Realizing that Medea had finally appeared, Jason and the heroes wanted to step forward.

However, they were all stopped by Ye Ting.

"Shouldn't we ask how to stop Dragon now?"

Jason asked.

Ye Ting just waved his hand and pointed to his ear.

"Listen carefully."

Medea, who was riding a unicorn, slowly came to Dragon's side, but Dragon just glanced at her without making any unnecessary movements, as if they were very familiar with each other.

And Medea didn't make any unnecessary moves, she just sat on Lori's back, closed her beautiful eyes slightly, and then sang a song.

The beautiful and incredible girl's song reached the ears of the Argonauts.

"Let our children sleep in their mother's arms,

Let the mother's hope rest on her child's dreams.

When the March sun gently touches the earth,

The spring breeze also brings news of the growing grass..."

The sweet voice of the girl flows through the hearts of the listeners like a clear spring, making people feel as if they are in the arms of their mother, warm, comfortable, and relaxed.

The sound reached the ears of the Argonauts, which relieved them a lot, who had been nervous about Dragon.

"What a beautiful singing voice..." Orpheus, who loves music the most, sighed, "It's really touching. The girl's singing voice is the most touching."

"What is she doing? What's the point of singing?"

However, Argonauts 030 were still a little confused, but with Ye Ting's insistence, they were still waiting patiently.

Soon, a magical scene appeared.

Listening to Medea's singing, Dragon began to lie on the ground with his body crossed, feeling that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier.

Soon, Dragon snored huge amounts and fell into a deep sleep.

"How is this possible?" The heroes looked at each other, feeling a little magical.

Such a terrifying Dragon actually fell asleep because of a girl's singing?

Although they all admitted that the girl's singing voice was quite beautiful, it couldn't possibly have such a powerful effect. That was Dragon.

Confused about which Dragon is performing?

In fact, all this happened very really, and Dragon did not mean to act - in order to really hide it from the Olympus gods, Ye Ting could not let him enjoy it here.

It literally fell into a deep sleep because of Medea's song.

And the reason is not complicated.

On the one hand, it's because Medea's magic is indeed powerful enough. The principle of this magic is similar to the Siren's Song. It uses music to moisturize things and silently add the influence of magic to people's hearts, making people inadvertently affected by magic. .

The caster is Medea, a talented magical girl, and her singing voice is also great, so the effect is even better.

On the other hand, and the more critical aspect is that Dragon has no defense against Medea, and it is also unprepared for this.

Otherwise, with Dragon's magic resistance and willpower, it would be possible to at least fight hard.

The Argonauts here didn't believe what was happening at first, but soon they tasted the effect of the singing.

As the singing continued to ring in their ears, gradually, the heroes began to feel extremely peaceful inside, as if everything had nothing to do with them, and there was only themselves in the warm embrace of heaven and earth.

Then they began to feel that their eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and their consciousness gradually became blurred.

Their bodies instinctively sat down against the big tree, or lay directly on the ground. Before their consciousness fell into sleep, they suddenly realized that Medea's beautiful singing indeed had the magic power to put people into deep sleep.

However, they were completely bewildered by the singing and now they could no longer think of any resistance, so they fell into a deep sleep.

I do not know how long it has been.

Jason suddenly felt that he was awakened by an inexplicable force. His consciousness woke up from Chaos and trance almost instantly. When he sat up, he realized that he was actually listening to singing. In the process, I fell asleep unknowingly.

But now, he can no longer hear any singing in his ears.

Around him, other heroes are also waking up from their dreams.

————As expected, Medea’s singing voice is very hypnotic and capable. Could it be that we have all been asleep for a long time?

Jason was shocked. In this case, they might have missed the opportunity to steal the Golden Fleece.

So he looked at Ye Ting. After Jason woke up, he looked around (bbcd). Among the group of heroes who woke up from sleep, he was the only one who seemed to be awake all the time.

Seemingly seeing his worry, Ye Ting said immediately.

"Don't worry, you just slept for ten minutes [I woke you up."

Jason breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked in the direction of Dragon, where Dragon was still sleeping, and there seemed to be snoring between his violent breathing, but Jason didn't hear any sound.

Beside Dragon, Medea was still sitting on the back of the unicorn, with her eyes closed and her lips slightly parted, as if she was still singing, but he couldn't hear any singing.

"What's going on?" he asked again.

"I have placed soundproof nodules nearby." Ye Ting explained, "Otherwise I wouldn't be able to wake you up."

"As expected of Ye Ting, he is really reliable." Jason felt relieved and looked in the direction of Dragon.

"So, how are we going to steal the Golden Fleece?" He looked at Ye Ting expectantly, "If you get out of the nodule range, you will hear singing."

"Yes," Ye Ting nodded, "This song is magical. Just covering your ears can't stop the singing. However, I can apply a 'deafness spell'. Although it is a magic with negative effects, here This situation can prevent Hypnotic Ability."

"Then cast this magic on Atalanta." Jason immediately looked at the treetops and said, "Let the fastest girl complete the task of taking away the Golden Fleece. Atalanta, what do you think?" how?"

On the treetops, Atalanta stretched out her body like a kitten that had just woken up. When she heard Jason's proposal, she agreed without any consideration.

"I see."

Then, she jumped down lightly and landed silently.

Ye Ting casually snapped his fingers and nodded to her, indicating that the magic was finished.

Sure enough, Atalanta felt that as a hunter, her keen hearing had been lost. The original sound of wind, insects, people's words and breathing in the woods had all disappeared.

"It's really a terrible magic. Just this one thousand has disabled my perception ability a lot.

As a hunter and archer, hearing is a very important ability for her.

Whether it is to perceive the surrounding environment, track enemies and prey, or even judge the attacks of arrows and weapons in battle, hearing is an essential ability for her.

But the magician made her lose her hearing with just one spell. If such a person were an enemy, it would be a huge headache for her as a hunter.

But now is not the time to think about that.

After confirming that she would not be affected by Medea's singing, Atalanta immediately walked cautiously in the direction of Dragon.

Damn it, I feel like I have been sealed by the game and Bilibili...I was really wrong, I'm sorry.

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