The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 698: The Island That Will Never Return [Fifth Update]

It is a small island located on the edge of the Ocean Oceanus.

The area of ​​the island is not large. Rather, it is just a common small island.

The scenery of the island is not special, and it is nothing big compared to other common islands.

Ordinary, ordinary coast, ordinary beaches, ordinary vegetation, ordinary flat terrain, ordinary specialties.

Even for the most seafaring adventurers, such a small island is worthless.

However, such an ordinary island that no one remembers or even has a name has been visited frequently recently.

Visitors came from all over Greece, including experienced explorers, powerful warriors, demigods with divine blood, and experienced magicians.

It seems that overnight, this remote island has become a tourist attraction. Wave after wave of visitors risked being overturned by the waves, came here by boat, and entered the small island. island.

However, without exception, none of these visitors were returned.

The only bay on the island suitable for use as a port is evidenced by the dozens of ownerless ships tied up in the bay.

Countless visitors never returned, quickly spreading the island's reputation.

“The island you’ll never return to”

This is what people call it.

According to legend, there is a terrible monster hiding on this island, which is causing harm to the world. The warriors who went to the island set out on the journey just to get rid of this monster and prove themselves.

However, as more and more warriors left and never returned, the island became more and more famous. People believed that the monsters on the island were not something ordinary people could deal with. Only a real hero could defeat them. Its annihilation.

Now, more people are flocking to the island.

Who doesn't want to prove that they are a real hero?

Soon, the act of going to the island and slaying monsters changed from killing evil for the sake of fame to a way for heroes to become famous.

For those warriors who want to become famous overnight, the more people who leave the island and never return, the greater the fame they will gain after successfully slaying the monsters on the island.

Since no one has ever come back alive from the island, people know nothing about the situation on the island, nor do they know what the monsters on the island look like, what methods they have, and how powerful they are.

But the more this happens, the more people are willing to take a gamble.

What if I can defeat the monster?

What if I become famous overnight?

What if I am the most special one?

There are not many people who hold this idea, which has resulted in this nameless island becoming a black hole that swallows life.

Warriors flocked from all over Greece and rushed to the island to try to prove themselves.

Up to now, no one cares about the fact that if the monster has been staying on this isolated island, then how could she cause trouble? She didn't cause trouble, she just hid on a remote island to enclose her own territory. Are cute monsters still monsters?

No, no one cares about that now.

Because everyone says there are monsters there, there are monsters there.

Because everyone said she deserved to die, then she deserved to die.

As long as she dies, the dog will grant them enough fame.

So, what else is there to consider?

This is how the cycle of death unfolds.

This is not the first time that the fishermen living on the west coast of Oceanos have seen someone embarking on a journey in a small boat.

They have even seen several magicians who look mysterious and elegant in robes.

However, this was the first time for them to meet such a young and extraordinary magician like the person in front of them.

"Who's the first time this guy has been there?"

Standing in front of the beach, a dark-skinned fisherman with his bare upper body asked his companion next to him.

"Forty-five? Or forty-six? I can't remember clearly." The shipwright in a short shirt knocked on a half-finished ship and replied casually, "The payment is fine gold coins. He should be a wealthy man from a big city-state."

"I asked these people, why are they so hard to think about?" The fisherman looked quite troubled, "It's obvious that going means death, so why didn't they listen to the advice one after another? In the end, no one came back, but it was your business. Get better."

"I wish my business could be a little worse," the boatman's voice became lower and lower, "Everyone was a great guy, they bought a boat from me, and then they never came back...

What I built is not a boat, this is simply a coffin... They are as big as my son..."

As he talked, the boatman couldn't continue talking.

The hand that was knocking on the ship's nails also stopped listening...

"Yes... they are all great young men, especially this one. He is young and so wise. I think he can become the king's son-in-law. Why can't you think about such a person? "



Looking at the boat that had gone away and the tall figure on the boat, the two of them looked at each other speechless and could only sigh.

The person on the boat was Ye Ting.

As the dean of Mystra Academy and the patron of the goddess of magic, he has been in a high position on the island of Colchis for a long time, staying with the goddess of magic and the goddess of love and beauty. He is assigned any tasks. Leave it to your magician to complete.

In this way, he actually stayed away from the island of Colchis and the land of gentleness this time. Even recently, the sun god Helios and the ocean goddess Perse from the previous generation discussed the important matter of establishing a country on the island of Colchis. All let go.

This is because he has very important things to do during this trip.

That is to personally select some potential helpers for her two goddesses.

Like those warriors who went to the unknown island to "send death", his destination was the island with "countless murders".

But his purpose is completely different from these warriors.

The target he chose was on that island.

Even Ye Ting had to admit that the location of his target island was too remote.

It took him a whole day to reach the small island of 2.7 even though he took a boat blessed by the acceleration spell and set off from the nearest seaside.

This is indeed an island that can be seen to the edge at a glance.

After landing on the island, Ye Ting saw a forest in front of him.

Without thinking, Ye Ting walked straight forward.

The person he was looking for was deep in the woods.

She, or rather they, stay in the temple deep in the woods.

The woods were not deep, and it took only about ten minutes for Ye Ting to see the stone temple hidden in it.

In the past, this temple was very spectacular and gorgeous, but now, what is displayed in front of Ye Ting is just a dilapidated building. Both the stone bricks and the columns are full of cracks and weathered places. It has obviously not been maintained for a long time. .

But after approaching the temple, Ye Ting felt a special sacred power.

That is the power of God.

In this temple, the real god lives. .

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