top ten in the country, and this was also due to the lower scores in this province.

Once you get to college, things get even more out of hand. All you need to do is pass all professional courses, and there are even many who fail...

Who was the unlucky person who told me that going to college would be easy?

So, from the year I graduated from junior high school to now, although online novels have brought me great happiness, they have also had negative effects.

I don’t want to accuse anything here, because ultimately this is all a matter of my own self-control.

But some time ago, I considered another question: Can online novels really only have a negative impact on me?

So I started trying to write my own novel.

In the past, my favorite novels to read were fantasy novels. Then because the routines were the same, I started to read urban supernatural novels. After entering college, maybe I started to face more real problems, so I started to read those urban novels again. Rebirth stories should either follow the entertainment route or the commercial route. It is best to be closer to reality, such as having real characters, companies appear, etc.

Also, my all-time love is fanfiction, which definitely stems from my wide range of interests.

In addition to online novels, I have a strong interest in various animations and games. In addition to online novels in high school, I also read through Jinguhuang. Later, I also dabbled in the Devil's High School novel version, various Japanese light novels, Harry Potter series, Ice and Fire, World of Warcraft novels, etc. It can be said that I know everything about ACGN. , but not proficient in everything.

But these hobbies and experiences have really given me a good foundation for writing my own novels, especially writing fan fiction.

So there was "The God of All Realms Begins with Harry Potter".

I love reading fanfics because they make up for the imperfections of the original works. I love reading harem comics and harem novels because harems are the happy end in my mind.

Now that I write a book, I will definitely follow the concepts I have always had: harem and cool writing.

Definitely, I want to say more than this.

The Fei Lu boss I admire the most is "Zhu Zhiyue". His novels are not only harem and exciting novels, but also have their own novel ideas. They are also relatively rigorous in terms of settings and logic, and they can justify themselves without being full of flaws. .

I hope to learn from the big guys.

I hope that after writing my work, it will not only be a quick snack, but also allow readers to remember more.

For example, my imagination, my setting, my understanding of the original work, etc.

Please rest assured that I am not a young artist myself. The most literary career I have ever done is reciting ancient poems and listening to ancient songs - still on Station B.

I am a science geek, and you may be able to guess my specific major by reading the novels I write.

Having rambled so much is just an author describing his own mental journey.

Anyway, thank you all for your support.

Thank you all for the rewards.

Thank you all for your monthly passes, flowers and collections.

Thank you all for your comments, support and suggestions.

To be honest, these supports have given me a lot of encouragement. As a new author, I have been trembling with fear since I started the book, for fear that reality would slap me in the face.

But you showed me that I still have some talent, and my hard work pays off.

Really, I collected 15,000 V before it was put on the shelves, and more than 10,000 flowers, but I still have more than 30 chapters of monthly tickets.

In addition, there are rewards and reminder votes from big guys.

For a new author like me, this is indeed a good result.

You guys are so awesome.

I will not let down your support and continue to bring exciting plots after it is released.

The world of Harry Potter is getting better and better, the protagonist is gradually revealed, and he himself will face greater challenges.

The protagonist's group (hou) and team (gong) are constantly being established, and the research on magic will become more in-depth.

In addition, in addition to the magic line, another line of the protagonist's strength development will also be revealed - the clues have definitely been written down, it depends on whether everyone can guess it.

In addition, there are various magical worlds waiting for the protagonist: World of Warcraft, Xingyue, Magic Forbidden, etc.

If there is anything else about the world you want to see and magic you want to learn, you can mention it in the comment area.

Seriously, the comment section could be more active.

Finally, let me make some requests to everyone.

Please make first order, full order, monthly pass, and flowers.

It will be released at midnight, and there will definitely be more updates on the day it is released. The final exam just ends today, and I am ready to spend a whole day on it. It just depends on how many chapters I can write in a day.

In short, thank you for your support and I will continue to work hard!

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